The Arabian Nights Entertainments, vol 1 | Page 3

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than to reform our manners.


I have read, by order of my Lord Chancellor, this manuscript, and find
nothing in it that should hinder its being printed.
(Signed) Fontenelle.
Paris, October 4. 1706.

Arabian Nights Entertainments.

The chronicles of the Susanians, the ancient kings of Persia, who

extended their empire into the Indies, over all the islands thereunto
belonging, a great way beyond the Ganges, and as far as China,
acquaint us, that there was formerly a king of that potent family, the
most excellent prince of his time; he was as much beloved by his
subjects for his wisdom and prudence, as he was dreaded by his
neighbours because of his valour, and his warlike and well-disciplined
troops. He had two sons; the eldest Schahriar, the worthy heir of his
father, and endowed with all his virtues. The youngest, Schahzenan,
was likewise a prince of incomparable merit.
After a long and glorious reign, the king died; and Schahriar mounted
his throne. Schahzenan being excluded from all share of the
government by the laws of the empire, and obliged to live a private life,
was so far from envying the happiness of his brother, that he made it
his whole business to please him, and effected it without much
difficulty. Schahriar, who had naturally a great affection for that prince,
was so charmed with his complaisance, that, out of an excess of
friendship, he would needs divide his dominions with him, and gave
him the kingdom of Great Tartary: Schahzenan went immediately and
took possession of it, and fixed the seat of his government at
Samarcande, the metropolis of the country,
After they had been separated ten years, Schahriar, having a passionate
desire to see his brother, resolved to send an embassador to invite him
to his court. He made choice of his prime vizier for the embassy, sent
him to Tartary with a retinue answerable to his dignity, and he made all
possible haste to Samarcande. When he came near the city, Schahzenan
had notice of it, and went to meet him with the principal lords of his
court; who, to put the more honour on the sultan's minister, appeared in
magnificent apparel. The king of Tartary received the embassador with
the greatest demonstrations of joy, and immediately asked him
concerning the welfare of the sultan, his brother. The vizier, having
acquainted him that he was in health, gave him an account of his
embassy. Schahzenan was so much affected with it, that he answered
thus:--"Sage vizier, the sultan, my brother, does me too much honour;
he could propose nothing in the world more acceptable; I long as
passionately to see him as he does to see me. Time has been no more
able to diminish my friendship than his. My kingdom is in peace, and I
desire no more than ten days to get myself ready to go with you; so that

there is no necessity of your entering the city for so short a time; I pray
you to pitch your tents here, and I will order provisions in abundance
for yourself and company."
The vizier did accordingly; and as soon as the king returned, he sent
him a prodigious quantity of provisions of all sorts, with presents of
great value.
In the mean while, Schahzenan made ready for his journey, took orders
about his most important affairs, appointed a council to govern in his
absence, and named a minister, of whose wisdom he had sufficient
experience, and in whom he had entire confidence, to be their president.
At the end of ten days, his equipage being ready, he took his leave of
the queen, his wife, and went out of town in the evening with his
retinue, pitching his royal pavilion near the vizier's tent, and discoursed
with that embassador till midnight. But willing once more to embrace
the queen, whom he loved entirely, he returned alone to his palace, and
went straight to her majesty's apartment; who, not expecting his return,
had taken one of the meanest officers of the household to her bed,
where they lay both fast asleep, having been in bed a considerable
The king entered without any noise and pleased himself to think how
he should surprise his wife, who, he thought, loved him as entirely as
he did her; but how strange was his surprise, when, by the light of the
flambeaus, which burn all night in the apartments of those eastern
princes, he saw a man in her arms! He stood immovable for a time, not
knowing how to believe his own eyes; but finding it was not to be
doubted, How! says he to himself, I am scarce out of my palace, and
but just under the walls of Samarcande, and dare they
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