_W.W. Bailey_ 126 Martinmas Goose, The Editorial 243 Maximilian Morningdew's Advice, Mr. Julian Hawthorne 74 Millerism Editorial 10 Minster at Ulm, The Editorial 158 Misers, About Betsy Drew 99 Mother is Here! 20 Morning Dew Editorial 76 Morning and Evening Editorial 242 Mountain Land of Western North Carolina _J.A. Oertel_ 52 Mountain Land of Western North Carolina _J.A. Oertel_ 214 Mountains, In the Editorial 16 Mouse Shoes _Lolly Dinks's Mother_ 197 Music in the Alps Editorial 33
Necessity of Believing Something Jean Paul 31 Neighbor Over the Way, My. (Poem) _G.W. Scars_ 110 Newport, At. (Poem) _Geo. H. Boker_ 10 Niagara Editorial 213 Noble Savage, The 110 Nooning, The 16
Oblivion Browne 120 October _W.W. Bailey_ 192 Old Maid's Village, The _Kate F. Hill_ 26 Old Oaken Bucket, The Editorial 152 Othello, How Rossini Wrote _L.C. Bullard_ 91 Out of the Deeps Elizabeth Stoddard 94
Painted Boats on Painted Seas Hiram Rich 201 Patriotism and Powder Editorial 132 Pavilions on the Lake, The. (From the French) _H.S. Conant_ 14 Pepito Lucy Ellen Guernsey 212 Perkins, Granville 48 Peruvians, Among the Editorial 24 Play for a Heart, A. (From the German) _H.S. Conant_ 54 Pleasure-Seeking Editorial 240 Poet's Rivers Editorial 70 Portugal, Wanderings in Editorial 224 Pottery, Ancient _S.F. Corkran_ 72 Prince and Peasant. (From the German,) _H.S. Conant_ 196 Puddle Party, The _Lolly Dinks's Mother_ 83 Punishment after Death. (From the Danish) James Watkins 218 Puss Asleep Henry Richards 143
Queen's Closet, The _Lolly Dinks's Mother_ 27
Rainy Day, The. (Poem) _H.W. Longfellow_ 120 Raymondskill, The _E.C. Stedman_ 154 Real Romance, The Julian Hawthorne 10 Ruse de Guerre. (Poem) _H.B. Bostwick_ 63
School-Children Editorial 198 Scissor Family, The _Lolly Dinks's Mother_ 144 Secret, A. (Poem) _Julia C.R. Dorr_ 212 September Reverie, A Editorial 172 Serious Case, A Editorial 203 Shadows Julian Hawthorne 142 Shakspeare Celebrations Editorial 90 Shakspeare Portraits _R.H. Stoddard_ 103 Shameful Death. (Poem) _Wm. Morris_ 83 Shrews _A.S. Isaacs_ 63 Simple Suggestion, A _Mary E. Bradley_ 216 Smallpox, Worse than _L.E. Guernsey_ 157 Snow-Bird, The Gilbert Burling 207 Song Sparrow, The Gilbert Burling 32 Song or Wood Thrush, The Gilbert Burling 66 Sonnet Alfred Tennyson 67 Sparrows' City, The. (Poem) George Cooper 165 Stael, Baroness de, The Salon of. (From the French) 43 Story of Coeho, The _R.B. Davey_ 71 Street Scene in Cairo, A Editorial 239 Stuffing Birds January Searle 246 Summer Fallacies _C.D. Shanly_ 176 Sunshine Julian Hawthorne 92 Superstition Bacon 56 Swift, Dean Lady Mary Wortley Montague 53
Temple of Canova, The Editorial 203 Thievish Animals Editorial 238 Thistle-Down. (Poem) _W.W. Bailey_ 145 Tired Mothers. (Poem) _Mrs. A. Smith_ 172 Tropic Forest, A. (Poem) Montgomery 20 Trout Fishing _C.D. Shanly_ 141 Truants, The 40 Two _J.C.R. Dorr_ 152 Two Gazels of Hafiz Henry Richards 145 Two Lives, The. (Poem) _S.W. Duffield_ 201 Two Queens in Westminster. (Poem) _H. Morford_ 132
Uncollected Poems 50 Uncollected Poems by Campbell. Editorial 144 Uncollected Poems by "L.E.L." Editorial 94 Uttmann, Barbara. (From the German) 66
Venice, A Glimpse of Editorial 13 Violins, About _J.D. Elwell_ 36 Virginia, On the Eastern Shore of _Mary E. Bradley_ 79
Water Ballad _S.T. Coleridge_ 67 Weber (Von), Karl Maria Editorial 206 Wine and Kisses. (Poem) From the Persian Joel Benton 27 Winter-Green. (Poem) _Mary E. Bradley_ 90 Winter Pictures from the Poets Editorial 14 Winter Scenes Editorial 230 Wolf, Calf and Goat, The _?sop, Junior_ 124 Woman in Art _E.B. Leonard_ 145 Woman's Eternity, A _E.B.L._ 204 Woman's Place Editorial 162 Wood or Summer Ducks Editorial 187 Woods, In the. (Poem) _G.W. Sears_ 192 Woods Out in the. (Poem) _Mary E. Bradley_ 126 Wordsworth Taine 33 Wyoming Valley Editorial 36
Young Robin Hunter, The Editorial 60
Zekle's Courtin' Editorial 30
Adirondack Scenery _G.H. Smillie_ 97 Advance in Winter, The 236 After the Storm Schenck 231 After the Storm a Calm. (I, II, III, IV,) 244 Agnes _R.E. Piguet_ 112 Albai, View on the River 183 American Robin, The Gilbert Burling 227 Artistic Evening, An 248 At Home 239 Ausable, Morning on the _G.H. Smillie_ 41
Babes in the Wood, The _John S. Davis_ 222 Badger Hunting _L. Beckmann_ 226 Blood Money Victor Nehlig 190 Blowing Hot and Cold _John S. Davis_ 142 Blowing Rock _R.E. Piguet_ 57 Blue-Birds Gilbert Burling 163 Bonnie Brook, near Rahway _R.E. Piguet_ 112 Bridal Veil Granville Perkins 154 Bridge of Sighs, The (View of) 13 Bridge of Sighs (Hood's) _Georgie A. Davis_ 49 Building of the Ship, The _T. Beech_ 89
Capella Imperfeita, Archway in the 44 Casa do Capitulo, The 224 Casa do Capitulo, Window in the 46 Castle of Meran, The. (Frontispiece) _C. Heyn_. Opp. 189 Caught At Last 238 Cedar Birds Gilbert Burling 85 Chase, After the David Neal 219 Christmas Visitors Guido Hammer 231 Coming Out of School Vautier 12 Crossing the Moor After _F.F. Hill_ 228
December and May _W.H. Davenport_ 146 Death Chase, The 236 Deer Family, The

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