Punch, Or The London Charivari | Page 5

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this to-night; and this deponent witnesseth that no such ensemble has ever been seen for this really grand Opera. Strange to hear sweet little Manon one night, and the next these overpowering Huguenots. It is well worth the while, in _Mr. Punch's_ pages, to record this exceptionally brilliant cast. First, Madame ALBANI for the heroine _Valentina_, superb alike in singing and in acting; GIULIA RAVOGLI as _Urbano_, the page, a memorable page in operatic history; _Conte di San Bris_, by M. LASSALLE, not to be bettered, as may be also said of Signor MIRANDA (by kind permission of SHAKSPEARE's _Tempest_, probably a descendant) as _De Retz_, afterwards converted, and appearing as _Il Padre Basso_, Superior of a Theatrical Order, one of the exceptional Orders admitted after seven. Then M. MAUREL, with his highly Maurel tone, cannot be beaten as the high-minded _Conte de Nevers_; and EDOUARD DE RESZKé, taken altogether--and there's a lot of him--is quite the best Marcello that has been heard and seen for some considerable time. Herr FORMES and MABINI were the rugged Huguenot soldier to the life, but they weren't the Harmonious Blacksmith that NED DE RESZKé is. JEAN DE RESZKé methinks lacketh impassioned tenderness in the great duet scene, where ALBANI is inimitable; otherwise JEAN is a gallant Raoul. Ensemble as already said, which term includes chorus, _mise-en-scène_, and orchestra under the energetic rule of Signor BEVIGNANI, simply perfect. Those who this season miss seeing Les Huguenots with this unexampled cast, will be justly upbraided by their children and grandchildren. Mr. COVENT-GARDENIA HALL with the Gladstone flower in his button-hole, almost weeps to think that his much-loved leader is unable to come from Dollis Hill and bestow his liberal praise upon Les Huguenots. DRURIOLANUS may well beam upon the crammed house, viewing a portion of it with his nose over the ledge of the stall gangway portal; well may he smile, hum the melodies to himself (what better audience can he have for the performance!) expand in full bloom and speak joyously out of the very fulness of his heart and pocket; nay, for the moment he may even look upon the sheriffship and all its glory as a mere vanity of vanities, in comparison with the proud position of being DRURIOLANUS OPERATICUS MAGNIFICISSIMUS, who has given opera-goers this new and rare edition of Les Huguenots. The gloved hand and the lorgnette of H.R.H. are visible in the omnibus-box, where our music-loving Prince is happily congratulating himself on another little FIFE being added to the harmonious Royal Band, while the loyal public is mightily pleased thus to have it proved to ocular demonstration, that the subtle villain, Influenza, has been baulked in his traitorous attempt on the Royal Personage, and they sincerely hope that the insidious poisoner, being thus arrested in his course, may, with all his treacherous _bacilli_, be for ever banished this happy and generally healthy realm.
* * * * *
SCENE--_A Barrack-Room_. PRESENT--_President and Members of a Board of Examiners, sitting to pass Candidates for Commissions in the Line._
President. Now, Gentlemen, I think we are agreed that cramming is to be discouraged. We want an officer who can command a company, and not a scholar who can floor a paper for high-class honours--that is the general idea, Gentlemen, isn't it?
Chorus of Members. Quite so.
_Pres._ Exactly. Orderly, pass the word that we will see Mr. MUGGER. (_The word is passed, when enter First Candidate._) Glad to see you, Sir. Pray sit down. I think you were at school?
First Candidate (_nervously_). Yes, Sir, at Eton.
_Pres._ Humph! (_Aside, to his Colleagues._) Rather an unpromising commencement. However, he may have devoted more of his time to cricket or football in the Playing Fields than to anything else. (_Aloud._) I hope you have not been to the University?
_First Can._ (_almost moved to tears_). Alas, Gentlemen, my father would send me to Christchurch, and I am sorry to say I took a Double First!
_Pres._ (_courteous, but sad_). I am afraid that will do. (_Exit First Candidate, striving in vain to suppress a burst of unmanly emotion._) I am deeply grieved, Gentlemen, but I fear that we can do nothing further in this matter?
Chorus of Members. Utterly impossible!
_Pres._ Exactly. Orderly, call Mr. SHIRKWORKS. (_Second Candidate enters._) Glad to see you, Sir. Pray sit down. I think you were at school?
_Second Can._ (_with confidence_). Never, Sir, and allow me to add that I can scarcely read, don't know how to spell, and have a firm impression that two and two make either three or five--I forget which.
_Pres._ (_beaming_). Excellent! (_After a brief consultation with his colleagues._) Mr. SHIRKWORKS, I have much pleasure in informing you that we shall be glad to recommend you for a Commission. (_Curtain._)
* * * * *
[Illustration: A RARE CHANCE.
_Mr. Snobbin hiring a Hack
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