The Allis Family | Page 7

American Sunday School Union
pitying poor Annie and asking questions, they placed the child on the
bed beside her. There it laughed and crowed merrily and stretched out
its little dimpled hands, while Annie, unable to smile in return,
wondered how it could be so happy when she was so wretched.
It was late when Mr. Allis came in; and upon examining the foot he
said the thorn would have to be cut out in the morning. In vain a
soothing poultice was applied to the wound. Annie scarcely closed her
eyes all night. Worse than that: she kept her mother awake, although
she tried hard to be patient and bear the pain as well as she could. In the
morning her father sharpened his penknife and cut out the thorn. Of
course he was very careful, but it did hurt sadly. It was many days
before the poor foot got well; and I think Annie Allis will remember

her mother's "_reasons_" for refusing to go without her shoes for many
a day.
* * * * *

No sooner had Annie and Susie made acquaintance with some of the
children in the neighbourhood than they began to make frequent visits
at Mr. Allis's house. Both father and mother thought it desirable that the
little girls should associate with other children; but they dreaded the
effect of so much society and so many new influences on the hearts of
the little girls. More than this: there were some among those that visited
them frequently, who seemed to be almost any thing but desirable
companions for the children. Once or twice Mrs. Allis had observed
something in the manners and conversation of Jane Smith which led
her to suspect that she was a bad girl. Accordingly, she told Annie and
Susie that she wished they would, as much as possible, avoid her
society. Notwithstanding all she could say, however, Jane was often at
the house; and the children became very fond of her. She could tell so
many interesting stories and say so many witty things, and had so much
to communicate that was new to them, that they seemed almost
fascinated by her.
One Saturday afternoon Mrs. Allis was unusually busy, and Jane came
to pay another visit. In spite of her cares, she, however, contrived to
find amusement for the girls in her own presence. After tea, Jane took
her bonnet to go home, and Susie begged permission to walk a short
distance with her, to gather prairie-flowers. Mrs. Allis hesitated, but at
length gave her consent, specifying the distance which she might go.
Scarcely had they started on their walk, when Jane remarked,--
"I declare! it's mean in your mother to keep you so dreadful close, just
as though you didn't know enough to take care of yourself!"
"Mother isn't mean; and you must not say so, Jane, or I shall go right
"What! You're mad, are you? Well, I'm sure I don't care, if you don't;
but I'm glad my mother don't do so, anyway!"
Susie now turned the conversation, and told Jane that Miss Wilson was
making new bonnets for her and Annie. After some questions as to
what kind of bonnets they were, and how they were trimmed, Jane

"When are they going to be done?"
"I suppose they are done to-day; but we shall not get them until some
time next week, for it is too late for father to go to-night, and he is very
tired besides."
"Why don't you go and get them yourself? I would."
"Oh, it's too far to go."
"Nonsense! It's only two miles."
"But mother did not send me: she would have sent me if she had
wished me to go."
"Pooh! she thought you would be afraid to go! I'll warrant she would be
glad enough to see the bonnets home. Come along, now! I'll go with
you. You know you can't go to meeting tomorrow if you don't get your
"Oh, yes: we can wear our clean sun-bonnets."
"Wear your sun-bonnet to meeting! I'd stay at home first!"
"I wouldn't stay at home first! But I would like a new bonnet, too. I
would go and get it if I thought mother would like it."
"Like it! why, to-be-sure she will! Come along."
With hesitating steps Susie went on. Just before her was the point
which her mother had made the limit of her walk. She felt no desire to
disobey her mother; but the thought of surprising her by bringing home
the new bonnets unexpectedly was quite a temptation. Then it would be
so pleasant to have them, too; she wanted to see how they looked very
much indeed. Why could she not walk very fast and get back soon? She
looked at the
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