Richard Dares Venture | Page 9

Edward Stratemeyer
gave their brother was enough, as the boy declared, "to help
him along until eternity, and two days afterwards."
"You'll want your best clothes, city folks are so particular," declared
Grace. "And your shirts and collars will have to be as stiff as old
Deacon Moore's, I expect."
"I only want things clean and neat," replied Richard. "I'm not going
there to be a dude. I'm going there to work--if I can get anything to do."
Nevertheless, Grace was bound that he should look his best, and spent
an extra hour over the washtub and ironing-board.
It was decided that he should not be hampered with a trunk, but should
take a valise instead.
This Mrs. Dare packed herself, and placed in the hallway late on
Saturday afternoon.

Meanwhile Richard was not idle. He did not wish to leave any work
around the place unfinished, and early and late he spent many hours in
the house and in the garden, doing the things that were most needed.
Sunday morning the whole family, including little Madge, attended the
pretty white church that was the one pride of Mossvale. Richard
suspected that Mr. Cook had expected him to be there, for the sermon
was on the text, "Be thou strong in the faith," and advised all,
especially the young, to stick to their Christian principles, despite the
alluring, but harmful, enticements of the great world around them.
It was a sober little crowd that gathered in the kitchen in the dusk after
supper. Richard was a trifle louder in his manner than usual, but this
was only an effort to cover up the evidence of his real seriousness.
"You must not forget to write as soon as you arrive and find a stopping
place," cautioned Mrs. Dare for at least the fifth time.
"Yes, and don't forget to tell us all about what happened on the train,"
put in Grace. "I'm sure that in such a long ride as that you ought to have
some kind of an adventure."
"I trust that he does not," returned the mother. "An adventure would
probably mean an accident, and we have had enough already;" and she
gave a long sigh.
"Don't fear but what I'll write," replied Richard. "And if anything
unusual happens I'll put it down."
But all evenings must come to an end, and finally, as the clock struck
ten, the good-night word went its round, and they separated.
No need to call Richard on the following morning. He was up and
dressed at five, and impatient for the start. Every one turned in towards
serving him a hot breakfast, and in addition Mrs. Dare put him up a tidy
lunch in a box.
There was one thing, though, that the boy was obstinate about. He

would not accept all of the money that Mrs. Dare thought it her duty to
make him take. The price of his ticket and five dollars was Richard's
limit, and to this he stuck.
"If I get real hard up I'll write for more," was his declaration. "You will
need what you have saved, and I am sure I can get along without it."
Mrs. Dare shook her head. But it was all to no purpose. Richard was
firm, and doubly so when Grace gave him a pert look of approval.
The news of the departure had spread, and at the depot the boy met
several who had come to see him off--Mr. Cook and two or three boy
friends, including Charley Wood, the son of a neighbor, who was not
slow in giving the lion's share of his attention to Grace.
"Here comes the train!" exclaimed Nancy, after a rather long wait, and
a moment later, with ringing bell, the locomotive rounded the curve
below, and the cars rolled into the depot.
"All aboard for Rockvale, Beverly, and New York! Way train for
Hurley, Allendale, Hobb's Dam, and all stations south of Bakersville
Junction!" shouted the conductor. "Lively, please."
There was a hurried hand-shaking, and several warm kisses.
"Good-by, Richard," said Mrs. Dare. "God be with you!" And then she
added in a whisper: "Don't be afraid to come home as soon as you don't
like it any more."
"I'll remember, mother," he replied. "Don't worry about me. It's all right.
Good-by, each and everybody!"
Valise in hand, he climbed up the steps and entered one of the cars. He
had hardly time to reach a window seat, and wave a parting adieu,
when the train moved off.
He looked back as long as he could. Mother and sister were waving
their handkerchiefs, Grace having brought her largest for this special

But the train went swiftly on its way, and soon Mossvale and its people
were left behind.
"Off at last!" was Richard's mental comment. "It's sink or
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