The Air Ship Boys | Page 3

H.L. Sayler
sharply and they fell again into a steady walk. For the curious onlookers through whom the strange little caravan passed the lad by the side of the truck seemed to have no concern. A traveling cap was pushed back from his young face and his keen and alert eyes and the tone of his voice indicated a quality that goes with those born to command.
"Hello, Ned," came a ringing greeting from Alan as he ran forward. "They were afraid you wouldn't get here. But I knew you would. It's only a minute or two. Hurry."
"Four," said the new arrival cheerfully and confidently.
He gave his left hand to Alan and a better welcome in a cheery word of greeting, but his right hand did not leave the truck. Nor did his eyes leave it except for a moment.
"And the Major?" asked the new arrival as the truck rumbled on.
"Waiting to bid us good-bye."
"Everything aboard and shipshape?"
"Everything but this," and Alan glanced at the black case on the truck.
"I've carried it a thousand miles like a baby," laughed Ned. "Rode with it all the way in the express car."
"Then you didn't sleep last night?"
Ned laughed. "It was too interesting," he answered, "and I can sleep to-night. But I'm glad it's here with no one killed and not a drop spilled."
Advancing leaning heavily on his cane, the military man had hurried forward, his face radiant.
"Welcome, my boy, and congratulations. But for goodness' sake hurry," he began hastily.
Ned smiled again. "I think we had better not hurry this," and he pointed to the truck load. "That's the reason I'm late. I walked the horses from the Union Depot. You see we can't afford to spill our supplies. It was too hard to make and cost too much."
In another moment the truck was abreast of the open car door.
"Back her up," exclaimed Ned giving a hand himself to the tongue of the truck. Then, as the top of the truck came up flush with the car door and floor he sprang lightly on the truck and motioned the men to do likewise. For a moment they hesitated, but being reassured, Ned and Alan and the truck men lined up on either side of the big case. Slowly and carefully, with a brawny truck man on each side to help the less stoutly muscled lads, the case slid forward and with a "yeo-ho" or two from Ned it was soon in the car. Without a pause it was pushed at once into a space outlined on the floor.
"And about two minutes to spare,"' cried the Major from the platform jubilantly and thankfully.
"Not quite," laughed Ned, "but it'll be a half a minute and that's as good as an hour. The screws, Elmer."
The colored boy, who had been busy keeping out of the way, sprang forward to perform his part of the apparently ticklish job. It was then seen that each bottom corner of the mysterious box had an iron flange. In the center of' each of these was a small hole.
"Major," called out Ned as the truck men climbed out of the car, "these men were very obliging and careful."
The Major understood him, and as he began searching his pockets for a bill Ned quickly inserted four screws in the waiting holes and with a few sharp turns of the screw driver made the case hard and fast to the floor of the car. Almost as quickly he threw the door into place and bolted it, and then with Alan hurried out for a last word to the friend who was so much interested in his success.
"Was I right?" he exclaimed. "Half a minute?"
"To the dot," enthusiastically answered the Major. "Now, boys, good-bye. Everything in that car is exactly as you planned and asked. From now on it is subject to your orders alone. What mine are you know. God bless you both and good luck to you!"
As the boys took his hand Ned handed him a letter. "I'm sorry I couldn't have seen my mother again, but please send her this. I wrote it to-day on the train."
Far down the line of cars came the words, "all aboard," and Elmer, cap in hand, sprang onto the steps.
"Good-bye," exclaimed Alan, "and thank you for the great chance you're giving us."
"Good-bye," said Ned, "if we fail in our work it won't be your fault, Major."
And then, as the train began to move, the boys stepped aboard, off at last, after six weeks preparation, in search of the lost Cibola and the treasure of the Turquoise Temple.
Six weeks before Ned Napier and Alan Hope had set out on this trip Ned had been the surprised recipient of a mysterious note. In this message, written on the stationery of the Annex Hotel, he
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