Scorched Earth | Page 4

Walter D. Petrovic
never recalling those who were assigned to live within them. Not many
years following the fall of the Communist Nation, called The Soviet Union, another
Communist nation called China, started to experience similar internal problems. Young
people and those wishing to have an easier life for themselves, rallied and called for their
nation to be more democratic and capitalistic. By the turn of the Twenty-first Century
new borders were drawn all about the planet. New cooperations and friendships were
formed, even between those people that were considered as past enemies.
Religious societies began to gather strength about the planet, and new societies formed
daily. Their influence and power started to influence the politics of the nations where
they formed and soon many of these people were in control of those nations. Religious
dogmatism had overtaken the sensibilities of most people that were alive. The
polarisation that had formed in religious belief was greater than any political ideology.
Fighting had ensued everywhere and lead to another great war.
New weapons were produced utilising the new found crystal energy. These new weapons
were used.

Violence and war waged on. In the final year, the religious societies openly confronted
the politically controlled military, everywhere. Through subversion, propaganda and
assassination, these societies panicked the world's population, further forcing the planet's
people to take sides.
Every group called themselves "The Saviours Of The Earth," believing that they were
sent by God Himself, to turn the planet into a second Eden.
Not a single soul was saved.
Millions died, and many more perished in subsequent plagues and famines, which spread
throughout the entire world.
The surface of the planet was virtually destroyed. Only those people that had some
natural protection, and those who remained in the O.S.G.I's survived.
For many centuries the survivors, underground, were put into cryogenic suspension to
await the day they may walk and live upon a newly healed Earth.

A thick mist encircled the Earth for many years, slowly dissipating as it radiated out into
space. The greater portion of the world was devastated; a population of billions, reduced
to several million score. Once great cities were wiped clean from the face of the earth.
Those that were spared stood like majestic mountains. With time, they also crumbled
away, turning into gigantic mounds that were loosely held together by rusty girders,
brittle concrete and broken glass.
Bands of strange-looking humans roamed the face of the land foraging for the scarce and
much-valued commodities of food and fresh water.
In the years following the deluge, the surface dwelling survivors died out from exposure
to radiation and to the adverse climactic conditions that were inherited from the global
fall out.
The progeny of the survivors became strange in appearance and behaviour until they all
became new forms of humans, evolved from mutants, to small hybrid races which soon
became as distinct and individual as those humans that lived in the late Twentieth
Century. The amalgamation of these races found that great tension had formed between
them, due to their differences in appearances and forms of speech, and so they broke
away from the main body of humanity and headed for their own select areas of the
Many of these new races of humans ventured forth and eventually established unique
civilisations. One race went to the extreme western part of the North continent.
Everywhere, they found small pockets of survivors and conquered them. They looted
their food stores and used those people as slaves; so becoming a feared band of humans
that resembled upright, and very dark featured, apes. They called themselves the
Teniqués. Those in the east were afraid that the Teniqués would begin to move back their
way but although they were warlike, they stayed put and were soon forgotten.
Concentrated cells of normal humans were still alive. They were the ones who lived in
the mountainous regions of the continent and although most became larger in size than
normal humans, they were the most in resemblance to the people living during the
Twentieth Century. They were hunters and gatherers, moving from valley to, in both the
eastern and the western mountains. These were amongst the first people to be conquered

by the Teniqués, in their move westward. In the east, there was also a race of perfectly
normal looking humans called the Sëdash. They were a group of hermaphrodites that
were compiled and exiled by the rest of human mutants, who disliked them, since they
most closely resembled the previous normal humans. The hermaphrodites wandered for
many years until a place to settle was found. They began to build a culture that they based
on total equality between individuals.
Yet, the Sëdash soon became intolerant to any other forms of human. They developed a
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