Society for Pure English Tract 4 | Page 9

John Sargeaunt
as usual, preserved, as in 'satiety'.
STEMS IN -OSO. These are adjectives and throw the stress back to the antepenultima, if there be one. In disyllables the penultimate vowel is long, as in 'famous', 'vinous'; in longer words the antepenultimate vowel is short, as 'criminous', 'generous'. Many, however, fall under the 'alias' rule, as 'ingenious', 'odious', while those which have i in the penultimate run the two last syllables into one, as 'pernicious', 'religious', 'vicious'. A few late introductions, coming straight from the Latin, retained the Latin stress, as 'morose', 'verbose'.
STEMS IN -T[=O]RIO AND -S[=O]RIO. In these words the stress goes back to the fourth syllable from the end, this in Latin having the secondary stress, or, as in 'circulatory', 'ambulatory', even further. In fact the _o_, which of course is shortened, tends to disappear. Examples are 'declamatory', 'desultory', 'oratory', 'predatory', 'territory'. Three consonants running, as in 'perfunctory', keep the stress where it has to be in a trisyllable, such as 'victory'. So does a long vowel before r and another consonant, as in 'precursory'. Otherwise two consonants have not this effect, as in 'pr��montory', 'c��nsistory'. In spite of Milton's
A gloomy Consistory, and them amidst With looks agast and sad he thus bespake,
the word is sometimes mispronounced.
STEMS IN -[=A]RIO. These follow the same rules, except that, as in '��dversary', combinations like ers are shortened and the stress goes back; and that words ending in _-entary_, such as 'elementary' and 'testamentary', stress the antepenultima. Examples are 'antiquary', 'honorary', 'voluntary', 'emissary'. It is difficult to see a reason for an irregular quantity in the antepenultima of some trisyllables. The general rule makes it short, as in 'granary', 'salary', but in 'library' and 'notary' it has been lengthened. The _N.E.D._ gives 'pl[=e]nary', but our grandfathers said 'pl[)e]nary'. Of course 'diary' gives a long quality to the i.
STEMS IN -[)I]LI. These seem originally to have retained the short i. Thus Milton's spelling is 'facil' and 'fertil' while other seventeenth-century writers give 'steril'. This pronunciation still obtains in America, but in England the words seem to have been usually assimilated to 'fragile', as Milton spells it, which perhaps always lengthened the vowel. The penultimate vowel is short.
STEMS IN -[=I]LI. Here the long i is retained, and in disyllables the penultima is lengthened, as in 'anile', 'senile', 'virile'. There is no excuse for following the classical quantity in the former syllables of any of these words. As an English word 'sedilia' shortens the antepenultimate, like 'tibia' and the rest, the 'alias' rule not applying when the vowel is i.
STEMS IN -B[)I]LI. These mostly come through French and change the suffix into _-ble_. Disyllables lengthen the penultima, as 'able', 'stable', 'noble', while 'mobile', as in French, lengthens its latter vowel. Trisyllables shorten and stress the antepenultima, as 'placable', 'equable', but of course u remains long, as in 'mutable'. Longer words throw the stress further back, except mere negatives, like 'impl��cable', and words with heavy consonants such as 'delectable'. Examples are 'miserable', 'admirable', 'intolerable', 'despicable'. The Poet Laureate holds that in these words Milton kept the long Italian a of the penultimate or secondary stress.
Fall'n Cherube, to be weak is miserable.
In English we have naturalized _-able_ as a suffix and added it to almost any verb, as 'laughable', 'indescribable', 'desirable'. The last word may have been taken from French. The form 'des[)i]derable' occurs from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century. Originally 'acceptable' threw the stress back, as in Milton's
So fit, so acceptable, so Divine,
but the double mute has brought it into line with 'delectable'. Nowadays one sometimes hears 'disp��table', 'desp��cable', but these are intolerable vulgarisms.
SUFFIXES IN T[)I]LI AND S[)I]LI. These words mostly lengthen the i and make the usual shortenings, as 'missile', 'sessile', 'textile', 'volatile', but of course 'futile'. Exceptions which I cannot explain are 'foss[)i]l' and 'fus[)i]le'.
SUFFIX IN [=A]LI. These adjectives shorten the _-a_ and, with the usual exceptions, the preceding vowels, as 'd��ctrinal', 'f��lial', 'l��beral', 'm��rital', 'med��cinal', but of course by the 'alias' rule 'arb[=o]real' (not a classical word in Latin) and 'g[=e]nial'. Words like 'national' and 'rational' were treated like trisyllables, which they now are. The stress is on the antepenultima except when heavy consonants bring it on to the penultima, as in 'sepulcral', 'parental', 'triumphal'.
Those who say 'doctr��nal' on the ground that the second vowel is long in Latin commit themselves to 'medic��nal', 'nat��ral', 'nutr��ment', 'instr��ment', and, if their own principle be applied, they make false quantities by the dozen every day of their lives.
Three words mostly mispronounced are, from their rarity, perhaps not past rescue. They are 'd��canal', 'rurid��canal', and 'pr��bendal'. There is no more reason for saying 'dec��nal' than for saying 'matr��nal' or for saying 'preb��ndal' than for saying 'cal��ndar'. Of course words like 'tremendous', being imported whole, keep the original stress. In our case the Latin words came into existence as _d��can��lis_,
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