The American Missionary | Page 2

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our readers before the last Sunday of
the month. We urgently appeal to our friends to make a grand rally on
that day for our relief.
* * * * *
The forty-second Annual Meeting of the American Missionary
Association will be held at Providence, R.I., Oct. 23-25. The meeting
will open promptly at 3 o'clock, Tuesday P.M., Oct. 23. On Tuesday
evening, the annual sermon will be preached by Rev. Arthur Little,
D.D., of Chicago. Those purposing to be present and wishing
entertainment are requested to write to Mr. G.E. Luther, Secretary of
Committee of Entertainment, Providence, R.I. (See the last page of the
* * * * *
By our Constitution it will be observed that the following persons are
entitled to vote at the annual meetings of this Association: Members of
evangelical churches who have been constituted life members by the
payment of $30 into its treasury, with the written declaration at the time
or times of payment that the sum is to be applied to constitute a
designated person a life member, such membership beginning sixty
days after the payment; delegates chosen to attend the annual meeting
by evangelical churches which have within a year contributed to the
funds of the Association, such churches being entitled to send two
delegates each. Each State Conference or Association is also entitled to
send two delegates. Such delegates are members of the Association for
the year for which they were appointed.
We sincerely urge our patrons to avail themselves of the opportunity

thus afforded to participate in the management of the trusts of this
Association, hoping that by so doing they will share more fully in the
responsibility of its work and become more helpful in furthering its
development in years to come.
* * * * *
We are happy to announce the return of Rev. Dr. Beard. He attended
the London Missionary Conference, as the delegate of the American
Missionary Association, and presented a paper on "History of Missions
among the North American Indians." He was called by a telegram to
Florence to the sick bed of two of his children, one of them very
severely ill. Both recovered and he now returns to America, himself
and family in excellent health. During his absence, he preached in his
former pulpit in the American Church in Paris, and met many of his
former parishioners. He had become greatly attached to that church and
much interested in the very successful McAll Mission, to which he was
greatly helpful. We welcome him once more to his chosen field in the
work of the A.M.A., where he will find ample room for the exertion of
his best energies.
* * * * *
The executive committee of the American Missionary Association has
unanimously appointed the Rev. Frank E. Jenkins a Field
Superintendent, to examine and report upon the work of our schools
and churches in our Southern field. Mr. Jenkins is a graduate of
Williams College, Massachusetts, and has had some years' experience
as a principal of advanced schools. He is a graduate of Hartford
Theological Seminary, and has been engaged successfully in our work
in the South. Some parts of the field are already well known to him,
and with others he will make immediate acquaintance. We commend
him to our missionary teachers and preachers in the field, as a beloved
Christian brother whose heart is in full sympathy with our work. We
trust that the relationships which will be established, will be fruitful in
helpfulness. His residence will be in Chattanooga, Tenn.
* * * * *

The prevalence of yellow fever at Jacksonville, Fla., and the danger of
its spreading into the towns and cities of the southeast, will make it
wise for us to delay for a time the opening of a few of our schools in
that region. In former years some of our teachers, while at their posts,
were caught by this malignant scourge and they faced the danger
bravely--some of them laying down their lives and others permanently
impairing their healths, by taking care of the smitten ones. Such
heroism is demanded when the danger comes, but it does not seem best
to seek the danger. A little delay in some places, we hope, will be all
that is necessary.
* * * * *
By the time these pages reach our readers, most of our workers will
have resumed their labors in the South. Many of the ministers and a
few of the teachers have remained at their posts all summer, but the
schools have been closed. Work in the cotton fields has called for the
younger pupils, the summer schools have given employment to the
older ones, while rest and a change of climate have been required by
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