Senator North | Page 9

Gertrude Atherton
receive; and those women can go home
and talk fur the rest of their lives about the fine time they had in
Washington society. Amurricans heighst themselves whenever they git
a chance. I don't care to do that. My sister--she's a heap younger 'n I am
and awful spry--and I come down from the north of New Hampshire
every winter and keep a boardin'-house in Washington so that we can
see the world. We don't go home with ten dollars over railroad fare in
our pockets, but we don't mind, because the farm keeps us and we've
had a real good time. I often sit down up in New Hampshire and think
of the beautiful houses and dresses and pictures I've seen, and I can
always remember that I've shaken hands with the President and his wife
and the ladies of the Cabinet. They're just as nice as they can be."
Betty, whose sympathies were quick and keen, winked away a tear.
"I'm so glad you enjoy it so much," she exclaimed, "and that there is so
much for you here to enjoy. I never thought of it in that way. I'm
awfully interested in it all, myself, and I feel deeply indebted to you."
"Well, you needn't mind that. My sister says I always talk when I can
git anybody to listen to me, and I guess I do. Where air you from? New
York, I guess."
"Oh, I am a Washingtonian. My name is Madison."
"So? I don't remember seeing it in the society columns."
"We are never mentioned in society columns," exclaimed Betty, with
her first thrill of pride since entering the new world. "But I seldom have
passed a winter out of Washington, although--I am sorry to say--I never
have met any of these people."
"You don't say. I ain't curious, but you don't look as if you had to stay

to home and do the work. But Amurrican girls are so smart they can
about look anything they have a mind to." "Oh--I am really sorry, but
everybody seems to be going, and I haven't spoken to Lady Mary yet.
I'm so much obliged to you."
"Now, you needn't be, for you're a real nice young lady, and I've
enjoyed talkin' to you. Likely we'll meet again, but I'd be happy to have
you call. Here's my card. Our house is right near here--in the real
fashionable part; and we've several ladies livin' with us that you might
like to meet."
"Oh, thanks! thanks!" Betty put the card carefully into her case, shook
her new friend warmly by the hand, and went forward. Lady Mary's
tired white face had set into an almost mechanical smile, but as her
eyes met Betty's they illumined with sudden interest and her hard-
worked muscles relaxed.
"You are Betty Madison!" she exclaimed. And as the two girls shook
hands they conceived one of those sudden and violent friendships
which are so full of interest while they last.
"How awfully good of you to call so soon!" continued Lady Mary, after
Betty had expatiated upon her long-cherished desire for this meeting. "I
hoped you would, although Miss Carter rather frightened me with her
account of your mother's aversion to political people. But they have all
been so good to me--all your delightful set." She lowered her voice,
which had rung out for a moment in something of its old style, albeit
platitudes had worn upon its edges. "I couldn't stand just this--although
I must add that many of the official women are charming and have the
most stunning manners; but many are the reverse, and unfortunately I
can't pick and choose. It seems that when one gets into politics in this
country that is the end of nine-tenths of one's personal life; and
Washington is certainly the headquarters of democracy. Here every
American really does feel that he is as good as every other American; I
wish to heaven he didn't."
"Washington is a democracy with a kernel of the most exclusive
aristocracy," said Betty, with a laugh. "Some one has said that it is the

drawing-room of the Republic. It is the hotel drawing-room with a
Holy of Holies opening upon the area. I'm sick of the Holy of Holies,
and I Ve never enjoyed a half-hour so much as while I've been looking
on here--waiting for you to be disengaged."
"Oh, this is nothing. You must let me take you to a large evening
reception. That is really interesting, for you see so many famous people.
Can't you dine with me to-morrow? We've a big political dinner on.
About fifteen members of a Senate and a House Committee that are
deliberating a very important bill are coming. Senator North--he is well
worth meeting--is Chairman of the Senate Committee, and my
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