The Ancient Life History of the Earth | Page 3

Henry Alleyne Nicholson
of high-level and low-level gravels--Nature and mode of formation of cavern-deposits--Kent's Cavern-Post--Pliocene deposits of the southern hemisphere.
Life of the Post-Pliocene period--Effect of the coming on and departure of the Glacial period upon the animals inhabiting the northern hemisphere--Birds of the Post-Pliocene--Mammalia of the Post-Pliocene--Climate of the Post-Glacial period as deduced from the Post-Glacial Mammals--Occurrence of the bones and implements of Man in Post-Pliocene deposits in association with the remains of extinct Mammalia--Literature relating to the Post-Pliocene period.
The succession of life upon the globe--Gradual and successive introduction of life-forms--What is meant by "lower" and "higher" groups of animals and plants--Succession in time of the great groups of animals in the main corresponding with their zoological order--Identical phenomena in the vegetable kingdom--Persistent types of life--High organisation of many early forms--Bearings of Pal?ontology on the general doctrine of Evolution.
APPENDIX.--Tabular view of the chief Divisions of the Animal Kingdom.

FIG. 1. Cast of Trigonia longa. 2. Microscopic section of the wood of a fossil Conifer. 3. Microscopic section of the wood of the Larch. 4. Section of Carboniferous strata, Kinghorn, Fife. 5. Diagram illustrating the formation of stratified deposits. 6. Microscopic section of a calcareous breccia. 7. Microscopic section of White Chalk. 8. Organisms in Atlantic Ooze. 9. Crinoidal marble. 10. Piece of Nummulitic limestone, Pyramids. 11. Microscopic section of Foraminiferal limestone--Carboniferous, America. 12. Microscopic section of Lower Silurian limestone. 13. Microscopic section of oolitic limestone, Jurassic. 14. Microscopic section of oolitic limestone, Carboniferous. 15. Organisms in Barbadoes earth. 16. Organisms in Richmond earth. 17. Ideal section of the crust of the earth. 18. Unconformable junction of Chalk and Eocene rocks. 19. Erect trunk of a Sigillaria. 20. Diagrammatic section of the Laurentian rocks. 21. Microscopic section of Laurentian limestone. 22. Fragment of a mass of Eozo?n Canadense. 23. Diagram illustrating the structure of Eozo?n. 24. Microscopic section of Eozo?n Canadense. 25. Nonionina and Gromia. 26. Group of shells of living Foraminifera. 27. Diagrammatic section of Cambrian strata. 28. Eophyton Linneanum. 29. Oldhamia antiqua. 30. Scolithus Canadensis. 31. Group of Cambrian Trilobites. 32. Group of characteristic Cambrian fossils. 33. Fragment of Dictyonema sociale. 34. Generalised section of the Lower Silurian rocks of Wales. 35. Generalised section of the Lower Silurian rocks of North America. 36. Licrophycus Ottawaensis. 37. Astylospongia proemorsa. 38. Stromatopora rugosa. 39. Dichograptus octobrachiatus. 40. Didymograptus divaricatus. 41. Diplograptus pristis. 42. Phyllograptus typus. 43. Zaphrentis Stokesi. 44. Strombodes pentagonus. 45. Columnaria alveolata. 46. Group of Cystideans. 47. Group of Lower Silurian Crustaceans. 48. Ptilodictya falciformis. 49. Ptilodictya Schafferi. 50. Group of Lower Silurian Brachiopods. 51. Group of Lower Silurian Brachiopods. 52. Murchisonia gracilis. 53. Bellerophon argo. 54. Maclurea crenulata. 55. Orthoceras crebriseptum. 56. Restoration of Orthoceras. 57. Generalised section of the Upper Silurian rocks. 58. Monograptus priodon. 59. Halysites catenularia and H. agglomerata. 60. Group of Upper Silurian Star-fishes. 61. Protaster Sedgwickii. 62. Group of Upper Silurian Crinoids. 63. Planolites vulgaris. 64. Group of Upper Silurian Trilobites. 65. Pterygotus Anglicus. 66. Group of Upper Silurian Polyzoa. 67. Spirifera hysterica. 68. Group of Upper Silurian Brachiopods. 69. Group of Upper Silurian Brachiopods. 70. Pentamerus Knightii. 71. Cardiola interrupta, C. fibrosa, and Pterinoea subfalcata. 72. Group of Upper Silurian Univalves. 73. Tentaculites ornatus. 74. Pteraspis Banksii. 75. Onchus tenuistriatus and Thelodus. 76. Generalised section of the Devonian rocks of North America. 77. Psilophyton princeps. 78. Prototaxites Logani. 79. Stromatopora tuberculata. 80. Cystiphyllum vesiculosum. 81. Zaphrentis cornicula. 82. Heliophyllum exiguum. 83. Crepidophyllum Archiaci. 84. Favosites Gothlandica. 85. Favosites hemisphoerica. 86. Spirorbis omphalodes and S. Arkonensis. 87. Spirorbis laxus and S. Spinulifera. 88. Group of Devonian Trilobites. 89. Wing of Platephemera antiqua. 90. Clathropora intertexta. 91. Ceriopora Hamiltonensis. 92. Fenestella magnifica. 93. Retepora Phillipsi. 94. Fenestella cribrosa. 95. Spirifera sculptilis. 96. Spirifera mucronata. 97. Atrypa reticularis. 98. Strophomena rhomboidalis. 99. Platyceras dumosum. 100. Conularia ornata. 101. Clymenia Sedgwickii. 102. Group of Fishes from the Devonian rocks of North America. 103. Cephalaspis Lyellii. 104. Pterichthys cornutus. 105. Polypterus and Osteolepis. 106. Holoptychius nobilissimus. 107. Generalised section of the Carboniferous rocks of the North of England. 108. Odontopteris Schlotheimii. 109. Calamites cannoeformis. 110. Lepidodendron Sternbergii. 111. Sigillaria Groeseri. 112. Stigmaria ficoides. 113. Trigonocarpum ovatum. 114. Microscopic section of Foraminiferal limestone--Carboniferous, North America. 115. Fusulina cylindrica. 116. Group of Carboniferous Corals. 117. Platycrinus tricontadactylus. 118. Pentremites pyriformis and P. conoideus. 119. Archoeocidaris ellipticus. 120. Spirorbis Carbonarius. 121. Prestwichia rotundata. 122. Group of Carboniferous Crustaceans. 123. Cyclophthalmus senior. 124. Xylobius Sigillarioe. 125. Haplophlebium Barnesi. 126. Group of Carboniferous Polyzoa. 127. Group of Carboniferous Brachiopoda. 128. Pupa vetusta. 129. Goniatites Fossoe. 130. Amblypterus macropterus. 131. Cochliodus contortus. 132. Anthracosaurus Russelli. 133. Generalised section of the Permian rocks. 134. Walchia piniformis. 135. Group of Permian Brachiopods. 136. Arca antiqua. 137. Platysomus gibbosus. 138. Protorosaurus Speneri. 139. Generalised section of the Triassic rocks. 140. Zamia spiralis. 141. Triassic Conifers and
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