Rig Veda Americanus | Page 4

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he enters as a god, he descends as an example, he shines forth, he shines forth, descending as an example.
There is no Gloss to this hymn, but its signification seems clear. Huitznahuac was a name applied to several edifices in the great temple at Tenochtitlan, as we are informed at length by Sahagun. The word is a locative from huitznahua. This term means "magicians from the south" or "diviners with thorns," and was applied in the Quetzalcoatl mythical cyclus to the legendary enemies of Huitzilopochtli, whom he is said to have destroyed as soon as he was born. (See my discussion of this myth in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society for 1887.) Apparently to perpetuate the memory of this exploit, the custom was, at the festival of Huitzilopochtli, for the slaves who were to be sacrificed to form two bands, one representing the Huitznahua and the other the partisans of the god, and to slaughter each other until the arrival of the god Paynal put an end to the combat (Sahagun, Historia, Lib. II., cap. 34). The song here given belongs to this portion of the ancient rite.
1. The tlacochcalli, "house of arrows" (tlacochtli, arrow, calli, house), was a large hall in the temple of Huitzilopochtli where arrows, spears and other arms were kept (Sahagun, Lib. VIII., cap. 32).
2. The "adornment from the south" refers to the meaning of the name Huitznahua. (See Glossary.)
3. Sahagun (ubi sup.) informs us that the slaves condemned to die fought against free warriors, and when any of the latter were captured they were promptly put to death by their captors.
III. Tlalloc icuic.
1. Ahuia Mexico teutlaneuiloc amapanitla anauhcampa, ye moquetzquetl, aoyequene y chocaya.
2. Ahuia anneuaya niyocoloc, annoteua eztlamiyaual, aylhui?olla nic yauicaya teutiualcoya.
3. Ahuia annotequiua naualpilli aquitlanella motonacayouh tic yachiuh quitla catlachtoquetl, ?an mitziyapinauia.
4. Ahuia cana catella nechyapinauia anechyaca uelmatia, anotata yn oquacuillo ocelocoatl aya.
5. Ahuia tlallocana, xiuacalco aya quizqui aquamotla, acatonalaya.
6. Ahuia xiyanouia, nahuia xiyamotecaya ay poyauhtla, ayauh chicauaztica, ayauicalo tlallocanaya.
7. Aua nacha tozcuecuexi niyayalizqui aya y chocaya.
8. Ahuia queyamica xinechiuaya, temoquetl aitlatol, aniquiya ilhuiquetl, tetzauhpilla niyayalizqui aya y chocaya.
9. Ahuia nauhxiuhticaya itopanecauiloc ayoc ynomatia, ay motlapoalli, aya ximocaya ye quetzalcalla nepanauia ay yaxcana teizcaltequetl.
10. Ahuia xiyanouia, ahuia xiyamotequaya ay poyauhtla, ayauh chicauaztlica ayauicallo tlalloca.
Var. 1. Amopanitl.
1. Auia Mexico teutlanauiloc, q.n., yn Mexico onetlanauiloc in tlaloc. Amapanitl annauhcampa ye moquetzquetl, q.n., amapanitl nauhcampa omoquequetz. Aoyeque naichocaya, id est, itlaocuyaya.
2. Auia anneuaya niyocoloc, q.n., ynehuatl ni tlalloc oniyocoloc. Annoteua eztlamiyaual, q.n., noteu eztlamiyaualtitiuh. Aylhui?olla, q.n., yn umpa ilhui?ololo. Inic yauicaya teuitualcoya, q.n. in teuitualoc.
3. Auia annotequiua naualpilli, q.n._ in tinoteuh naualpilli, _i.e., tlalloc. Aquitlanella motonacayouh, q.n., ca nelli teuatl ticmochiuilia in motonacayouh. Catlachtoquetl, q.n., teuatl ticmochiuilia auh in aquin timitzpinauia.
4. Ahuia cana catella nechyapinauia, q.n., catel nechpinauia ca monechuelmati. Annotata ynoquacuillo ocelocoatl aya, q.n., yn notaua ioan yna quacuiloa yn oceloquacuili.
5. Ahuia tlallocana xiuacalco, q.n._, in tlalocan xiuhcalco, id est_, acxoyacalco. Ayaquizqui, q.n., umpa ualquizque. Aquamotla acatonalaya, q.n., y notauan yn oquacuiloan acatonal.
6. Ahuia xicanouia nauia xiyamotecaya, q.n., xiuian ximotecati. Ay poyauhtlan, q.n., in umpa poyauhtlan tepeticpac. Ayauh chicauaztica ayauicalo tlalocana, q.n., ayauh chicauaztica in auicalo tlalocan.
7. Aua nach tozcuecuexi niyayalizqui, q.n., y nach tozcuecuex y ye niauh niman ye choca.
8. Ahuia queyamica xinechiuaya, q.n., quenamican y ya niauh a?o anechtemozque. Aniquiya ilhuiquetl tetzapilla niyayalizqui ayaichocaya, q.n., onquilhui yn tetzapilli ye niyauh niman ye choca.
9. Ahuia nauhxiuhticaya nitopanecauiloc, q.n., nauhxiuhtica in topanecauiloz, id est, in tepan mochiuaz. Ayoc inomatia ay motlapoalli, q.n., aocmo nomatia iniquin motlapoalpan. Ca oximoac ye quetzalcalla nepanauia, q.n., ye qualcan ye netlamachtiloyan ynemca. Ay yaxcana teizcaltiquetl, q.n., iniaxca inic oteizcalli.
10. Ahuia xiyanouia, q.n., xiuia. Auia xiya motecaya ay poyauhtla, q.n., ximotecati in umpa poyauhtla. Ayauh chicauaztica auicallo tlalocan, q.n., ayauh chicauaztica in auicallo in umpa tlallocan.
The Hymn of Tlaloc.
1. In Mexico the god appears; thy banner is unfolded in all directions, and no one weeps.
2. I, the god, have returned again, I have turned again to the place of abundance of blood-sacrifices; there when the day grows old, I am beheld as a god.
3. Thy work is that of a noble magician; truly thou hast made thyself to be of our flesh; thou hast made thyself, and who dare affront thee?
4. Truly he who affronts me does not find himself well with me; my fathers took by the head the tigers and the serpents.
5. In Tlalocan, in the verdant house, they play at ball, they cast the reeds.
6. Go forth, go forth to where the clouds are spread abundantly, where the thick mist makes the cloudy house of Tlaloc.
7. There with strong voice I rise up and cry aloud.
8. Go ye forth to seek me, seek for the words which I have said, as I rise, a terrible one, and cry aloud.
9. After four years they shall go forth, not to be known, not to be numbered, they shall descend to the beautiful house, to unite together and know the doctrine.
10. Go forth, go forth to where the clouds are spread abundantly, where the thick mist makes the cloudy house of Tlaloc.
The god Tlaloc
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