Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas | Page 6

turning thy heart unto the Kingdom of..." "O thou who art baptized by the Spirit of the Love of..." "O maid-servant of God!..." "O thou faithful and confident!..." "O thou my dear friend, my associate and companion!..." "O thou spiritual friend!..." "O thou my spiritual companion!..." "Honorable Dr. ............" "O Spiritual ........!..." "O thou bearer of the Great-tidings of the Kingdom of..." "O thou esteemed maid-servant of the Word of God!..." "O thou who art kindled as a lamp with the Fire of the..." "O thou who art cheerful in heart, by the Fragrances..." "O thou who art attracted by the Love of God!..." "O thou dear maid-servant of God!..." "I ask God that thou mayest find a perceiving eye, an..." "***O ye real friends of Abdul-Baha!..." "O ye beloved friends of Abdul-Baha!..." "O ye who are turned towards the Kingdom and drawn..." "O ye elect and chosen ones of the Kingdom!..." "O ye sons of the Kingdom!..." "O thou whose heart is attracted and whose breast is..." "O ye servants of God and maid-servants of the..." "O ye beloved! O ye maid-servants of the Merciful!..." "O ye whom God hath chosen from among those who..." "O ye esteemed maid-servants of God, and ye revered..." "O ye my dear friends!..." "O thou who art advancing toward the Kingdom of..." "O thou who art supplicating unto God!..." "O thou young, incomparable tree of the Rose-garden..." "O thou who hast approached toward God!..." "O thou who art firm in the Covenant of God!..." "O thou who art directed toward the Light of Guidance!..." "O thou who art rejoiced by the Divine Glad-tidings!..." "O thou dear and honorable!..." "O thou spiritual son!..." "O thou dear friend!..." "O thou who art attracted to the Fire of the Love of..." "O thou sincere servant of God!..." "O thou who art firm in the Covenant!..." "O thou my dear friend!..." "O thou who art firm in the Covenant!..." "O thou who art firm in the Covenant!..." "O thou seeker of the Kingdom!..." "What thou hast written was read and its contents..." "Thy last letter was received and its contents brought..." "O God!..." "O God!..." "O thou who art firm in the Covenant!..." "O thou servant of Baha'!..." "O thou who art firm in the Covenant!..." "O thou sincere servant of God!..." "O thou who art firm in the Covenant!..." "O thou who art firm in the Covenant and Testament!..." "O thou my beloved friend!..." "The letter was received and its contents became evident...." "O thou who hast confessed and believed in the Words..." "O thou who art assuredly believing in God!..." "O thou maid-servant of God!..." "O thou who art advancing toward God!..." "O thou who hast prayed to the Kingdom of God!..." "O ye two maid-servants of God!..." "O thou thrall of the Lord of the Kingdom!..." "O thou attracted maid-servant of God!..." "O ye members of the shining assembly!..." "O thou dear servant of God!..." "O thou seeker of the Heavenly Kingdom!..." "O my dear friend!..." "O thou who art cheerfully moving by the Fragrances..." "O thou seeker of Truth!..." "O thou maid-servant of God!..." "O maid-servant of God!..." "If the people live and act in accord with..." Volume III "O thou who art firm in the Covenant!..." "O God! O thou Attracted of the hearts of the favored..." "O thou who art firm in the Covenant!..." "Your letters have been received. God willing, answer..." "O thou who art firm in the Covenant!..." "O thou who art firm in the Covenant!..." "O thou who art firm in the Covenant!..." "O thou who art firm in the Covenant!..." "Thy letters were received. Although thou hast..." "O thou who are firm in the Covenant!..." "O heavenly one!..." "O ye illumined friends and the maid-servants of the Merciful!..." "O thou who art advanced toward the Kingdom!..." "O thou yearner after the Kingdom of God!..." "O thou attracted maid-servant of God!..." "O ye two dear maid-servants of God!..." "O ye two dear maid-servants of God!..." "Say to [Dr.] ... that "he studied physical..." "Convey my respectful greetings to [Dr.] ......" "Express my affection to Mrs. ... and say:..." "O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom of God!..." "O thou maid-servant of God!..." "O thou dear maid-servant of God!..." "O thou confident leaf!..." "O ye two advancers towards the Kingdom of God!..." "O thou maid-servant of God!..." "O thou honorable one!..." "O thou seeker after Truth!..." "O thou yearner after the Truth!..." "O thou seeker of Truth!..." "O thou that mirror in which the Light of Guidance is printed!..." "O thou who art always calling on God!..." "O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!..." "O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God!..." "O thou who art calling in the cities, the bearer of
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