How to Lay Girls Guide
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Table of Contents
Update: 31/05/00: Links at bottom of page
I've added some links at the bottom of this page to some usefull website\
s which are worth a visit.
Before you begin:
Common abbreviations and acronyms - all acronyms used in the guide explained.
Estonian translations - if you want to seduce some Estonian girls:)
General rules:
The 3 seconds rule - the most important rule you'll ever learn, say bye-bye to hesitation.\
Look and feel your best - all the time!
Be the Alpha/Dominant male - be in charge of your surroundings. Including the girls:)
Do my looks matter? - yes they do, but not nearly as much as you think.
Nice guys vs jerks - the key difference between the two explained.
Good traits to have - or develop, to be a successful player.
It all comes down to satisfaction - read why you actually have the upper hand with the most beautiful of \
Women want good sex - so make sure you do her right:)
Should you express or contain your sexual desires? - a moot point, read why.
Wanna play the dating game? - ... um... let's see now...
The rules with your wingman - if you approach girls together with a friend / wingman, make sure you\
agree on the rules.
Getting started:
On confidence - and getting started with approaching girls.
Experiment! - don't think twice, don't look back, just have fun!. (1 of 8) [8/3/2002 9:28:33 PM]
How to Lay Girls Guide
Casual meetings vs pick-ups - the pros and cons.
At a party - a mild alternative to the 3s rule.
Just say "Hi" - then continue with one of the two tactics described in the article.
Talk to girls - everywhere!
How to initiate a conversation - here's your back-up, in case your primary parashoot doesn't open.
Talking to her = echoing her - a stripped down version of Trance words and Eliciting values.
Fluff talk - the essential skill of talking about nothing, and how to evolve from \
The "don't"s of fluff talk - what to avoid.
Reading body language - its like reading people's thoughts, it'll blow you away:)
Mirroring - the Jedi mind tricks of body-language explained.
Kinaesthetics - make touching the girls your second nature, even (and especially!:)\
if you just met them, they'll love it:)
Approaching and making them interested:
Where to meet girls - the most popular places for a pick-up.
If she seems unapproachable - then maybe everyone thinks so... and she's all alone.
General guidelines on approaching - a few pointers and examples to get you started.
Demonstrate value and personality - the basic premise of seduction.
The importance of a first impression - or relative unimportance, depending on whether you're an AFC or a PUA\
Pace and lead - and demonstrate understanding to increase rapport.
l Simple approaches - examples of various conversational approaches.
l The cold approach - not a good approach, unless you combine this with the GM style.
l The collision approach - either let her walk by... or "bump" into her:)
l The available chair approach - that empty chair next to a HB looks inviting...:)
l The crappy sketch-artist approach - because women like artists right?:)
l The dramatic approach - catch everyone's attention... including her's:)
l The cellular approach - to choose any topic of discussion.
l The familiar approach - act like you already know her, or fool her into thinking she knows yo\
l Pez opener - a really "sweet" opener by Mystery:)
l You look stunning approach - Ross Jeffries' classic, careful though, not intended for use with the\
9s and 10s:)
l Pacing the ongoing reality - a simple way to get instant rapport.
l Should I buy her a drink? - read why you'd better avoid it.
l Should I ask for her name? - so that you'd know what name to yell when you're sleeping with your h\
l Leech off someone else's crash and burn - anything is fair in love and war:)
l If she is working - a waitress, a nurse, a girl at the cashier - this one is universal.
l If you just have to use a pick-up line - they suck, unless you show you know they suck.
l "I like..." game as an opener - you can use this one anywhere.
l Mr Smooth technique - the game-show host style technique of a Japanese PUA explained step b\
y step.

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