Sexual Survey Results from Over 100 Women | Page 6

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showing his interestin me as a person
Does penis size matter?: within reason, it doesn't matter. I like to feel
in order to be fulfilled
What is the perfect penis size?: no idea. see above
Which matters to you most Size or Sexual Technique?: the latter, surely, but I
never think too much about it
Describe in detail your most memorable favorite pleasurable intense or erotic
sexual experience you have ever had? And what made it so?: after I got married,
after about a week it happened. it was wonderful!
Describe your favorite sexual technique that when done to you absolutely drives
you wild in bed?: missionary position, and very slow and long-lasting
Applied to Receiving Oral Sex:: see above
Applied to Intercourse:: see above
What is your favorite sexual position?: see above

Do you enjoy Anal Sex?: No
Have you ever had Anal Intercourse?: Yes
What Anal Sex Activities do you enjoy?: I'm not really in to all that. I do
enjoy being fingered, but I think it's because of feeling comfortable and
What do you enjoy or dislike about Anal Sex?: some pain and disgust because of
association with bowel movements
What advice would you give men that want to try anal intercourse with their
partners?: be aware that you are dealing with another human being who is
basically much like you
Describe your favorite sexual technique that when done to you absolutely drives
you wild in bed as applied to Anal Sex?: see above
Have you ever had a G-Spot Orgasm?: I am really not sure
Have you ever experienced Female Ejaculation?: how do you tell a blind man what
the color blue looks like?
Please tell us your most desired sexual fantasy?: my fantasies are very romantic,
dealing with the courting preceding sex
Submit: Submit Query
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
ana () on Monday, October 11, 1999 at 08:27:27
Please give us your age: 20
What makes a man a great lover?: knowing the right ways to make you come doing
every thing
at the right time and really wanting too
Does penis size matter?: I think it does because if you can't feel it then what's
the point you just lay there idle.
What is the perfect penis size?: 6'2
Which matters to you most Size or Sexual Technique?: sexual technique because
sometime even when you have a big
one you can't feel it you just go numb
Describe in detail your most memorable favorite pleasurable intense or erotic
sexual experience you have ever had? And what made it so?: the time I and my
boyfriend had sex on top of the car
it was so because we could have got caught if one of the
cars that passed by stopped

Describe your favorite sexual technique that when done to you absolutely drives
you wild in bed?: when my boyfriend does oral sex on me and talk to me
Applied to Receiving Oral Sex:: when he teases my clit slow but intensely
Applied to Intercourse:: when I'm propped up or when Riding on top and it goes
extremely deep.
What is your favorite sexual position?: when I'm on top
Do you enjoy Anal Sex?: No
Have you ever had Anal Intercourse?: No
What Anal Sex Activities do you enjoy?: none at all........
What do you enjoy or dislike about Anal Sex?: the part about it being in your
What advice would you give men that want to try anal intercourse with their
partners?: be passionate and fun make them feel wanted and important
Describe your favorite sexual technique that when done to you absolutely drives
you wild in bed as applied to Anal Sex?: I don't have anal sex.
Have you ever had a G-Spot Orgasm?:
I don't know.
Have you ever experienced Female Ejaculation?: yes and when I'm deep thrusted is
when it happens.
Please tell us your most desired sexual fantasy?: walking naked up to my boyfriend
and getting on top of him kissing him deep and sucking his neck and striping him
and riding him till I just cum.
Submit: Submit Query
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
Avenrei () on Monday, October 11, 1999 at 08:30:35
Please give us your age: 27
What makes a man a great lover?: His ability to be gentle and learn what a woman
likes from her responses and not solely from his previous experiences.
Does penis size matter?: There's an advantage both ways. If it's typical or small
there won't be the fear from the woman that it will hurt her. But if it's larger
than normal then you have to help her get past the fear but at the same time she
will be impressed and find it more sexy just because in our society bigger is
better. She knows that's not necessarily true, but it's like with breasts, bigger
is considered better.

What is the perfect penis size?: I would say 8 inches long and 3 inches wide
Which matters to you most Size or Sexual Technique?: Technique of course, that's
what gives you the orgasm, no one gets a good sexual experience from a big dick
but from good hands and tongue.
Describe in detail your most memorable
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