Sunset Pass | Page 7

Charles King
he muttered. "Now that's old Gregg coming in, I'll
bet my boots, and there's not a click about his tread. 'Course there
might be on rock, instead of this soft earth. The captain's back sooner
than I supposed he'd come. What's up?"
Quickly, crouchingly, he hurried forward some few rods, then knelt so
that he might see the coming horseman against the sky. Then
challenged sharp and low:
"Who comes there!"
"Captain Gwynne," was the quick answer.
"That you, Pike? By jove, man! I've come back in a hurry. Are the
horses all right? I want to push right on to the Pass to-night."
"Horses all right, captain. What's the matter back there?"
"I didn't venture too far, but I went far enough to learn by my night
glass and my ears that those scoundrels were having a war-dance. Now
the chances are they'll keep it up all night until they gather in all the
renegades in the neighborhood. Then come after us. This is no place to
make a fight. It's all open here. But the road is good all the way to
Sunset, and once there I know a nook among the rocks where we can
stow our whole outfit--where there are 'tanks' of fresh water in

abundance and where we can stand them off until the cavalry get out
from Verde. Sieber said he'd have them humming on our trail at once.
Tanner and Canker and Lieutenant Ray are there with their troops and
you can bet high we won't have long to wait. It's the one thing to do.
Rouse up Jim and Manuelito while I give 'Gregg' a rest. Poor old boy,"
he said, as he noted his favorite's heaving flanks. "He has had a hard
run for it and more than his share of work this day."
In ten minutes Black Jim, roused by vigorous kicks, was silently but
briskly hitching in his team, Manuelito silently but suddenly buckling
the harness about his mules. Irish Kate, aroused by the clatter, had
poked her head from underneath the canvas to inquire what was the
matter, and, at a few words from the captain, had shrunk in again,
stricken with fear, but obeying implicitly.
"Let the children sleep as long as possible, Kate," were Gwynne's
orders. "The jolting will wake them too soon, I fear, but we've got to
push ahead to Sunset Pass at once. There are Indians ten miles behind
A few minutes more and all was ready for flight.
"Now, Pike, ride ahead and keep sharp lookout for the road. I'll jump
up here beside Jim and drive, keeping right on your trail. Old 'Gregg'
will tow along behind the wagon. He is too tired to carry any one else
this day--and you--Manuelito, hark ye, keep right behind 'Gregg.' Don't
fall back ten yards. I want you right here with us, and if anything goes
wrong with your team, or you cannot keep up, shout and we'll wait for
you. Now, then, Pike, forward!"
An hour later in its prescribed order this little convoy had wound its
way through Jarvis Pass and was trotting rapidly over the hard but
smooth roadway towards the high Sunset range. The little ones had
been aroused by the swaying and jolting and were sitting up
now--silent and full of nameless fears, yet striving to be brave and
soldierly when papa threw back some cheery word to them over his
shoulders. Never once did he relax his grasp on the reins or his keen
watch for Pike's dim, shadowy form piloting them along the winding

trail. Little Ned had got his "Ballard" and wanted to load, but his father
laughed him out of the idea.
"The Tontos were ten miles behind us, Ned, my boy, when we left
Snow Lake, and are farther away now. These mountain Apaches in
northern Arizona have no horses, you know, and have to travel afoot.
Not a rod will they journey at night if they can help themselves--the
lazy beggars!"
And so the poor father, realizing at last the fruits of his obstinacy,
strove to reassure his children and his dependants. Little Nell was too
young to fully appreciate their peril, and soon fell asleep with her curly
head pillowed on Kate's broad lap. Ned, too, valiant little man, soon
succumbed and, still grasping his Ballard, fell sound asleep. In
darkness and silence the little convoy sped swiftly along, and at last, far
in the "wee sma' hours," Pike hailed:
"Here we are, right in the Pass, captain! Now can you find that point
where we turn off the road to get into the rock corral?"
"Take the lines, Jim; I'll jump out and prospect. I used to know it well
Down the road the captain went stumbling afoot. Everything was rock,
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