by Henry Fielding
AN APOLOGY FOR THE LIFE OF Mrs. Shamela Andrews. In which,
the many notorious Falshoods and Misrepresentations of a Book called
P A M E L A, Are exposed and refuted; and all the matchless Arts of
that young Politician, set in a true and just Light. Together with A full
Account of all that passed between her and Parson Arthur Williams;
whose Character is represented in a manner something different from
that which he bears in PAMELA. The whole being exact Copies of
authentick Papers delivered to the Editor.
Necessary to be had in all Families.
LONDON: Printed for A. Dodd, at the Peacock, without Temple-bar. M.
To Miss Fanny, &c.
It will be naturally expected, that when I write the Life of Shamela, I
should dedicate it to some young Lady, whose Wit and Beauty might
be the proper Subject of a Comparison with the Heroine of my Piece.
This, those, who see I have done it in prefixing your Name to my Work,
will much more confirmedly expect me to do; and, indeed, your
Character would enable me to run some Length into a Parallel, tho' you,
nor any one else, are at all like the matchless Shamela.
You see, Madam, I have some Value for your Good-nature, when in a
Dedication, which is properly a Panegyrick, I speak against, not for you;
but I remember it is a Life which I am presenting you, and why should
I expose my Veracity to any Hazard in the Front of the Work,
considering what I have done in the Body. Indeed, I wish it was
possible to write a Dedication, and get any thing by it, without one
Word of Flattery; but since it is not, come on, and I hope to shew my
Delicacy at least in the Compliments I intend to pay you.
First, then, Madam, I must tell the World, that you have tickled up and
brightned many Strokes in this Work by your Pencil.
Secondly, You have intimately conversed with me, one of the greatest
Wits and Scholars of my Age.
Thirdly, You keep very good Hours, and frequently spend an useful
Day before others begin to enjoy it. This I will take my Oath on; for I
am admitted to your Presence in a Morning before other People's
Servants are up; when I have constantly found you reading in good
Books; and if ever I have drawn you upon me, I have always felt you
very heavy.
Fourthly, You have a Virtue which enables you to rise early and study
hard, and that is, forbearing to over-eat yourself, and this in spite of all
the luscious Temptations of Puddings and Custards, exciting the Brute
(as Dr. Woodward calls it) to rebel. This is a Virtue which I can greatly
admire, though I much question whether I could imitate it.
Fifthly, A Circumstance greatly to your Honour, that by means of your
extraordinary Merit and Beauty; you was carried into the Ball-Room at
the Bath, by the discerning Mr. Nash; before the Age that other young
Ladies genenerally arrived at that Honour, and while your Mamma
herself existed in her perfect Bloom. Here you was observed in
Dancing to balance your Body exactly, and to weigh every Motion with
the exact and equal Measure of Time and Tune; and though you
sometimes made a false Step, by leaning too much to one Side; yet
every body said you would one time or other, dance perfectly well, and
Sixthly, I cannot forbear mentioning those pretty little Sonnets, and
sprightly Compositions, which though they came from you with so
much Ease, might be mentioned to the Praise of a great or grave
And now, Madam, I have done with you; it only remains to pay my
Acknowledgments to an Author, whose Stile I have exactly followed in
this Life, it being the properest for Biography. The Reader, I believe,
easily guesses, I mean Euclid's Elements; it was Euclid who taught me
to write. It is you, Madam, who pay me for Writing. Therefore I am to
A most Obedient, and obliged humble Servant, Conny Keyber.
The Editor to Himself.
Dear SIR,
However you came by the excellent Shamela, out with it, without Fear
or Favour, Dedication and all; believe me, it will go through many
Editions, be translated into all Languages, read in all Nations and Ages,
and to say a bold Word, it will do more good than the C y have done
harm in the World.
I am, Sir, Sincerely your Well-wisher, Yourself.
John Puff, Esq; to the Editor.
I have read your Shamela through and through, and a most inimitable

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