Shadows over Nothross | Page 3

Urpo Lankinen
they were elves; he liked elves a lot and often wished to see them more. He also just sometimes hated that he felt so duty-bound to the city and guarding it. If the Regent ever felt Jenyr was too overworked and kicked him to a vacation for his own good, he would probably head to Furinel right away. His friends, of course, didn't question this at all - they just found it a bit funny: Jenyr, a manly man and among the toughest guards the city had seen, didn't seem like a type that constantly admired elven elegance.
"Oh, look, there's two elves who seem to be lost in our fine city", Jenyr said as the elves headed their way.
"Good morning, guards", the elf said. "...ah, captain." he smiled to them as the two guards nodded in friendly greeting and smiled. "Would you be of assistance? We're looking for Jenyr Adatel's mercenary company. We were told it would be close by."
Jenyr's face split to smile. "Well, you're in luck. I would be Jenyr Adatel. Glad to meet the fairer folk." He smiled heartily and shook the elven lord's hand - he guessed the two had been arguing about where to go and weren't just expecting to run into the people they were looking for. "What can we do for you? Oh - and this is one of my associates, Facyr Tann, who is usually the mastermind behind all of our company's great deeds. I am just the financier, really."
"Good morning, sir, madam", Facyr said with a smile and nodded to the pair of elves.
"I am Aleln Valntathalen ath Valntathalen", the elf introduced himself, with a rather hushed voice. Jenyr and Facyr found the name a bit surprising. "And this is my wife Realn Valntathalen ath Elthosthalen."
"You're the Duke of Nothross? Forgive me, your grace", Jenyr said, head bowed. "I should have recognized you earlier. I saw your grace during your visit to Anchorfall a couple of years ago--"
Aleln looked alarmed. "Quiet! Please, there's no need for posturing", Aleln said, with a hushed voice, "Right now, we'd really appreciate it if we could stay unrecognised. If everyone know I'd be here, they'd want me to attend formal meetings, and every formal meeting always has a number of spies. I'm not good at coming up with cover stories, I'm afraid."
"Oh?" Jenyr went, surprise on his voice not masked very well, but he figured out that if the duke wanted to be here incognito for whatever reason, that was just fine with him. "Anyway, if you wish us to help you, your grace, we're happy to help in whatever way you see necessary", Jenyr said, with his ordinary, more relaxed voice that he used when addressing the Regent, with whom he was good friends with, but not quite friends enough to drop the titles. "we'd be happy to help the royalty of such a fine nation as Furinel. Now", he said, relaxing a bit more, "I cannot do much about your problem personally, I'm afraid, but have no worry, my fine friends will be able to do wonders for you. Facyr?"
"Yep?" Facyr snapped half-heartedly, but almost convincingly, to attention.
"Could you take these fine folks to our fine house and listen to what they have to say? I'll have to continue the patrols. We have here elven royalty who obviously want to get their castle back!" He glanced at the nobles, who just smiled, happy that the guard had guessed their intentions right. Jenyr, after all, kept up with the news from the elven lands, and was aware of the situation the nobles were in. "Terrifying adventures in the northern frontier! Look, Facyr, I trust you can do this job properly, okay?"
Chapter 2
They were "a completely forgettable adventuring party". Or maybe a "The nameless league of extraordinary adventurers". Maybe not, they sure weren't the only nameless group, and not into grandiose names anyway. Or maybe "yet another mercenary group." No, not that in million years. None of those.
Since Facyr Tann, Faira Ativel and Gnedrnygr Adithebadoggr loved to do adventurous and daring things together, and there was always some jobs for cunning and resourceful adventurers, Jenyr Adatel had helped his good friends to form an adventuring company. Anchorfall had always been the city where adventurers, mercenaries, and other people with the need to do daring things for fame and fortune had headquarters in. It had always been somewhat disorganised, save perhaps for Privateers of Varmhjelm. After the Revolution, the Regent had worked hard to establish some rules; city full of people with sharp swords and skills to use them needed some regulation.
The friends, as a whole, found the incorporation a Necessary Evil. Incorporation was mostly just a formality; the town was full of groups of mercenaries of varying levels of association anyway. The incorporation felt unnatural
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