Randy of the River | Page 4

Horatio Alger Jr.
If Mr. Bangs can get control he will,
so father says, join the company of a larger concern, and then father
will be about wiped out and he won't get more than half of what is
really coming to him."
"But wouldn't that be fraud?"
"Yes, morally, but not legally--so father says," answered Jack, and
heaved a sigh. "I hope it all comes out right."
"And so do I--for your sake as well as for your folks," added Randy,
The fishing hole for which the two boys were bound was on the river
about a mile and a half above the town. At this point the stream was
thirty to forty feet wide and ten to fifteen feet deep. It was lined on one
side with sharp rocks and on the other by thick trees and bushes. At the
foot of some of the rocks, where the river made a bend, there was a
deep hole, and this some of the lads, including Randy and Jack,
considered an ideal place for fishing.
The boys did not row directly for the hole, being afraid they might
scare the fish away. Instead they landed below the spot, tied fast to a
tree root between the stones, and then crawled over the big rocks until
they reached a point from which they could cast into the hole with ease.
They soon baited up. Randy was ready first, but he gave his companion
the chance to make the initial cast. Scarcely had Jack's hook touched
the water when there came a jerk and the line was almost pulled from
the boy's hands.

"You've got him!" cried Randy, excitedly. "Good for you!"
"If I don't lose him before I get him on the rocks!" answered Jack. But
his fears were groundless, for a few seconds later the catch lay at his
feet--a fish weighing at least a pound and a half.
"That's the way to do it," said Randy.
"You might have had him--if you had cast in first," answered his
companion, modestly.
"I'll try my luck now," and Randy cast in without delay. Then Jack also
tried it again, and both boys began to fish in earnest. Soon Randy got a
bite and brought in a fish weighing as much as the first catch.
"Now we are even," said Jack.
In an hour Randy had four good-sized fish to his credit and Jack had an
equal number. Then Jack's luck fell away and Randy got three more
while his companion got nothing.
"There is no use of talking, you are a better fisherman than I," said
"I think you drop down too deep," answered Randy. "Try it this way,"
and he showed his friend what he meant.
After that Jack's success was a trifle better, but still Randy kept ahead
of him.
When the boys had caught twenty fish between them they decided to
give up the sport. Randy knew where they could find some blackberries,
and leaving their fish in a hole among the rocks, where there was a
small pool of water, they tramped away from the river to where the
blackberry bushes were located.
"These are fine," said Jack, eating a handful with a relish. "Randy, we
ought to come berrying here some day."

"I am willing."
"These berries would make the nicest kind of pies."
"Yes, indeed! And if there is anything I love it is a good, juicy
blackberry pie."
"If we had a kettle we might take some home with us now."
"I am afraid it is too late. What time is it?"
Jack carried a neat silver watch which he consulted.
"Why, it's half-past five already! I thought it might be four. Yes, we'll
have to get back."
"Let us go down to the boat first and then row up and get the fish."
This suited the two boys, and soon they were making their way back
over the rocks to where Jack's craft had been left. As they came out
from among the trees and bushes they saw another boat on the river,
headed for Riverport.
"There is Bob Bangs again!" exclaimed Randy.
"Hullo!" yelled Jack. "Have you been fishing, too?"
"Yes," answered the big boy, and continued to row down the river.
"Have any luck?" went on Jack.
"Fine," was the short answer, and then Bob Bangs' craft drew out of
"He was in a tremendous hurry," mused Jack.
"Perhaps he didn't want us to see what he had caught," answered

"That's likely it, Randy. I don't believe he knows as much about fishing
as I do--and that is little enough."
Having secured the rowboat, Randy and Jack rowed up to the fishing
hole, and Randy scrambled up the rocks to secure their two strings of
fish. He
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