Steve and the Steam Engine | Page 4

Sara Ware Bassett

there were any such legal details. Fearfully he eyed the mechanic.
The man, however, did not pursue the subject but instead appeared
engrossed in carefully inspecting the automobile inside and out. As he
poked about, now here, now there, Stephen watched him with
constantly increasing nervousness; and after the investigation had
proceeded for some little time and no satisfactory result had been
reached, the boy's heart sank. Something very serious must be the
matter if the trouble were so hard to locate, he reasoned. In imagination
he heard his father's indignant reprimands and saw the Northampton
trip shrivel into nothingness.
The workman in the meantime remained silent, offering no comment to
relieve his anxiety. What he was thinking under the shabby visor cap
pulled so low over his brows it was impossible to fathom. His hand was
now unscrewing the top of the gasoline tank.
"You've got your engine nicely warmed up, youngster," observed he
casually. "Maybe 'twas just as well you did come to a stop. You must
have covered the ground at a pretty good clip."
There certainly was something very disconcerting about the stranger's
conversation and again Stephen looked at him with suspicion.
"Oh, I don't know," he mumbled, trying to assume an off-hand air.
"Perhaps we did come along fairly fast."
"You weren't alone then."
"N--o," was the uncomfortable reply. "The fellows who sent you back
from the village were with me."
For the first time the workman evinced surprise.
"Nobody sent me," he retorted. "I just thought as I was going by that

you looked as if you were up against it, and as I happen to know
something about engines I pulled up to give you a helping hand. The
fix you are in isn't serious, though." He smiled broadly as if something
amused him.
"What is the matter with the car?" demanded the boy desperately, in a
voice that trembled with eagerness and anxiety and defied all efforts to
remain under his control.
"Why, son, nothing is wrong with your car. You've got no gasoline,
that's all."
"Gasoline!" repeated the lad blankly.
"Sure! You couldn't have had much aboard when you started, I guess. It
managed to bring you as far as this, however, and here you came to a
stop. The up-grade of the hill tipped the little gas you did have back in
the tank so it would not run out, you see. Fill her up again and she'll
sprint along as nicely as ever."
The relief that came with the information almost bowled Steve over.
For a moment he could not speak; then when he had caught his breath
he exclaimed excitedly:
"How can I get some gasoline?"
His rescuer laughed at the fevered question.
"Why, I happen to have a can of it here on my truck," he drawled, "and
I can let you have part of it if you are so minded."
"Oh, I don't want to take yours," objected the boy.
"Nonsense! Why not? I am going right past a garage on my way back
and can get plenty more. We'll tip enough of mine into your tank to
carry you home. It won't take a minute."
The suggestion was like water to the thirsty.

"All right!" cried Stephen. "If you will let me pay for it I shall be
mightily obliged to you. I'm mightily obliged anyway."
"Pshaw! I've done nothing," protested the person in the oily jumper.
"What are we in the world for if not to do one another a good turn when
we can?"
As he spoke he extricated from his conglomerate load of lumber, tools,
and boxes a battered can, the contents of which he began to transfer
into Stephen's empty tank.
"There!" ejaculated he presently, as he screwed the metal top on. "That
isn't all she'll hold, but it will at least get you home. You are going right
back, aren't you?"
The boy glanced quickly at the speaker.
"That's right. I would if I were in your place," urged the man.
Furtively Stephen scrutinized the countenance opposite but although
the words had contained a mingled caution and rebuke there was not
the slightest trace of interest in the face of the speaker, who was
imperturbably wiping off the moist nickel cap with a handful of waste
from his pocket.
"Yes," he repeated half-absently, "I take it that amount of gas will just
about carry you back to Coventry; it won't allow for any detours, to be
sure, but if you follow the straight road it ought to fetch you up there all
Stephen started and again an interrogation rose to his lips. Who was
this mysterious mechanic and why should he assume with such
certainty that Coventry was the abiding place of the car? He longed to
ask but a
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