R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)
A play in introductory scene and three acts by Karel apek
Translated into English by David Wyllie.
This web edition published by eBooks@Adelaide.
Rendered into HTML by Steve Thomas.
Last updated Saturday May 20 2006.
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English translation copyright ? 2006 David Wyllie.
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Table of Contents
Introductory Scene
Harry Domin: Director General, Rossum's Universal Robots
Fabry: Technical Director, R.U.R.
Dr. Gall: Head of Physiology and Research Department, R.U.R.
Dr. Hallemeier: Head of Institute for Robot Psychology and Behaviour, ?R.U.R
Busman: Commercial Director, R.U.R.
Alquist: Head of Construction, R.U.R.
Helena Glory
Nana: Her Nanny
Marius: Robot
Sulla: Robot, female
Radius: Robot
Damon: Robot
1. Robot
2. Robot
3. Robot
4. Robot
Primus: Robot
Helena: Robot, female
Robot servant
and numerous robots
Domin: in introductory scene, about thirty-eight years old, tall, clean shaven
Fabry: also clean shaven, fair, serious and delicate features
Dr. Gall: light build, lively, dark complexion and black moustache
Hallemeier: heavy build, noisy, big ginger moustache and ginger shock of hair
Busman: fat, bald, short-sighted Jew
Alquist: older than the others, dressed without care, long grey hair and beard
Helena: very elegant
in the play proper, all ten years older
In the introductory scene, the robots are dressed like people. They are slightly mechanical in their speech and movements, blank of expression, fixed in their gaze. In the play proper they wear linen blouses seized at the waist with a belt and on their breasts wear a brass number
Intervals after the introductory scene and the second act.
Introductory Scene
Central office at the factory of Rossum's Universal Robots. Entrance stage right. Through the windows can be seen endless rows of factory buildings. Stage left, further administrative areas.
Domin: (Sitting at a large American desk in a swivelling chair. On the table are a lamp, telephone, paperweight, files, letters, papers etc. On the wall, stage left, are large maps showing shipping lines and railway lines, large calendar, clock showing just before midday; on the wall stage right are printed posters: "The Cheapest Workforce You Can Get: Rossum's Robots", "Latest invention; Robots for the Tropics. 150 d. each", "Everyone Should have a Robot!", "Reduce the Cost of your Products! Order a Robot from Rossum's!". Also other maps, shipping timetable, notice board with telegrams, rates of exchange etc. In contrast with the content of the walls, the floor is covered with a magnificent Turkish carpet, stage right is as round armchair, settee, sumptuous leather armchair, bookshelves containing not books but bottles of wines and spirits. Stage left, safe. Beside Domin's desk a typewriter at which Sulla is writing)
Domin: (dictating) "... cannot take responsibility for items damaged in transit. The captain of your vessel was given warning at time of loading that it was not suitable for the carriage of robots, and so damage to its cargo cannot be charged to our account. Yours faithfully, Rossum's Universal Robots." Is that it now?
Sulla: Yes.
Domin: New letter. Friedrichswerke, Hamburg. Date. "We are pleased to confirm receipt of your order for fifteen thousand robots... " (telephone rings. Domin lifts receiver and speaks) ?Hello, central office... yes... certainly... oh yes, as always... of course, send him a telegram... fine! (hangs up) Where were we?
Sulla:... your order for fifteen thousand robots.
Domin: (thoughtfully) fifteen thousand robots, fifteen thousand robots,
Marius: (enters) Mr. Domin, there is a lady outside who is asking...
Domin: Who is it?
Marius: I do not know. (gives him visiting card)
Domin: (reading) Mr. Glory, managing director of... Show him in!
Marius: (opens door) Please come in, madam.
(enter Helena Glory. Exit Marius)
Domin: (standing) Do come in.
Helena: Mr. Domin, the managing director?
Domin: At your service.
Helena: I've come to see you...
Domin:... with the visiting card of Mr. Glory - no more need be said.?
Helena: Mr. Glory is my father. I'm Helena Glory.
Domin: Miss Glory, this is an exceptional honour for us that...
Helena: ?.. that you can't just show me the door.
Domin:... that we can welcome the daughter of an illustrious businessman like you father. Please take a seat. Sulla, you can go now (exit Sulla)
Domin: (sitting) How can I help you, Miss

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