Rule a Wife, and Have a Wife | Page 5

Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
You nam'd a husband, I am not so strict Sir, Nor ti'd unto a Virgins
solitariness, But if an honest, and a noble one, Rich, and a souldier, for
so I have vowed he shall be, Were offer'd me, I think I should accept
him, But above all he must love.
Michael Perez:
He were base else, There's comfort ministred in the word souldier, How
sweetly should I live!
I am not so ignorant, but that I know well, How to be commanded, And
how again to make my self obey'd Sir, I waste but little, I have gather'd
much, My rial not the less worth, when 'tis spent, If spent by my
direction, to please my Husband, I hold it as indifferent in my duty, To
be his maid i'th' kitchen, or his Cook, As in the Hall to know my self
the Mistris.
Michael Perez:
Sweet, rich, and provident, now fortune stick To me; I am a Souldier,
and a bachelour, Lady, And such a wife as you, I cou'd love infinitely,
They that use many words, some are deceitfull, I long to be a Husband,
and a good one, For 'tis most certain I shall make a president For all
that follow me to love their Ladies, I am young you see, able I would
have you think too, If't please you know, try me before you take me.
'Tis true I shall not meet in equal wealth With ye, but Jewels, Chains,
such as the war Has given me, a thousand Duckets I dare Presume on in
ready gold, now as your Care may handle it, as rich cloths too, as 181]
Any he bears arms Lady.

You are a true gentleman, and fair, I see by ye, And such a man I had
rather take.
Michael Perez:
Pray do so, I'le have a Priest o'th' sudden.
And as suddenly you will repent too.
Michael Perez:
I'le be hang'd or drown'd first, By this and this, and this kiss.
You are a Flatterer, But I must say there was something when I saw
you First, in that most noble face, that stirr'd my fancy.
Michael Perez:
I'le stir it better e're you sleep sweet Lady, I'le send for all my trunks
and give up all to ye, Into your own dispose, before I bed ye, And then
sweet wench.
You have the art to cozen me. [Exeunt.

Actus Secundus

Scena Prima
[Enter Margarita, and two Ladies, and Altea.]

Sit down and give me your opinions seriously.
1 Lady:
You say you have a mind to marry Lady.
'Tis true, I have for to preserve my credit, Yet not so much for that as
for my state Ladies, Conceive me right, there lies the main o'th'
question, Credit I can redeem, mony will imp it, But when my monie's
gone, when the law shall Seize that, and for incontinency strip me Of
1 Lady:
Do you find your body so malitious that way?
I find it as all bodies are that are young and lusty, Lazy, and high fed, I
desire my pleasure, And pleasure I must have.
2 Lady:
'Tis fit you should have, Your years require it, and 'tis necessary, As
necessary as meat to a young Lady, Sleep cannot nourish more.
1 Lady:
But might not all this be, and keep ye single. You take away variety in
marriage, The abundance of the pleasure you are bar'd then, 182] Is't
not abundance that you aim at?
Yes why was I made a woman?

2 Lady:
And every day a new?
Why fair and young but to use it?
1 Lady:
You are still i'th' right, why would you marry then?
Because a husband stops all doubts in this point, And clears all
2 Lady:
What Husband mean ye?
A Husband of an easy faith, a fool, Made by her wealth, and moulded
to her pleasure, One though he see himself become a monster, Shall
hold the door, and entertain the maker.
2 Lady:
You grant there may be such a man.
1 Lady:
Yes marry, but how to bring 'em to this rare Perfection.
2 Lady:
They must be chosen so, things of no honour, Nor outward honesty.

No 'tis no matter, I care not what they are, so they be lusty.
2 Lady:
Me thinks now a rich Lawyer, some such fellow, That carries credit,
and a face of awe, But lies with nothing but his clients business.
No there's no trusting them, they are too subtil, The Law has moulded
'em of natural mischief.
1 Lady:
Then some grave governor, Some man of honour, yet an easy man.
If he have honour I am undone,
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