The American Missionary | Page 5

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contain a population of about 2,000,000 white people,
largely of Scotch Irish descent, of whom 70 per cent, can neither read
nor write. This statement suggests the reflection that if there is one
thing which is more essential than the education of the Southern
Negroes it is the education of the Southern whites.
* * * * *
The Annual Meeting of the American Missionary Association will be
held in Chicago, Ill., commencing October 29. Rev. R.R. Meredith,
D.D., of Brooklyn, N.Y., will preach the sermon.
* * * * *
We would still call attention to our Leaflets for distribution in the pews
on the taking of collections for our Association. We shall be happy to
furnish them to those making application.
* * * * *
The New York Tribune says: "The Rev. Joseph Jordan, who was
ordained in Philadelphia on Sunday, is the first colored man to enter the
ministry of the Universalist Church. He is to engage in mission work in
the South."
* * * * *
_From The Congregationalist._
If report be true, the South Carolina Episcopalians have compromised
their difficulty in the matter of color in a manner which is not likely to
be permanently satisfactory. A portion of the diocesan convention had
seceded because the bishop declared that he could not exclude a
regularly ordained minister who was black. The canon law now has
been amended so as to exclude henceforth all other black men, and the
seceders have returned, consenting to make the best of the one
obnoxious colored man, but indignant because he has not been ejected.
Whether the General Convention will endorse or repudiate this
compromise remains to be seen. In either case the Episcopal branch of
the church might as well abandon its efforts to make headway among
the colored race in that State. So far as we can see, the bishop has made
a manly stand, however, and deserves commendation and sympathy.

But the seceders have shown a sad lack of the true spirit of Christ.
_From The Advance._
There have been in Georgia for ten or more years a number of
Congregational churches and a State Congregational Association. This
included, along with the pastors of colored churches, the President and
some of the Professors in Atlanta University. Last year, when that
interesting body of churches hitherto known as Congregational
Methodists, saw fit to take measures for becoming in name as well as in
fact Congregationalists, a "Georgia Congregational Conference" was
formed, a committee was also appointed to confer with the previously
existing Congregational Association, with a view to the right
adjustment of relations between the members of the two organizations.
We publish on another page the reply recently addressed by the
"Association" to the "Conference," with a view to unity on terms that
would be in themselves Christian and agreeable to both the parties
interested, as well as acceptable to Congregationalists everywhere. All
of our churches have an interest in a matter of such significance, as
they would also be sensitive to the reproach of there being two distinct
Congregational Associations in the same State, separated from each
other on the un-Christian caste line of race and color. With the temper
and spirit manifest in the communication referred to, it would seem that
the way is now open for a happy consummation of Congregational
fellowship in the State of Georgia, on terms which not only
Congregationalists but Christians of every name at the North will
warmly approve and applaud.
_From The Independent._
The members of the Presbyterian General Assembly can go home from
New York assured that they have vindicated truth and righteousness.
The one vital, vicious fault in the report of the Conference Committee
of the Northern and Southern Presbyterian Churches on Co-operation
was amended out of it and as it now stands adopted it gives not even by
implication any support to the unchristian doctrine of separate
presbyteries and synods for black and half-white Presbyterians.
When the General Assembly met a year ago the Church had been
somewhat stirred up, though the leaders and editors generally seemed
so anxious for a proud reunion that they were ready to forget the wrong
proposed to the colored brothers. Indeed, a volunteer commission of

editors and managers had gone all through the South visiting the
synods of the Northern Church where the Negroes were in the majority,
persuading them that it would be better for them to go by themselves
and get their share of the honors. Not willing to be an obstacle, the
Negroes had very generally yielded to the persuasions of their kind
But there were a number of earnest men who were not willing to yield
the principle, and who would make a fight. It was
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