The Annual Catalogue (1737) | Page 5

W. Warner
depend, &c. J. Wilford, 6d.
Elegy on the lamentable Death of the truly beloved Lady, Madam Geneva, T. Cooper, 6d.
Ellis's (Will.) new Experiments in Husbandry for the Month of April, Mess. Fox, Meadows, Astley, 2s.
Elwall's (E.) Grand Question in Religion considered, whether we shall obey God or Man, Christ or his Apostles, &c. J. Noon, 6d.
Emblems for the Entertainment of Youth, 62 Copper Plates, R. Ware, 2s. 6d.
England's Doom, a Poem, R. Amey, 6d.
English Presbyterian Eloquence, by an Admirer of Episcopy, J. Roberts, 6d.
Enquiry (An) into the Life and Writings of Homer, 2d. Edit. with Copper Plates, J. Oswald, 6s.
Epistle (An) to a Young Nobleman from his Preceptor, L. Gilliver, 1s.
Epistle (An) to his Grace the D. of Grafton, on the Marriage of the Prince of Wales, with the Princess of Saxa Gotha, A. Dodd, 1s.
Epistle (An) to the Quakers upon the losing their Tythe-Bill, J. Roberts, 6d.
Erasmus Mori? Encomium: Or, The Praise of Folly, transl. by Bp. Kennet, 5th Edit. J. Wilford, 3s. 6d.
Essay on the Sinking Fund, &c. J. Peele, 1s.
Every Man his own Lawyer: Or, A Summary of the Laws of England in a New Method so plainly treated of, that all Persons may be acquainted with our Laws, J. Hazard, S. Birt, C. Corbett, 5s.
Examination (An) of Mr Samuel Chandler's History of Persecution, J. Roberts, 1s.
Expostulatory (An) Letter from One of the People called Quakers to the Craftsman, T. Cooper, 6d.
Fall of Bob, a Tragedy, J. Purser, 6d.
Fatal Conveyances of Ministerial Influence, &c. A. Dodd, 1s.
Father Francis and Sister Constance, a Poem from a Story in the Spectator, &c. L. Gilliver, 5s.
Father's Advice to his Son, to fix his Mind on Matters of Importance, J. Roberts, 1s. 6d.
Favourite Songs in the New Opera Adriano, J. Walsh, 2s. 6d.
Female (The) Rake: Or, Modern Fine Lady, a Ballad Comedy, Mrs Coke, 1s.
Fenwick's (Geo.) Sermon at Leicester, July 14, 1736, at the Triennial Visitation of the Bp. of Lincoln, T. Longman, 6d.
Fielding's (Hen.) Pasquin, a Drammatic Satire on the Times, J. Watts, (Vid. K.) 1s. 6d.
First (The) Book for Children: Being an Attempt to make the Art of reading English easy and pleasant, A. Cruden, 6d.
Fleming's (Cal.) plain Account of the Law of the Sabbath, D. Farmer, 1s.
Fleurey's (Card.) new Ecclesiastical History translated into English by Mr Jefferies, E. Curl, 4s.
Foedera Conventiones, Liter? & cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica, &c. Vol. 20, J. Tonson, 2l. 10s.
Fontine's (M. des) History of the Revolutions of Poland, &c. T. Woodward, 5s.
Foquet's Councels of Wisdom, &c. translated into English, C. Rivington, 12s.
Forbes's (Dr) View of the Public Transactions in the Reign of Q. Eliz. 2 Vols. in Sheets 2l. 2s.
Foster's (Jam.) Second Letter to Dr Stebbing on the Subject of Heresy, J. Noon, 1s.
Four Satires on National Vices, &c. T. Cooper, 1s.
Fourth (The) Commandment abrogated from the Gospel, J. Roberts, 6d.
Frankz's (Tho.) Philosoph. Dissertation on the Doctrine of Eclipses, &c. J. Wilford, 6d.
Frederick and Augusta: An Ode, by a Quaker, J. Roberts, 6d.
Free Parliaments: Or, An Argument on the Constitution, &c. D. Browne, 4s.
Free Thinkers, 3 Vols. 2d Edit. O. Payne, 9s.
Friendly (A) Admonition to the Drinkers of Brandy, &c. M. Downing, 3d.
Friendship in Death. To which is added Letters Moral and Entertaining in Prose and Verse, 3 Pts by the same Author, T. Worrall, 5s.
Gallantries (The) of the Spaw in Germany, from the French, 2 Vols. 5s.
Gallick Reports: Or, A Collection of Criminal Cases adjudged in France: Containing an Account of Arnold du Tilh, an Imposter, who deceived a Man's Wife and Relations, and puzzled the Parliament of France. Memoirs of Madam Brinvillers, who poisoned her Father and two Brothers, &c. The Case of Madam Tiquet, beheaded for attempting the Life of her Husband, &c. J. Worrall, 3s.
Gardener's (Wm.) Weeks Conversation on the Plurality of Worlds, A. Bettesworth, 2s. 6d.
Garth's Ovid's Metamorphosis, 2 Vols. Cuts, J. Tonson, 6s.
Gartshere's (Geo.) Wisdom of the Apostles preaching; in a Sermon preached at Wigton before the Synod of Galloway, A. Cruden, 6d.
Gee's Trade and Navagat. of Great Brit. &c. Cons.
General Dict. No. 31, to 44, J. Shugburgh, each, 3s.
General (The) History of China, &c. translated from the Work of Pere du Halde, by Robert Brookes, M.A. 4 vols. J. Watts, 1l. 1s.
Gentleman's Companion, and Tradesman's Delight, shewing the Manner of Dying, Colouring, Painting, &c. C. Corbett, 2s. 6d.
Geoffroy's (Geo.) Treatise of the Fossil, Vegetable and Animal Substances used in Physick, &c. J. Innys, &c. 5s.
Georgia, a Poem, Tomo Chachi, an Ode on Mr Oglethorpe's second Voyage to Georgia, J. Roberts, 1s.
Gibbs's Rules for Drawing the several Parts of Architecture. Sold by the Author in Henrietta-street, Marybone Fields, in Sheets, 1l. 11s. 6d.
Gibbs's (Phil.) Improvement of Short Hand, T. Cox, R. Hett, 10s. 6d.
Gill's (John) Cause of God and Truth: Being a Vindication of the Principal Passages in Scripture, &c. 2 Parts, A. Ward, 6s. 6d.
Glocester's (Bp.) Sermon before
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