Spoon River Anthology | Page 3

Edgar Lee Masters
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Spoon River Anthology?by Edgar Lee Masters
Armstrong, Hannah?Arnett, Harold?Atherton, Lucius
Ballard, John?Barker, Amanda?Barrett, Pauline?Bartlett, Ezra?Bateson, Marie?Beatty, Tom?Beethoven, Isaiah?Bennett, Hon. Henry?Bindle, Nicholas?Blind Jack?Bliss, Mrs. Charles?Blood, A. D.?Bloyd, Wendell P.?Bone, Richard?Branson, Caroline?Brown, Jim?Brown, Sarah?Browning, Elijah?Burleson, John Horace?Butler, Roy
Cabanis, Flossie?Calhoun, Granville?Calhoun, Henry C.?Campbell, Calvin?Carman, Eugene?Cheney, Columbus?Childers, Elizabeth?Church, John M.?Churchill, Alfonso?Circuit Judge, The?Clapp, Homer?Clark, Nellie?Clute, Aner?Compton, Seth Conant, Edith?Culbertson, E. C.
Davidson, Robert?Dement, Silas?Dixon, Joseph?Drummer, Frank?Drummer, Hare?Dunlap, Enoch?Dye, Shack
Ehrenhardt, Imanuel
Fallas, State's Attorney?Fawcett, Clarence?Fluke, Willard?Foote, Searcy?Ford, Webster?Fraser, Benjamin?Fraser, Daisy?French, Charlie?Frickey, Ida
Garber, James?Gardner, Samuel?Garrick, Amelia?Godbey, Jacob?Goldman, Le Roy?Goode, William?Goodpasture, Jacob?Graham, Magrady?Gray, George?Green, Ami?Greene, Hamilton?Griffy the Cooper?Gustine, Dorcas
Hainsfeather, Barney?Hamblin, Carl?Hatfield, Aaron?Hawkins, Elliott?Hawley, Jeduthan?Henry, Chase?Herndon, William H.?Heston, Roger?Higbie, Archibald?Hill, Doc?Hill, The?Hoheimer, Knowlt?Holden, Barry?Hookey, Sam?Howard, Jefferson?Hueffer, Cassius?Hummel, Oscar?Humphrey, Lydia?Hutchins, Lambert?Hyde, Ernest
James, Godwin?Jones, Fiddler?Jones, Franklin?Jones, "Indignation"?Jones, Minerva?Jones, William
Karr, Elmer?Keene, Jonas?Kessler, Bert?Kessler, Mrs.?Killion, Captain Orlando?Kincaid, Russell?King, Lyman?Knapp, Nancy?Konovaloff, Ippolit?Kritt, Dow
Layton, Henry
M'Cumber, Daniel?McDowell, Rutherford?McFarlane, Widow?McGee, Fletcher?McGee, Ollie?M'Grew, Jennie?M'Grew, Mickey?McGuire, Jack?McNeely, Mary?McNeely, Washington?Malloy, Father?Many Soldiers?Marsh, Zilpha?Marshall, Herbert?Mason, Serepta?Matheny, Faith?Matlock, Davis?Matlock, Lucinda?Melveny, Abel?Merritt, Mrs.?Merritt, Tom?Metcalf, Willie?Meyers, Doctor?Meyers, Mrs.?Micure, Hamlet?Miles, I. Milton?Miller, Julia?Miner, Georgine Sand?Moir, Alfred
Newcomer, Professor
Osborne, Mabel?Otis, John Hancock
Pantier, Benjamin?Pantier, Mrs. Benjamin?Pantier, Reuben?Peet, Rev. Abner?Pennington, Willie?Penniwit, the Artist?Petit, the Poet?Phipps, Henry?Poague, Peleg?Pollard, Edmund?Potter, Cooney?Puckett, Lydia?Purkapile, Mrs.?Purkapile, Roscoe?Putt, Hod
Reece, Mrs. George?Rhodes, Ralph?Rhodes, Thomas?Richter, Gustav?Robbins, Hortense?Roberts, Rosie?Ross, Thomas, Ir.?Russian Sonia?Rutledge, Anne
Sayre, Johnnie?Scates, Hiram?Schirding, Albert?Schmidt, Felix?Scott, Julian?Sewall, Harlan?Sharp, Percival?Shaw, "Ace "?Shelley, Percy Bysshe?Shope, Tennessee Claflin?Sibley, Amos?Sibley, Mrs.?Simmons, Walter?Sissman, Dillard?Slack, Margaret Fuller?Smith, Louise?Somers, Jonathan Swift?Somers, Judge?Sparks, Emily?Spooniad, The?Standard, W. Lloyd Garrison?Stewart, Lillian
Tanner, Robert Fulton?Taylor, Deacon?Theodore the Poet?Throckmorton, Alexander?Tompkins, Josiah?Town Marshal, The?Trainor, the Druggist?Trevelyan, Thomas?Trimble, George?Tripp, Henry?Tubbs, Hildrup?Turner, Francis?Tutt, Oaks
Unknown, The
Village Atheist, The
Wasson, John?Weirauch, Adam?Weldy, "Butch "?Wertman, Elsa?Whedon, Editor?Whitney, Harmon?Wiley, Rev. Lemuel?Will, Arlo?William and Emily?Williams, Dora?Williams, Mrs.?Wilmans, Harry?Witt, Zenas
Yee Bow
Zoll, Perry
The Hill
Where are Elmer, Herman, Bert, Tom and Charley,?The weak of will, the strong of arm, the clown, the boozer, the fighter? All, all are sleeping on the hill.
One passed in a fever,?One was burned in a mine,?One was killed in a brawl,?One died in a jail,?One fell from a bridge toiling for children and wifeAll,?all are sleeping, sleeping, sleeping on the hill.
Where are Ella, Kate, Mag, Lizzie and Edith,?The tender heart, the simple soul, the loud, the proud, the happy one?-- All, all are sleeping on the hill.
One died in shameful child-birth,?One of a thwarted love,?One at the hands of a brute in a brothel,?One of a broken pride, in the search for heart's desire;?One after life in far-away London and Paris?Was brought to her little space by Ella and Kate and Mag--?All, all are sleeping, sleeping, sleeping on the hill.
Where are Uncle Isaac and Aunt Emily,?And old Towny Kincaid and Sevigne Houghton,?And Major Walker who had talked?With venerable men of the revolution?--?All, all are sleeping on the hill.
They brought them dead sons from the war,?And daughters whom life had crushed,?And their children fatherless, crying--?All, all are sleeping, sleeping, sleeping on the hill.?Where is Old Fiddler Jones?Who played with life all his ninety years,?Braving the sleet with bared breast,?Drinking, rioting, thinking neither of wife nor kin,?Nor gold, nor love, nor heaven??Lo! he babbles of the fish-frys of long ago,?Of the horse-races of long ago at Clary's Grove,?Of what Abe Lincoln said?One time at Springfield.
Hod Putt
HERE I lie close to the grave?Of Old Bill Piersol,?Who grew rich trading with the Indians, and who?Afterwards took the Bankrupt Law?And emerged from it richer than ever?Myself grown tired of toil and poverty?And beholding how Old Bill and other grew in wealth?Robbed a traveler one Night near Proctor's Grove,?Killing him unwittingly while doing so,?For which I was tried and hanged.?That was my way of going into bankruptcy.?Now we who took the bankrupt law in our respective ways?Sleep peacefully side by side.
Ollie McGee
Have you seen walking through the village?A Man with downcast eyes and haggard face??That is my husband who, by secret cruelty?Never to be told, robbed me of my youth and my beauty;?Till at last, wrinkled and with yellow teeth,?And with broken pride and shameful humility,?I sank into the grave.?But what think you gnaws at my husband's heart??The face of what I was, the face of what he made me!?These are driving him to the place where I lie.?In death, therefore, I am avenged.
Fletcher McGee
She took my strength by minutes,?She took my life by hours,?She drained me like a fevered moon?That saps the spinning world.?The days went by like shadows,?The minutes wheeled like stars.?She took the pity from my heart,?And made it into smiles.?She was a hunk of sculptor's clay,?My secret thoughts were fingers:?They flew behind her pensive brow?And lined it deep with pain.?They set the lips, and sagged the cheeks,?And drooped the eye with sorrow.?My soul had entered in the clay,?Fighting like seven devils.?It was not mine, it was not hers;?She held it, but its struggles?Modeled a face she hated,?And a face I feared to see.?I
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