per cent. on brewery sales--a war tax.
A Malt House. B Kiln. C Dropping Room. D Mill House. E Brewery. F
Working Store. G Vat House and Dry Store. H Bed Room. I Office. K
Dwelling House. L Hop Room. M Stable. N Brewing Yard. O Cooper's
Shed. P Steep.]
The best position for placing a Brewery and Malt house, also the best
aspect, with different arrangements of the Utensils.
Cleanliness being as essential in the brewery as in the dairy, it is of the
greatest importance, never to lose sight of it in every part of the
operations, and particularly in selecting the ground and soil to place a
brewery on. The situation to be preferred should be an elevated one,
and the soil either sand or gravel, as it is of great importance in the
preservation of beer that the cellars be dry and sufficiently ventilated by
windows properly disposed. If the cellars of the brewery be under
ground, it would be very desirable to have them kept sweet and clean
by properly constructed sewers, without which, pumping by a hand or a
horse power is a poor substitute, as by this means (which we find too
common in breweries) the washings of the cellars have time to become
putrid, particularly in summer, emitting the most offensive and
unwholesome effluvia, contaminating the atmosphere, and frequently
endangering both the health and lives of the workmen. This is a serious
evil, and should in all cases, as much as possible, be avoided. It is true,
there are times, when a choice of situation cannot be made; in that case,
circumstances must be submitted to, and people do the best they can.
The cellars and coolers of the breweries in this country should have a
northern aspect, and the cellars principally ventilated from east to west.
The windows on the south side of cellars should be always close shut in
summer, and only occasionally opened in winter; the floors of cellars
should be paved with either tile or brick, these being more susceptible
of being kept clean than either pavement or flags, and not so subject to
get out of order. Supposing the brewery to have all its cellars above
ground, which I conceive to be not only practicable, but, in many cases,
preferable to having them under, as more economical, and more cleanly,
particularly where vats for keeping strong beer are constructed on the
plan herein after recommended, in which it is expected the temperature
necessary for keeping beer will be as securely preserved above, as
under ground, and the erections so constructed, as not only to be air,
but fire proof. (See description of these vats.)
A description of the form and plan of a Brewery, distribution of the
Vessels, the most judicious and convenient manner of placing them,
with a view to economy, cleanliness, and effect.
The best plan of a well-constructed brewery I conceive to be that of a
hollow, or oblong square, where all is enclosed by one or two gateways,
(the latter the most complete,) parallel to each other. The first gateway,
forming the brewery entrance, to pass through the dwelling house; the
second, or corresponding gateway, to pass through the opposite side of
the square, into an outer yard, well enclosed with walls and sheds,
containing cooper's shop, &c. where all the empty casks might be
securely preserved from the injury of wind and weather. This yard
should be further sufficiently large to afford room for a hay reek,
firewood, dung, &c. The brewery office should be placed in the
passage of the outer gateway, so that every thing going in and out
might be seen by those who are in the office. The dwelling house, vat
house, and working store, to form one side of the brewery. The malt
house, another. The kiln house, dropping room, and stable, a third side.
The brewery, mill house, and hop room, to form the fourth side; thus
completed, it would form a square, and afford security to whatever was
contained within it, when the gates are locked. The sky cooler is,
generally, the most elevated vessel in the brewery, and when properly
constructed, is of great importance in facilitating both brewing and
malting operations, as it usually supplies the whole quantity of water
wanted in both. It commands the copper, and, of course, all the other
vessels of the brewery: it may be so constructed as to form a complete
roof to the mill loft, and in that situation be most conveniently placed
for being filled from the water cistern, which should be placed
contiguous to the mill walk, and so raised to the sky cooler by one or
more pumps worked by the mill, with a one,
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