Riders of the Silences | Page 2

Max Brand
lips of Jean Paul Victor.
"The purpose would be lost--lost to my eyes and lost to his--the
purpose for which I have lived and for which he shall live. When I first
saw him he was a child, a baby, but he came to me and took one finger
of my hand in his small fist and looked up to me. Ah, Gabrielle, the
smile of an infant goes to the heart swifter than the thrust of a knife! I
looked down upon him and I knew that I was chosen to teach the child.
There was a voice that spoke in me. You will smile, but even now I
think I can hear it."
"I swear to you that I believe," said Father Anthony.
"Another man would have given Pierre a Bible and a Latin grammar
and a cell. I gave him the testament and the grammar; I gave him also

the wild north country to say his prayers in and patter his Latin. I taught
his mind, but I did not forget his body.
"He is to go out among wild men. He must have strength of the spirit.
He must also have a strength of the body that they will understand and
respect. He can ride a horse standing; he can run a hundred miles in a
day behind a dog-team. He can wrestle and fight with his hands, for
skilled men have taught him. I have made him a thunderbolt to hurl
among the ignorant and the unenlightened; and this is the hand which
shall wield it. Ha!
"It is now hardly a six month since he saved a trapper from a bobcat
and killed the animal with a knife. It must have been my prayers which
saved him from the teeth and the claws."
Good Father Anthony rose.
"You have described a young David. I am eager to see him. Let us go."
Father Victor nodded, and the two went out together. The chill of the
open was hardly more than the bitter cold inside the building, but there
was a wind that drove the cold through the blood and bones of a man.
They staggered along against it until they came to a small house, long
and low. On the sheltered side they paused to take breath, and Father
Victor explained: "This is his hour in the gymnasium. To make the
body strong required thought and care. Mere riding and running and
swinging of the ax will not develop every muscle. Here Pierre works
every day. His teachers of boxing and wrestling have abandoned him."
There was almost a smile on the lean face.
"The last man left with a swollen jaw and limping on one leg."
Here he opened the door, and they slipped inside. The air was warmed
by a big stove, and the room--for the afternoon was dark--lighted by
two swinging lanterns suspended from the low roof. By that
illumination Father Anthony saw two men stripped naked, save for a

loincloth, and circling each other slowly in the center of a ring which
was fenced in with ropes and floored with a padded mat.
Of the two wrestlers, one was a veritable giant, swarthy of skin,
hairy-chested. His great hands were extended to grasp or to parry--his
head lowered with a ferocious scowl--and across his forehead swayed a
tuft of black, shaggy hair. He might have stood for one of those
northern barbarians whom the Romans loved to pit against their native
champions in the arena. He was the greater because of the opponent he
faced, and it was upon this opponent that the eyes of Father Anthony
Like Father Victor, he was caught first by the bright hair. It was a dark
red, and where the light struck it strongly there were places like fire.
Down from this hair the light slipped like running water over a lithe
body, slender at the hips, strong-chested, round and smooth of limb,
with long muscles leaping and trembling at every move.
He, like the big fighter, circled cautiously about, but the impression he
gave was as different from the other as day is from night. His head was
carried high; in place of a scowl, he smiled with a sort of eagerness, a
light which was partly exultation and partly mischief sparkled in his
eyes. Once or twice the giant caught at the other, but David slipped
from under the grip of Goliath easily. It seemed as if his skin were
oiled. The big man snarled with anger, and lunged more eagerly at
The two, abandoning their feints, suddenly rushed together, and the
swarthy arms of the monster slipped around the white body of Pierre.
For a moment they whirled, twisting and struggling.
"Now!" murmured Father Victor; and as if in answer to
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