Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry Cakes, and Sweetmeats | Page 6

Miss Leslie
the day before they are wanted for the pudding.
Stir the butter and sugar to a cream, and add to it, gradually, the liquor.
Beat the whites of six eggs till they stand alone. Stir the almonds and white of eggs, alternately, into the butter and sugar; and then stir the whole well together.
Have ready a puff-paste sufficient for a soup-plate. Butter the plate, lay on the paste, trim and notch it. Then put in the mixture.
Bake it about half an hour in a moderate oven.
Grate loaf-sugar over it.
Four eggs.?A gill of milk.?A quarter of a pound of butter.?A quarter of a pound of powdered sugar.?Two ounces of grated bread.?A table-spoonful of mixed brandy and wine.?A tea-spoonful of rose-water.?A tea-spoonful of mace, cinnamon, and nutmeg, mixed.?A quarter of a pound of currants.
Pick the currants very clean. Wash them through a colander, wipe them in a towel, and then dry them on a dish before the fire.
When dry take out a few to scatter over the top of the cheesecake, lay them aside, and sprinkle the remainder of the currants with the flour.
Stir the butter and sugar to a cream. Grate the bread, and prepare the spice. Beat the eggs very light.
Boil the milk. When it comes to a boil, add to it half the beaten egg, and boil both together till it becomes a curd, stirring it frequently with a knife. Then throw the grated bread on the curd, and stir all together. Then take the milk, egg, and bread off the fire and stir it, gradually, into the butter and sugar. Next, stir in the remaining half of the egg.
Add, by degrees, the liquor and spice.
Lastly, stir in, gradually, the currants.
Have ready a puff-paste, which should be made before you prepare the cheesecake, as the mixture will become heavy by standing. Before you put it into the oven, scatter the remainder of the currants over the top.
Bake it half an hour in rather a quick oven.
Do not sugar the top.
You may bake it either in a soup-plate, or in two small tin patty-pans, which, for cheesecakes, should be of a square shape. If baked in square patty-pans, leave at each side a flap of paste in the shape of a half-circle. Cut long slits in these flaps and turn them over, so that they will rest on the top of the mixture.
You can, if you choose, add to the currants a few raisins stoned, and cut in half.
A quarter of a pound of boiled sweet potato.?Three eggs.?A quarter of a pound of powdered white sugar.?A quarter of a pound of fresh butter.?A glass of mixed wine and brandy.?A half-glass of rose-water.?A tea-spoonful of mixed spice, nutmeg, mace and cinnamon.
Pound the spice, allowing a smaller proportion of mace than of nutmeg and cinnamon.
Boil and peal some sweet potatoes, and when they are cold, weigh a quarter of a pound. Mash the sweet potato very smooth, and rub it through a sieve. Stir the sugar and butter to a cream.
Beat the eggs very light, and stir them into the butter and sugar, alternately with the sweet potato. Add by degrees the liquor, rose-water and spice. Stir all very hard together.
Spread puff-paste on a soup-plate. Put in the mixture, and bake it about half an hour in a moderate oven.
Grate sugar over it.
Half a pound of stewed pumpkin.?Three eggs.?A quarter of a pound of fresh butter, or a pint of cream. A quarter of a pound of powdered white sugar.?Half a glass of wine and brandy mixed.?Half a glass of rose-water.?A tea-spoonful of mixed spice, nutmeg, mace and cinnamon.
Stew some pumpkin with as little water as possible. Drain it in a colander, and press it till dry. When cold, weigh half a pound, and pass it through a sieve. Prepare the spice. Stir together the sugar, and butter, to cream, till they are perfectly light. Add to them, gradually, the spice and liquor.
Beat three eggs very light, and stir them into the butter and sugar alternately with the pumpkin.
Cover a soup-plate with puff-paste, and put in the mixture. Bake it in a moderate oven about half an hour.
Grate sugar over it when cool.
Instead of the butter, you may boil a pint of milk or cream, and when cold, stir into it in turn the sugar, eggs, and pumpkin.
A pint of stewed gooseberries, with all their juice.?A quarter of a pound of powdered sugar.?Two ounces of fresh butter.?Two ounces of grated bread.?Three eggs.
Stew the gooseberries till quite soft. When they are cold, mash them fine with the back of a spoon, and stir into them two ounces of sugar. Take two ounces more of sugar, and stir it to a cream with two ounces of butter.
Grate very fine as much stale bread as will weigh two ounces.
Beat three eggs, and
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