Songs of Action | Page 4

Arthur Conan Doyle
we will sing
Of the hempen string
And the land where the
cord was wove.
What of the shaft?
The shaft was cut in England:
A long shaft, a strong shaft,
Barbed and trim and true;
So we'll drink all together
To the grey goose-feather
And the land
where the grey goose flew.

What of the mark?
Ah, seek it not in England,
A bold mark, our old mark
Is waiting over-sea.
When the strings harp in chorus,
And the lion flag is o'er us,
It is
there that our mark will be.
What of the men?
The men were bred in England:
The bowmen--the yeomen,
The lads of dale and fell.
Here's to you--and to you!
To the hearts that are true
And the land
where the true hearts dwell.
[The French Army, including a part of the Irish Brigade, under Marshal
Villeroy, held the fortified town of Cremona during the winter of 1702.
Prince Eugene, with the Imperial Army, surprised it one morning, and,
owing to the treachery of a priest, occupied the whole city before the
alarm was given. Villeroy was captured, together with many of the
French garrison. The Irish, however, consisting of the regiments of
Dillon and of Burke, held a fort commanding the river gate, and
defended themselves all day, in spite of Prince Eugene's efforts to win
them over to his cause. Eventually Eugene, being unable to take the
post, was compelled to withdraw from the city.]
The Grenadiers of Austria are proper men and tall;
The Grenadiers of
Austria have scaled the city wall;
They have marched from far away
Ere the dawning of the day,
the morning saw them masters of Cremona.
There's not a man to whisper, there's not a horse to neigh; Of the

footmen of Lorraine and the riders of Dupres,
They have crept up every street,
In the market-place they meet,

They are holding every vantage in Cremona.
The Marshal Villeroy he has started from his bed;
The Marshal
Villeroy has no wig upon his head;
'I have lost my men!' quoth he,
'And my men they have lost me,

And I sorely fear we both have lost Cremona.'
Prince Eugene of Austria is in the market-place;
Prince Eugene of
Austria has smiles upon his face;
Says he, 'Our work is done,
For the Citadel is won,
And the black
and yellow flag flies o'er Cremona.'
Major Dan O'Mahony is in the barrack square,
And just six hundred
Irish lads are waiting for him there;
Says he, 'Come in your shirt,
And you won't take any hurt,
For the
morning air is pleasant in Cremona.'
Major Dan O'Mahony is at the barrack gate,
And just six hundred
Irish lads will neither stay nor wait;
There's Dillon and there's Burke,
And there'll be some bloody work

Ere the Kaiserlics shall boast they hold Cremona.
Major Dan O'Mahony has reached the river fort,
And just six hundred
Irish lads are joining in the sport;
'Come, take a hand!' says he,
'And if you will stand by me,
Then it's
glory to the man who takes Cremona!'
Prince Eugene of Austria has frowns upon his face,
And loud he calls
his Galloper of Irish blood and race:

'MacDonnell, ride, I pray,
To your countrymen, and say
That only
they are left in all Cremona!'
MacDonnell he has reined his mare beside the river dyke,
And he has
tied the parley flag upon a sergeant's pike;
Six companies were there
From Limerick and Clare,
The last of all
the guardians of Cremona.
'Now, Major Dan O'Mahony, give up the river gate,
Or, Major Dan
O'Mahony, you'll find it is too late;
For when I gallop back
'Tis the signal for attack,
And no quarter for
the Irish in Cremona!'
And Major Dan he laughed: 'Faith, if what you say be true, And if they
will not come until they hear again from you,
Then there will be no attack,
For you're never going back,
And we'll
keep you snug and safely in Cremona.'
All the weary day the German stormers came,
All the weary day they
were faced by fire and flame,
They have filled the ditch with dead,
And the river's running red;

But they cannot win the gateway of Cremona.
All the weary day, again, again, again,
The horsemen of Dupres and
the footmen of Lorraine,
Taafe and Herberstein,
And the riders of the Rhine;
It's a mighty
price they're paying for Cremona.
Time and time they came with the deep-mouthed German roar,
and time they broke like the wave upon the shore;
For better men were there
From Limerick and Clare,
And who will

take the gateway of Cremona?
Prince Eugene has watched, and he gnaws his nether lip;
Eugene has cursed as he saw his chances slip:
'Call off! Call off!' he cried,
'It is nearing eventide,
And I fear our
work is finished in Cremona.'
Says Wauchop to McAulliffe, 'Their fire is growing slack.'
Major Dan O'Mahony, 'It is their last attack;
But who will stop the game
While there's light to play the same,

And to walk a short way with
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