The Aeroplane Boys on the Wing | Page 4

John Luther Langworthy
to tell me also when this awful punishment is going to fall on
my poor devoted neck?"
"Any time, hang you! Right now, if you say another word!" roared Puss,
doubling up his fists, and making ready for one of his well known and
feared bull rushes, that had brought him a speedy victory many a time.
"So? That's comforting; and with all these good fellows around to see
how you wipe up the deck with me. Suppose you begin the swabbing

act, Puss!" and Frank pretended to throw himself in a position of
The other gave utterance to a hoarse cry of rage, and lowering his head
after the manner of a bull, jumped forward. But the agile Frank simply
stepped aside; and unable to check himself in time, Puss Carberry shot
over the side of the power boat, disappearing in the clear waters of
Sunrise Lake with a great splash.
"Oh!" shouted his crony, Sandy Hollingshead, standing there as if
petrified; "and Puss can't swim a single stroke, either!"
"My goodness, what a splash!"
"Served him right, that's what!"
"He's gone under, fellows! Dove just like a big frog!"
"Stop the boat! He'll drown!"
Half a dozen were shouting in unison, as the boys crowded to the side
over which the bully had pitched when Frank avoided his forward rush.
But Frank heard only that startled exclamation from Sandy
"Puss can't swim a single stroke, either!"
With Frank Bird to think was to act. The two things were almost
synonymous in his mind. Forgotten was the fact that the imperiled lad
had been endeavoring to strike him in the face at the time of his
submersion in the waters of Sunrise Lake.
Not a single word did he utter, but throwing off his coat, he made a
leap over the side of the boat, already slowing up as the power was cut

"Frank's gone back after him!" cried one.
"And he'll get him, too," another hastened to say; for they understood
that when the leader of the team known as the "Bird boys" attempted
anything he usually got there, as some of them said "with both feet."
Meanwhile Frank was swimming with all his might toward the spot in
the foamy wake of the boat, where he knew the unfortunate Puss must
be battling for his life.
It seems strange that occasionally a boy may be found who has never
taken the trouble to learn how to swim. In the country this is a rare
occurrence; which would make the neglect of such an athletic fellow as
Puss seem more remarkable.
He was threshing about in the deep water like a cat that has fallen
overboard; and managing to keep partly afloat after a fashion; though it
would have been all over with him long ere the power boat could be
turned around and arrive at the spot where he struggled, gasping for
breath, and sucking in much water.
Frank was wise enough to understand that it is always desirable to
approach a drowning person from the rear, so that a grip may be taken
before the would-be rescuer's presence is discovered. Once let those
frenzied fingers clutch hold of him, and the chances of a double tragedy
would be good.
So Frank was keenly on the watch as he swam toward the splashing
and gurgling that announced Puss Carberry's fight for his life.
He could see him by now, and never would Frank be apt to forget the
look of absolute terror he discovered upon the agonized face of the
bully. Puss had detected the presence of some one near by, and was
trying to shout, as well as stretch his appealing hands out, though not
with much success.

He actually went under while Frank looked; and the heart of the
would-be rescuer almost stood still with a terrible fear that that was the
But he kept on, and in another moment a head once more bobbed up,
with Puss threshing the water frantically. Once he had gone down.
According to what most people said, he would possibly vanish twice
more, and after that never rise again.
If anything was to be done, there was no time for delay. Frank was
within ten feet of the struggling figure when it came up. He
immediately dove, and managed to rise to the surface behind Puss.
Then, just as the other was floundering beneath the surface of the
agitated water again, Frank caught hold of his sweater close to his neck,
and held on with might and main.
He had a serious job of it, for the half-drowned lad made a desperate
attempt to turn around, doubtless with the intention of throwing his
arms around his rescuer. This was just what Frank was desirous
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