Story Hour Readers, book 3 | Page 6

Ida Coe and Alice J. Christie
once caught in the bushes.
When the deer returned to the place of meeting, Judge Bear proclaimed
him winner of the race.
As Black Bear gave the prize to the deer, he said, "Henceforth you shall
wear the antlers on your head. You shall always be called the Swift

One autumn day in the long ago, Eagle Eye, the great Indian chief, was
very sad.
All summer long there had been no rain. The prairie grass was crisp
and brown. The little streams were dry.
The animals, finding neither water nor green grass, had gone to the
mountains many miles away. The Indians of the plains had no food to
"I will go and search for the place where the animals have gone, so that
I may tell my hunters and save the lives of my people," said Eagle Eye.
So, carrying his canoe to the river, Eagle Eye paddled up the stream for
many days and nights. He watched to see if any of the animals came to
the river to drink, but there was not even a squirrel.
One night the clouds hung low in the sky.
"There will be snow before morning," said Eagle Eye.
Then the great chief hauled his canoe up the river bank. He made a
shelter with branches of trees. Here he slept through the night.
In the morning, the ground was covered with snow.
"The Great Spirit is kind," said Eagle Eye. "Now I shall see the
footprints of some of the animals, and I can follow them."

Soon he found the footprints of deer that had been to the river to drink.
Eagle Eye followed the footprints for many miles. At last he found
where the animals lived.
Eagle Eye marked some trees, so that he might find the place again.
Then he started to return to the river bank where he had left his canoe.
Snow had fallen, and everything was white. Eagle Eye could not find
the canoe.
"I am lost!" cried Eagle Eye. "If only there were some way of finding
my canoe!"
Just then he saw a rabbit peering out from behind the stump of a tree.
"O Brother Rabbit!" called Eagle Eye. "How glad I am to see you! I am
lost. I cannot find the river bank."
"Let me lead the way," Brother Rabbit replied. "If you will watch my
dark fur against the snow, you can easily follow close behind me."
So Brother Rabbit hopped along, and Eagle Eye, watching the dark fur
against the snow, followed close behind.
At last they reached the river bank, and there they found Eagle Eye's
Eagle Eye pushed the canoe into the water and stepped in.
Before he paddled away he said, "You have saved my life, Brother
Rabbit. Hereafter your brown fur shall be white when the cold winter
comes. Then no one will see your body against the snow, and you will
always be safe."
The rabbit turned pure white.
He looked like a ball of snow beside the bushes.
Then Eagle Eye smiled.
"Your enemies will have a long chase after this," he said, "before they
will find Brother Rabbit!"
After many days, Eagle Eye reached his home once more.
The chief told his people that he had followed the footprints of deer,
and had found where the animals lived.
The Indians went with Eagle Eye after the deer, and soon they had
plenty of food.

A little fairy comes at night, Her eyes are blue, her hair is brown, With
silver spots upon her wings, And from the moon she flutters down.

She has a little silver wand, And when a good child goes to bed, She
waves her hand from right to left, And makes a circle round its head.
And then it dreams of pleasant things-- Of fountains filled with fairy
fish, And trees that bear delicious fruit, And bow their branches at a
Of arbors filled with dainty scents From lovely flowers that never fade;
Bright flies that glitter in the sun, And glowworms shining in the shade.
And talking birds with gifted tongues, For singing songs and telling
tales, And pretty dwarfs to show the way Through fairy hills and fairy
But when a bad child goes to bed, From left to right she weaves her
rings, And then it dreams all through the night Of only ugly, horrid
Then lions come with glaring eyes, And tigers growl, a dreadful noise,
And ogres draw their cruel knives, To shed the blood of girls and boys.
Then stormy waves rush on to drown, Or raging flames come scorching
round, Fierce dragons hover in the air, And serpents crawl along the
Then wicked children wake and weep, And wish the
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