Salem Witchcraft, Volumes I and II | Page 7

Charles Upham
Joseph, upon his marriage with Anna daughter of William Hathorne.
10th, East of Frost-fish River, including the northerly end of Leach's Hill, and extending across Ipswich Road,--about 250 acres, known as the "Barney Farm;" originally granted to Richard Ingersoll, Jacob Barney, and Pascha Foote.
11th, South of the "Barney Farm,"--about 200 acres; granted to Lawrence, Richard, and John Leach; owned, in 1692, by John Leach.
12th, North of the "Barney Farm," and between grants No. XIII. and XIV.,--about 250 acres, known as "Gott's Corner;" granted to Charles Gott, Jeffry Massey, Thomas Watson, John Pickard, and Jacob Barney, and by them sold to John Porter. (Recently known as the "Burley Farm.")
13th, Eastward of the "Barney Farm,"--40 acres; originally granted to George Harris, and afterwards to Osmond Trask; owned, in 1692, by his son, John Trask.
14th, Next east, and extending across Ipswich Road,--40 acres; granted to Edward Bishop, Dec. 28, 1646; owned, in 1692, by his son, Edward Bishop, "the sawyer."
15th, At the northwest end of Felton's Hill, and extending across the Village line,--about 60 acres; owned by Nathaniel Putnam.
16th, Southeast of Grant No. XXIII.,--a farm of about 150 acres; owned by Giles Corey, including 50 acres bought by him of Robert Goodell, March 15, 1660, and 50 acres bought by him of Ezra and Nathaniel Clapp, of Dorchester, heirs of John Alderman, July 4, 1663.
17th, Northeast of the above,--150 acres granted to Mrs. Anna Higginson in 1636; sold by Rev. John Higginson to John Pickering, March 23, 1652; and by him to John Woody and Thomas Flint, Oct. 18, 1654; owned in 1692 by Thomas and Joseph Flint.

Abbey, Thomas, 129.
Abbey, Samuel, ii. 200, 272.
Abbot, Joseph, 123.
Abbot, Nehemiah, ii. 128, 133, 208.
Aborn, Samuel, Jr., ii. 272.
Addington, Isaac, ii. 102, 474.
Afflicted children, ii. 112, 384, 465.
Age, reverence for, 217.
Agrippa, Henry Cornelius, 367.
Alford, William, 66.
Alden, John, ii. 208, 243-247, 255, 453.
Allen, James, 78-84; ii. 89, 309, 494, 550-553.
Allin, James, ii. 226.
America, the peopling of, 395.
Amsterdam, 460.
Andover, ii. 247.
Andrew, Daniel, 155, 214, 251, 270, 296, 319; ii. 59, 187, 272, 497, 550.
Andrews, Ann, ii. 170, 319.
Andrews, John, ii. 306.
Andrews, John, Jr., ii. 306.
Andrews, Joseph, ii. 306.
Andrews, William, ii. 306.
Andrews, Robert, 123.
Andros, Sir Edmund, ii. 99, 154.
Appleton, Samuel, 119; ii. 102, 250.
Apon, Peter, 342.
Arnold de Villa Nova, 342.
Arnold, Margaret, 356.
Babbage, Christopher, ii. 184.
Bachelder, Mark, 123.
Bacheler, John, ii. 475.
Bacon, Francis, 383.
Bacon, Roger, 341.
Badger, John, 445.
Baker, Eben, 123.
Bailey, John, ii. 89, 310.
Balch, John, 129.
Balch, Joseph, 105.
Baptism: its subjects, 307.
Barbadoes, 287.
Barker, Abigail, ii. 349, 404.
Barnard, Thomas, ii. 477.
Barnes, Benjamin, ii. 499.
Barney, Jacob, 40, 140.
Barrett, Thomas, ii. 353.
Bartholomew, Henry, 206.
Bartholomew, William, 428.
Barton, Elizabeth, 343.
Bassett, William, ii. 207.
Batter, Edmund, 40, 46, 57.
Baxter, Richard, 352, 353, 355, 401, 459.
Bayley, James, 245-255, 278; autograph, 280; ii. 514.
Bayley, Joseph, ii. 417.
Bayley, Thomas, 105.
Beadle, Samuel, 132; ii. 164, 181.
Beadle, Thomas, ii. 164, 170, 172.
Beale, William, ii. 141.
Beard, Thomas, 360.
Bears, 210.
Becket, John, ii. 267.
Beers, Richard, 104.
Bekker, Balthasar, 371.
Belcher, Jonathan, ii. 481.
Bellingham, Richard, 144.
Bentley, Richard, 372.
Bentley, William, ii. 143, 365, 377.
Best, John, ii. 329.
Best, John, Jr., ii. 329.
Bibber, Sarah, ii. 5, 205, 287.
Billerica, 9.
Bishop, Bridget, 143, 191-197; ii. 114, 125-128, 253; trial and execution, 256-267; her house, 463.
Bishop, Edward, 142; ii. 272.
Bishop, Edward, 142, 191; ii. 253, 267, 466.
Bishop, Edward, 141, 143; ii. 128, 135, 383, 465, 478.
Bishop, Edward, 143.
Bishop, John, 8.
Bishop, Richard, 142.
Bishop, Sarah, ii. 128, 135.
Bishop, Thomas, 206.
Bishop, Townsend, 40, 66; his house, 69-74, 96, 97; autograph, 279; ii. 294, 467.
Black, Mary, ii. 128, 136.
Blackstone, Sir William, ii. 517.
Blazdell, Henry, 430.
Blazed trees, 43.
Bly, John, ii. 261, 266.
Bly, William, ii. 266.
Bloody Brook, 105.
Booth, Elizabeth, ii. 4, 465.
Bowden, Michael, ii. 467.
Bowditch, Nathaniel, 172.
Boyle, Robert, 359.
Boynton, Joseph, ii. 553.
Bradbury, Thomas, ii. 224, 450.
Bradbury, Mary, ii. 208, 224-238; trial and condemnation, 324, 480.
Bradford, William, 122.
Bradstreet, Dudley, ii. 248, 347.
Bradstreet, John, 428.
Bradstreet, John, ii. 248, 347.
Bradstreet, Simon, 124, 139, 147; autograph 279, 451, 454; ii. 99, 455, 456.
Braman, Milton P., ii. 516.
Brattle, William, ii. 450.
Braybrook, Samuel, ii. 30, 72, 202.
Bridges, Edmund, 186; ii. 94.
Bridges, Mary, ii. 349.
Bridges, Sarah, ii. 349.
Bridgham, Joseph, ii. 553.
Bridle-path, 43.
Britt, Mary, ii. 38.
Broom-making, 202.
Browne, Charles, 429.
Browne, Christopher, 438.
Browne, Henry, Jr., 55.
Browne, Sir Thomas, 357.
Browne, William, Jr., 226, 271.
Buckley, Sarah, ii. 187, 199, 349.
Buckley, Thomas, 105.
Buckley, William, ii. 199.
Burial of those executed, ii. 266, 293, 301, 312, 320.
Burnham, John, ii. 306.
Burnham, John, Jr., ii. 306.
Burroughs, Charles, ii. 478.
Burroughs, George, 255, 278; autograph, 280; arrest and examination, ii. 140-163; trial and execution, 296-304, 319, 480, 482, 514.
Burt, Goody, 437.
Burton, John, 151.
Burton, Isaac, 152, 241.
Burton, Warren, 152.
Butler, Samuel, 352, 367.
Butler, William, ii. 306.
Buxton, Elizabeth, ii 272.
Buxton, John, 154, 262.
Byfield, Nathaniel, ii. 455.
Calamy, Edmund, 283, 352.
Calef, Robert, ii. 32, 461, 490.
Candy, ii. 208, 215, 349.
Canoes, 61.
Cantlebury, William, 154.
Cantlebury, Ruth, ii. 18.
Capen, Joseph, ii. 326, 478.
Capital punishment, 377.
Cary, Elizabeth, ii. 208, 238, 453, 456.
Cary, Jonathan, ii. 238.
Carr, Ann, 253; ii. 465.
Carr, George, ii. 229.
Carr, James, ii. 232.
Carr, John, ii. 234.
Carr, Mary, 253.
Carr, Richard, ii. 230.
Carr, Sir Robert, 220.
Carr, William, ii. 234, 465.
Carrier, Martha,
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