Sex-Ploytation - How Women Abuse Men Using Their Sexuality (A Must Read) afterdeath1009 projectw | Page 2

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with sex, to enjoy its pleasures
without fear of pregnancy. The sort of women Vilar had been castigating-housewives
idling away their afternoons lunching with girlfriends and withholding sex until their
husbands bought them a bigger diamond ring or a fur coat-suddenly seemed hopelessly
passé. An unstoppable tide of liberation seem ed to have turned. Yesterday's whores
would hand down their burnt-out torches of greed to an enlightened generation of women
who treasured men as partners in life, not meal tickets. Sex had become a celebration, no
longer a tool to extort money from men. A new age had begun.

But such optimistic hopes were short-lived. This "new age" died a quick and pitiless
death, a squirming victim sacrificed on the altar of female greed. As business boomed
and diversified in the late 70's and early 80's, and baby-boomer men prospered, the fires
of avarice began once again to blaze up fi ercely in female hearts. The mercenary
opportunities of their gender nagged insistently at these young revolu tionaries, and their
mothers' words haunted them with timeworn a dvice: why should men buy the cow if they
can have the milk for free? Ironically the equal rights movement, with its emphasis on
individual freedom and gender parity, had so mehow spawned an evil twin sister. Fueled
by an all encompassing anger and avarice, a renegade self-serving feminism had spun off
the old one, a greed-ridden par ody of a noble ideal. It sanctioned women to become even
more selfish and demanding of men than thei r mothers had been. Now they wanted their
cake and eat it, too: while they marched for e qual rights and equal pay, they still expected
men to take care of their needs, and they st ill offered the bait of their bodies to plunder
male wallets. Feminism didn't free the ordinary woman; it simply gave blunt franchise to
her greed.
But the future promised an even blacker for ecast. By the mid 80's, female arrogance had
spread like a virulent cancer, and women had begun to assess men not as equals, but as
inferiors. A woman's version of equal rights had turned into "pay for me-and pay a lot-
without question". I am woma n, you owe me. The cute conniving of their mothers had
had its day; coldly tradin g the use of her body for big money had become a woman's
business. Instead of "if it feels good, do it", now it was "if it feels good, sell it". Make
cash, not love. Whoredom was back, and this time with a vengeance.
In comparison to this unbounded greed, Vila r's women seemed like schoolgirls making
cow-eyes at Daddy to con him out of extra a llowance. At least her housewives were more
honest prostitutes, selling themselves within th e context of the social norm, more or less
under the aegis of societal blessing. But these new whores had emerged as the most
flagrant of hypocrites, paradi ng themselves as emancipated, yet still insisting on cash for
sex, then refusing to admit the reality of their prostitution.
This is an incendiary book. It takes up where Esther Vilar left off twenty-five years ago.
The primary targets of its criticisms are si ngle and divorced women, since they are the
most egregious offenders in regarding ma te selection and dating as a whore-john
relationship. In these times of rampant in flation and rising housing costs, economic
realities force many married women to go to work-kicking and screaming against their
will, of course-in order to help support a fam ily. Still, quite a few women live off the hard
work of their husbands, contributing nothi ng to the marriage but high bills and an
occasional lay. At these prostitutes this book is aimed as well.
Male readers will applaud the conclusions of Sex-Ploytation, and will cheer that at long
last someone has found the courage to rip th e mask off female duplicity to ransom men,
emancipating them from their chains of frustration and sexual slavery. Female readers
will doubtless be outraged. Some will predictably rant and rave that the book is "anti-
woman"; others, threatened by the exposure of their manipulations, will bury their heads
in the sands of disbelief and denial. But truth is truth; it exists independent of wishful
thinking. All of us are guilty of egoistic provincialism; all of us rigorously defend the
battlements of our illusions. Women are especial ly skilled in such fantasies, preferring
magical thinking over naked reality. They are he rd creatures, naively following whatever
direction society leads them. Seemingly incap able of independent thought, they troop

along the path of least resistance, entranced by a kind of hypnos is which allows them to
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