Shearing in the Riverina, New South Wales | Page 4

Rolf Boldrewood
South Wales, one Monday
morning in the month of August. The utterance had its importance to
every member of a rather extensive "CORPS DRAMATIQUE"
awaiting the industrial drama about to be performed.
A low sand-hill a few years since had looked out over a sea of grey
plains, covered partly with grass, partly with salsiferous bushes and
herbs. Two or three huts built of the trunks of the pine and roofed with
the bark of the box-tree, and a skeleton-looking cattle-yard with its high
"gallows" (a rude timber stage whereon to hang slaughtered cattle)
alone broke the monotony of the plain-ocean. A comparatively small
herd of cattle, 2000 or 3000, found more than sufficient pasturage
during the short winter and spring, but were always compelled to
migrate to mountain pastures when the swamps, which alone in those
days formed the water-stores of the run, were dried up. But two or three,
or at most half-a-dozen, stockmen were ever needed for the purpose of
managing the herd, so inadequate in number and profitable occupation
to this vast tract of grazing country.
But, a little later, one of the great chiefs of the wool-producing
interest--a shepherd-king, so to speak, of shrewdness, energy, and
capital--had seen, approved and purchased the lease of this waste
kingdom. Almost at once, as if by magic, the scene changed. Great

gangs of navvies appeared, wending their way across the silent plain.
Dams were made, wells were dug. Tons of fencing wire were dropped
on the sand by the long line of teams which seemed never tired of
arriving. Sheep by thousands, and tens of thousands, began to come,
grazing and cropping up to the lonely sandhill--now swarming with
blacksmiths, carpenters, engineers, fencers, shepherds,
bullock-drivers--till the place looked like a fair on the borders of
Meanwhile everything was moving with calculated force and cost,
under the "reign of law". The seeming expense was merely the
economic truth of doing all the necessary work at once, rather than by
instalments. One hundred men for one day rather than one man for one
hundred days. Results soon began to demonstrate themselves. In twelve
months the dams were full, the wells sending up their far-fetched
priceless water, the wire fences erected, the shepherds gone, and 17,000
sheep cropping the herbage of Anabanco. Tuesday was the day fixed
for the actual commencement of the momentous, almost solemn
transaction--the pastoral Hegira, so to speak, as the time of most station
events is calculated with reference to it, as happening before or after
shearing. But before the first shot is fired which tells of the battle begun,
what raids and skirmishes, what reconnoitring and vedette duty must
take place!
First arrives the cook-in-chief to the shearers, with two assistants to lay
in a few provisions for the week's consumption of 70 able-bodied men.
I must here explain that the cook of a large shearing-shed is a highly
paid and tolerably irresponsible official. He is paid and provided by the
shearers. Payment is generally arranged on the scale of half-a-crown a
head weekly from each shearer. For this sum he must provide punctual
and effective cooking, paying out of his own pocket as many
"marmitons" as may be needful for that end, and to satisfy his tolerably
exacting and fastidious employers.
In the present case he confers with the storekeeper, Mr de Vere, a
young gentleman of aristocratic connexions who is thus gaining an
excellent practical knowledge of the working of a large station and to

this end has the store-keeping department entrusted to him during
He does not perhaps look quite fit for a croquet party as he stands now,
with a flour-scoop in one hand and a pound of tobacco in the other. But
he looks like a man at work, and also like a gentleman, as he is. "Jack
the Cook" thus addresses him:
"Now, Mr de Vere, I hope there's not going to be any humbugging
about my rations and things! The men are all up in their quarters, and
as hungry as free selectors. They've been a-payin' for their rations for
ever so long, and of course now shearing's on, they're good for a little
"All right, Jack," returns de Vere, good-temperedly, "all your lot was
weighed out and sent away before breakfast. You must have missed the
cart. Here's the list. I'll read it out to you: three bags flour, half a
bullock, two bags sugar, a chest of tea, four dozen of pickles, four
dozen of jam, two gallons of vinegar, five pounds pepper, a bag of salt,
plates, knives, forks, ovens, frying-pans, saucepans, iron pots, and
about a hundred other things. Now, mind you, return all the cooking
things safe, or PAY FOR THEM--that's the order! You don't want
anything more, do you? You've got enough
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