Regeneration | Page 4

H. Rider Haggard
the Trade Union wage,
although that Institution had from the first been worked at a loss. In this
case he had made peace with the Parliamentary Committee by
promising not to make anything there which was used outside the
Army establishments. But still the attacks went on.
Passing from this subject, I asked General Booth if he had formed any
forecast of the future of the Salvation Army after his own death. He
replied that there were certain factors in the present position of the
Army which seemed to him to indicate its future growth and continuity.
Speaking impersonally, he said that the present General had become an
important man not by his own choice or through the workings of
ambition, but by the will of Providence. He had acquired a certain
standing, a great hold over his community, and an influence which
helped to concentrate and keep together forces that had grown to be
worldwide in their character. It was natural, therefore, that people
should wonder what would happen when he ceased to be.
His answer to these queries was that legal arrangements had been made
to provide for this obvious contingency. Under the provisions of the
constitution of the Army he had selected his successor, although he had
never told anybody the name of that successor, which he felt sure,
when announced, was one that would command the fullest confidence
and respect. The first duty of the General of the Army on taking up his
office was to choose a man to succeed him, reserving to himself the
power to change that man for another, should he see good reason for
such a course. In short, his choice is secret, and being unhampered by
any law of heredity or other considerations except those that appeal to

his own reason and judgment, not final. He nominates whom he will.
I asked him what would happen if this nominated General
misconducted himself in any way, or proved unsuitable, or lost his
reason. He replied that in such circumstances arrangements had been
made under which the heads of the Army could elect another General,
and that what they decided would be law. The organization of the Army
was such that any Department of it remained independent of the ability
of one individual. If a man proved incompetent, or did not succeed, his
office was changed; the square man was never left in the round hole.
Each Department had laws for its direction and guidance, and those in
authority were responsible for the execution of those laws. If for any
reason whatsoever, one commander fell out of the line of action,
another was always waiting to take his place. In short, he had no fear
that the removal of his own person and name would affect the
Organization. It was true, he remarked, that leaders cannot be
manufactured to order, and also that the Army had made, and would
continue to make, mistakes up and down the world. But those mistakes
showed them how to avoid similar errors, and how and where to
As regarded a change of headship, a fresh individuality always has
charms, and a new force would always strike out in some new direction.
The man needed was one who would do something. General Booth did
not fear but that he would be always forthcoming, and said that for his
part he was quite happy as to the future, in which he anticipated an
enlargement of their work. The Organization existed, and with it the
arrangements for filling every niche. The discipline of to-day would
continue to-morrow, and that spirit would always be ready to burst into
flame when it was needed.
In his view it was inextinguishable.


The first of the London Institutions of the Salvation Army which I
visited was that known as the Middlesex Street Shelter and Working
Men's Home, which is at present under the supervision of
Commissioner Sturgess. This building consists of six floors, and

contains sleeping accommodation for 462 men. It has been at work
since the year 1906, when it was acquired by the Army with the help of
that well-known philanthropist, the late Mr. George Herring.
Of the 462 men accommodated daily, 311 pay 3d. for their night's
lodging, and the remainder 5d. The threepenny charge entitles the
tenant to the use of a bunk bedstead with sheets and an American cloth
cover. If the extra 2d. is forthcoming the wanderer is provided with a
proper bed, fitted with a wire spring hospital frame and provided with a
mattress, sheets, pillow, and blankets. I may state here that as in the
case of this Shelter the building, furniture and other equipment have
been provided by charity, the nightly fees collected almost suffice
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