Species Plantarum, by Carolus Linnaeus
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Species Plantarum, by Carolus Linnaeus This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org
Title: Species Plantarum Sections I-III
Author: Carolus Linnaeus
Release Date: March 8, 2007 [EBook #20771]
Language: Latin
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
Produced by Louise Hope, Juliet Sutherland and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net. (This file was produced from images generously made available by the Missouri Botanical Garden at http://www.botanicus.org). This file is gratefully uploaded to the PG collection in honor of Distributed Proofreaders having posted over 10,000 ebooks.
[Transcriber's Note:
This text is intended for readers who cannot use the "real" (unicode, utf-8) version. The author used four common astronomical symbols, here replaced by names in brackets and accompanied by their meaning as given in the author's introduction: [Saturn] Fruiting [Jupiter] Perennial [Mars] Biannual [Sun] Annual [+] ("dagger") plants known only from imperfect specimens The symbols [triangle] (for inverted triangle) and [cross] (Maltese cross) also occur. [oe] "oe" ligature (generally not used in names) [alpha], [beta], [gamma] ... single Greek letters
In the original text, species and subspecies names were printed as sidenotes next to the first line of body text. In this e-text they are shown in brackets on a separate line: [Species.] (italicized) [Subspecies.] (usually not italicized) The body text begins with a numeral (for species) or Greek letter (for subspecies).
All asterisks and question marks-- except triple rows of asterisks-- are in the original text.
A number of typographical errors were corrected. Details are listed at the end of the text.]
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S:? R:gi? M:tis Sveci? Archiatri; Medic. & Botan. Profess. Upsal; Equitis Aur. de Stella Polari; nec non Acad. Imper. Monspel. Berol. Tolos. Upsal. Stockh. Soc. & Paris. Coresp.
Exhibentes Plantas Rite Cognitas, ad Genera Relatas,
cum Differentiis Specificis, Nominibus Trivialibus, Synonymis Selectis, Locis Natalibus,
Secundum SYSTEMA SEXUALE Digestas.
Tomus I.
Cum Privilegio S. R. M:tis Sueci? & S. R. M:tis Polonic? ac Electoris Saxon.
Ignoto Genere proprio nulla descriptio, quis accurata tradita, certam demonstrat, sed plerumque fallit. C?SALP. pr?fat:
Sveriges G?thes och Vendes KONUNG och DROTTNING!
EDRA MAJESTETER ?r jag allerunderd?nigst skyldig detta verk, frukten af min m?sta och b?sta lefnad, det jag nu under EDRA MAJESTETERS milda regering f?tt med n?gdt och roligt sinne fullborda.
EDRE MAJESTETER hafva, ifr?n f?rsta lyckeliga ankomsten til riket, st?dse ansett mig med blida str?lar, kallat mig som oftast til Sit Hof, och betygat emot mig all Kongelig n?d.
EDRE MAJESTETER hafva ock gifvit den Vetenskapen, som jag idkat ljus och anseende i Sit Rike, d? EDRE MAJESTETER ej allenast allern?digst l?tit Skaparens underverk f?r sig beskrifvas, utan ock hopkallat allehanda jordenes inbyggare af alla tre Naturens riken, samt befalt dem inlogeras uti sina pr?ktiga lust-slott Ulriksdahl och Drottningholm, der desse, liksom deputerade fr?n hela vida verlden, f? dageligt f?retr?de f?r MAJESTETENS ?gon.
Tror mig alts? ej s?ga f?r mycket, d? jag rent ut bek?nner, at ifr?n den visa Konung Salomons tid och Drotningens af rika Arabien, inga Potentater gjordt p? den Alsm?gtiga Skaparens underverk st?rre aktning.
Ty b?r och skal denna Vetenskapen t?fla med alla andra minnesm?rken, at g?ra EDRA MAJESTETERS namn od?deliga, d? den inpr?glar dem i Naturens egen bok, som ?rligen ? nyo upl?gges, at blifva med Jordklotet lika best?ndig.
Himmelen g?re EDRA MAJESTETERS dagar och regering l?ng och lyckelig, s? vist jag lefver och d?r
allerunderd?nigste och tropliktigste tj?nare och unders?te
Homo sui conscius observat MUNDUM esse omnipotentis theatrum, undique adornatum summis Omnisci? sapienti? miraculis, se vero in hunc, tamquam Hospitem introductum, ut hisce deliciis sese delectando magnificentiam Domini agnoscat. Indignus profecto is censendus hospes, qui, pecoris instar, tantum gul? inservit, nec magnalia possessoris intueri atque ?stimare novit.
HOSPITES ut digni evadamus orbis, opera h?c Creatoris scrutari nobis necesse est, qu? ita cum nostris commodis combinavit summum Ens, ut eis, unde omnia nostra bona desumimus, carere nulla ratione qu?amus; & quo magis h?c intelligimus, eo etjam plura in usum generis humani cedunt.
COGNITIONEM horum ut rite acquiramus, singula distincta Idea & distincto Nomine complecti oportet, quibus sepositis copia rerum nos obruat necesse est, & commercium omne, deficiente communi lingua, cessabit.
SCIENTIA NATUR? inde inter Homines nata est, qu? comprehendit sub Physica & Chemia Elementa, sub Zoologia, Botanica, Lithologia tria Natur? regna.
REM HERBARIAM heic libare lubet, qu? quondam paucarum plantarum erat Scientia; hodie vero copia delectorum evasit omnium amplissima.
INVENTORUM recentioris ?vi indefessis laboribus notitiam debemus plurium Plantarum, quam omnibus priscorum temporum eruditis, inter quos imprimis nominandi Clusius, Columna, Bauhini, Hermannus, Rheede, Sherardus, Rajus, Plukenetius, Tournefortius, Plumierus, Vaillantius, Dillenius, Gmelinus. &c.
NOTITIA plantarum constabat quondam Nominibus arbitrariis, memori?tabul? infixis, quam

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