Richard Dares Venture | Page 7

Edward Stratemeyer
in the parlor sent a
chill through his heart that would have an effect in all after life.
At last the funeral was over, and the last of the neighbors had gone
away. It was nearly sunset, and the entire family had gathered in the
little kitchen to partake of a cup of tea, and to talk over the situation.

Mrs. Dare sat in a rocking-chair beside the table, her face plainly
showing her intense grief, and near her, on a low stool, sat Richard.
"Well, mother, I suppose I will have to do something very soon now,"
began the boy. "It won't do for me to remain idle when there is no
money coming in."
Mrs. Dare sighed.
"I can't think of money matters yet, Richard," she replied, shaking her
head sadly. "It is all so sudden, so unexpected, I cannot realize our
terrible loss."
"There isn't a chance for any one in Mossvale," put in Nancy. She
herself had been secretly wondering what they were going to do for
"So I told mother some time ago," responded Richard. "The few places
here are all filled."
"Thought you were going to try New York?" said Grace, who was
serving the tea.
"So I was. But--" The boy did not finish, but glanced over to where his
mother sat.
"I could hardly bear to have you go away," said Mrs. Dare. "It would
be so lonely--your father and you both out of the house. I would rather
have you home, even if we had a good deal less to live upon."
"To-morrow I will go out and see what Mossvale has to offer," returned
Richard. "In our circumstances it would not be right for me to waste
any time."
"Do as you think best," was Mrs. Dare's reply. "You are old enough to
think and act for yourself."
But Richard did not wait for the next day before he began his hunt.
That evening he called upon Dr. Melvin to obtain some medicine for

his mother, and after this portion of his errand was over he broached
the subject of securing a position.
"You will find it a hard matter," said the doctor kindly, "unless you
wish to go on one of the farms. But they are poor pay, even if you can
stand the labor, which I doubt."
"I would not go on a farm unless I could find nothing else," replied the
boy. "Could you give me a place?" he asked.
Dr. Melvin nodded his head reflectively.
"I might take you in as an office assistant," he replied. "It would be a
good chance to learn medicine. But there would not be much to do, and
the pay would be necessarily small."
"Then I couldn't afford to accept it," was Richard's prompt reply. "It is
kind in you to make the offer, but I have got to earn enough to support
the family."
"I suppose so. Well, I wish you success. I have known you for a
number of years, and if you need a recommendation I will give it to
you gladly."
"Thank you, doctor. I'll remember that," replied the boy, and after a few
more words of conversation he left.
On the following morning he called upon Mr. Barrows, the master
painter for whom his father had worked. He found the old workman
busy in his shed, mixing up colors for his journeymen to use.
"I suppose you've come down for the money due your father,"
remarked Mr. Barrows after he had expressed numerous regrets over
the sad accident. "Well, here it is, the week in full, and I'm mighty
sorry he isn't here to receive it himself, and many another besides," and
he held out the amount.
"No, I didn't come for this exactly," replied the boy. "Besides there is

too much here," he added, as he counted the bills. "Father did not finish
out the week."
"Never mind, you take it anyhow," returned Mr. Barrows briefly.
"What was it you wanted?"
"Work. I want to earn something to support my mother and sisters on.
We can't live on nothing, and what we have saved up won't last long."
"It's hard luck, Dick, so it is!" exclaimed the old painter. "Tell you what
I'll do, though. I'll teach you the trade--teach you it just as good as your
father knew it, and pay you a little in the bargain."
"How much I don't care about the money for myself, but--"
"Yes, I understand," broke in Mr. Barrows. "Well, I'll tell you. I'll take
you to learn the trade for three years, and start you at two dollars a
week. I wouldn't give any other boy half of that, but I know you're
smart, and I feel it my duty to help you along."
Richard bit his lip
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