meeting of the Royal Microscopical Society, Feb. 8, 1888.--_Nature._]
Retrospect may involve regret, but can scarcely involve anxiety. To one
who fully appreciates the actual, and above all the potential, importance
of this society in its bearing upon the general progress of scientific
research in every field of physical inquiry, the responsibilities of
president will not be lightly, while they may certainly be proudly,
I think it may be now fairly taken for granted that, as this society has,
from the outset, promoted and pointed to the higher scientific
perfection of the microscope, so now, more than ever, it is its special
function to place this in the forefront as its _raison d'etre_. The
microscope has been long enough in the hands of amateur and expert
alike to establish itself as an instrument having an application to every
actual and conceivable department of human research; and while in the
earliest days of this society it was possible for a zealous Fellow to have
seen, and been more or less familiar with, all the applications to which
it then had been put, it is different to-day. Specialists in the most
diverse areas of research are assiduously applying the instrument to
their various subjects, and with results that, if we would estimate aright,
we must survey with instructed vision the whole ground which
advancing science covers.
From this it is manifest that this society cannot hope to infold, or at
least to organically bind to itself, men whose objects of research are so
But these are all none the less linked by one inseverable bond; it is the
microscope; and while, amid the inconceivable diversity of its
applications, it remains manifest that this society has for its primary
object the constant progress of the instrument--whether in its
mechanical construction or its optical appliances; whether the
improvements shall bear upon the use of high powers or low powers;
whether it shall be improvement that shall apply to its commercial
employment, its easier professional application, or its most exalted
scientific use; so long as this shall be the undoubted aim of the Royal
Microscopical Society, its existence may well be the pride of
Englishmen, and will commend itself more and more to men of all
This, and this only, can lift such a society out of what I believe has
ceased to be its danger, that of forgetting that in proportion as the
optical principles of the microscope are understood, and the theory of
microscopical vision is made plain, the value of the instrument over
every region to which it can be applied, and in all the varied hands that
use it, is increased without definable limit. It is therefore by such means
that the true interests of science are promoted.
It is one of the most admirable features of this society that it has
become cosmopolitan in its character in relation to the instrument, and
all the ever-improving methods of research employed with it. From
meeting to meeting it is not one country, or one continent even, that is
represented on our tables. Nay, more, not only are we made familiar
with improvements brought from every civilized part of the world,
referring alike to the microscope itself and every instrument devised by
specialists for its employment in every department of research; but also,
by the admirable persistence of Mr. Crisp and Mr. Jno. Mayall, Jr., we
are familiarized with every discovery of the old forms of the instrument
wherever found or originally employed.
The value of all this cannot be overestimated, for it will, even where
prejudices as to our judgment may exist, gradually make it more and
more clear that this society exists to promote and acknowledge
improvements in every constituent of the microscope, come from
whatever source they may; and, in connection with this, to promote by
demonstrations, exhibitions, and monographs the finest applications of
the finest instruments for their respective purposes.
To give all this its highest value, of course, the theoretical side of our
instrument must occupy the attention of the most accomplished experts.
We may not despair that our somewhat too practical past in this respect
may right itself in our own country; but meantime the splendid work of
German students and experts is placed by the wise editors of our
journal within the reach of all.
I know of no higher hope for this important society than that it may
continue in ever increasing strength to promote, criticise, and welcome
from every quarter of the world whatever will improve the microscope
in itself and in any of its applications, from the most simple to the most
complex and important in which its employment is possible.
There are two points of some practical interest to which I desire for a
few moments to call your attention. The
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