Secret Enemies of True Republicanism | Page 3

Andrew B. Smolnikar
and unite the Latin race to the alliance,
without which there is no salvation for civilization.
"The president's message is in open opposition to the faith, the ideas,
the principles and the interests, the acknowledged defender of which
your Majesty is. That message strikes Europe on both cheeks; and I
affirm that those who like to make it laughable, become pale when they
reflect upon it in their closets.
"Mr. Buchanan and the nation whom he represents, keep these things
not any longer in secret. From henceforth they demand Cuba, and the

language in the message shows, that they will not desist from any
means to obtain their object. This object is one portion of Mexico and
then an other, the whole Central America and West Indies," &c.
If our profession which is expressed on the title page of this book, is
true, we have received the commission to move nations and their rulers
to establish the universal republic of truth and justice, harmony and
peace. It will be the true reign of Christ, for which all political and
ecclesiastical memorable events of past centuries and of this time, are
preparations. Our commission, that is, the commission of messengers
whom I represent, is confirmed by so many signs according to
prophecies, that while I was writing the last of the five German
volumes which have been published from A.D. 1838 till 1842, I have
oftentimes repeated, that the key has been given in those volumes to
unlock and explain so many prophecies and signs testifying our mission,
that five hundred volumes could be filled, if there had not been
superabundance of them already published in the five above mentioned
volumes, from which it is evident, that neither monarchs amongst
themselves in Europe, nor political and ecclesiastical parties and sects
in this country, can establish peace, but will continue to quarrel and
consume every year an enormous amount of property for war
preparations, and corrupt and ruin nations, and destroy many men and
women during those preparations, till at length they are again and again
so brutalized and enraged, that they kill each other, till all parties are so
exhausted, that they are compelled to make peace, which is nothing else
but an armistice; because when the true peace or Christ's reign, which
will be the universal Republic of Truth and Justice, shall be established
on the whole globe, soldiers and all preparations for war, will disappear,
and those who are now learning how to destroy each other, will learn
how to prolong their lives and improve their intellectual and moral
faculties for their own temporal and eternal welfare, as well as for the
welfare of others. Wo! wo! wo! to the Roman catholics as well as
others in these United States and in all other parts of America and in
Europe and elsewhere, if the infernal fire of revolution and war, which
is glowing, breaks out with all force in the United States of America. It
would extend on the globe and consume millions of men, and amongst
them also Monarchs. But we write to prevent their destruction, and to

prepare them to become true republicans and truly happy, and to
contribute their share for the happiness of all men.
After the publication of the above mentioned five volumes I made
urgent applications to political and ecclesiastical rulers and their
counsellors in Europe by sending to some of them my books and letters,
and to others letters only, showing how to obtain my books, and
exhorting them to study them and act accordingly to prevent
revolutions and wars and to commence the new Era. After that,
whenever a peculiar crisis was approaching, we have issued some
publication, warning the American Nation as well as other nations and
their governments, and showing, that there was high time to study the
contents of our volumes. I am not alone, but there are invisible
messengers giving testimony by my instrumentality, as superabundance
of proof is given also in this volume. In this connection of matters I
mention the following instance:
At the end of the year 1853 my pamphlet "Antichristian Conspiracy
against true Republicanism" issued from the press; and in the first part
of the year 1854 copies of that pamphlet as well as written disclosures
containing most solemn warnings to the American as well as to all
other nations, were sent to President Pierce and to a number of
congressmen in both houses. In said pamphlet and in the annexed
written disclosures, the Government was most solemnly exhorted to
appoint a convention for examining our system or the magnetic chain
of events through the course of the past centuries in connection with the
events of this generation, which have not been understood so as they
are made manifest in our chain for binding the
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