Silverland | Page 4

George A. Lawrence
across the Atlantic were that Chief still in the flesh is a joy to be remembered; but of the consideration and indulgence shown even to the prejudices of the stranger.
This, remember, was an exceptional time. The controversy concerning the Alabama claims was in its first bitterness; the ultra-Eepublican press teemed with warlike leaders; and the sporting editor of the Herald had backed up his sensationals with a wager of 3000 to 2000 dollars on cartels being exchanged with England within six short weeks. Nevertheless, in not one of the clubs whereof we were incontinently made free in not one of the houses in which we were made welcome, did we hear aught to disquiet the most patriotic Britisher; and we all know with what promptitude, especially when on foreign soil, act tit sua cortum Taurus. And we communed with lawyers, whose opinions carry weight, not in the courts alone; with senators, who seldom lack heedful audiences when they catch the Vice-President's eye; with soldiers, whose renown dates back beyond the civil war; and with more than one editor, never suspected of Anglican proclivities. Furthermore, Tressilian, in his legislative capacity, was a tempting mark for argument.
That cloud lias happily vanished, like others that seemed pregnant with storm; but, if the tempest had broken loose setting commercial interests wholly aside I verily believe there would have been heaviness at more true and wise hearts on that side of the Atlantic than on ours.
It is unfair to read the American aristocracy using the word in its original, not in its applied and conventional sense by the light of journalism or platform-oratory; especially on the verge of a General Election. And even for the 'tall talk' there is some excuse, when you remember what an infinite variety of personal interests are at stake I . Perhaps, the candidates for the Presidency themselves are not more keenly alive to the result, than the postmaster of Muddy (Jreck. or the collector at Poverty Flat. Like the ring in the wedding-cake, the omnipotent 'dollar' lies at the core of almost every and convention. 'Needs must when the devil drives,' applies not to Transatlanticpoliticians alone; and, at such a season, Mammon stirs himself with a will.
A very brief stay in New York will convince you that the temptations to money-making must be quite strong as when licctr x7 was was penned.
Paris, Naples, and Vienna would hardly be selected for purposes of retrenchment; but, in comparison of costliness, the Empire City wins, with something in hand. It needs time, experience, and ingenuity to procure any article, necessary or superfluous, at a moderate price; excepting, perhaps, oysters, apples, and scats in street-cars; Put these edibles alone will not satisfy all constitutions; and, if a man could lodge on the tramways, he must still be clothed in civilized fashion. The tariff at some hotels and boarding-houses does not sound soexorbitant; but liquors rule fabulously high; and 'quenchers,' at fifty cents, will tell at the year's end. After careful calculation, you realise that a dollar about represents an English shilling rather an upsetting of one's ideas of exchange.
At every turn, you meet evidences of overweening wealth and luxury. Taking up the 'Ledger' a serious journal, specially adapted for the perusal of families and schools you find its proprietor proffering sums that might have bought Favonius, before a leaf dropped from his chaplet, for any trotter that can beat Dexter's time; and this is no gambler,, remember, but a decent 'sponsible burgess, setting his face against public matches and wagering like a very flintstone. Calling in Fifth Avenue, you learn that the morning dress, that does ample justice to the svelte figure, is fresh from the Eue de la Paix; and that your hostess "thinks it almost the cheapest plan, on the whole." Fancy an economy, with "Worth as its fountain-head! Dining at Delmonico's excellent well, no doubt if allowed a glimpse of the bill, you will find your share of meat, drink, and tobacco amount to about eight sovereigns sterling. For the transit from the club to your hotel a brief bowshot for a practised archer whilst the night is yet young, your hackman demands a couple of dollars or so, without a shade of compunction on his ignoble face, or a twinkle of mirth in his lowering eyes. [Parenthetically, I wish someone, well versed in acclimatisation, would explain why the Irish cardriver, who had ever a jest albeit somewhat mild and stale on his lips, and would liever have earned a crown at a meet of the 'Ward' than a poundnote at a prayer-meeting, is transformed, by a few gulps of American air, into a covetous, sullen savage, with rather less notion of humour or amenity than attaches to his Parisian compeer.] If you 'plunge' at all in gloves, on the
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