of any other sect save that its service includes the use
of Mrs. Eddy's book entitled SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY
TO THE SCRIPTURES in perhaps equal measure to its use of the
Bible--The reading is from the two alternately; the singing is from a
compilation called the "Christian Science Hymnal," but its songs are
for the most part those devotional hymns from Herbert, Faber,
Robertson, Wesley, Browning, and other recognized devotional poets,
with selections from Whittier and Lowell, as are found in the hymn
books of the Unitarian churches. For the past year or two Judge Hanna,
formerly of Chicago, has filled the office of pastor to the church in this
city, which held its meetings in Chickering hall, and later in Copley
hall, in the new Grundmann Studio building on Copley square.
Preceding Judge Hanna were Rev. D.A. Easton and Rev. L.P. Norcross,
both of whom had formerly been Congregational clergymen. The
organizer and first pastor of the church here was Mrs. Eddy herself, of
whose work I shall venture to speak, a little later, in this article.
Last Sunday I gave myself the pleasure of attending the service held in
Copley hall. The spacious apartment was thronged with a congregation
whose remarkable earnestness impressed the observer. There was no
straggling of late-comers. Before the appointed hour every seat in the
hall was filled and a large number of chairs pressed into service for the
overflowing throng. The music was spirited, and the selections from the
Bible and from SCIENCE AND HEALTH were finely read by Judge
Hanna. Then came his sermon, which dealt directly with the command
of Christ to "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leper, cast out
demons." In his admirable discourse, Judge Hanna said that while all
these injunctions could, under certain conditions, be interpreted and
fulfilled literally, the special lesson was to be taken spiritually--to
cleanse the leprosy of sin, to cast out the demons of evil thought. The
discourse was able, and helpful in its suggestive interpretation.
Later I was told that almost the entire congregation was composed of
persons who had either been themselves, or had seen members of their
own families, healed by Christian Science treatment; and I was further
told that once when a Boston clergyman remonstrated with Judge
Hanna for enticing a separate congregation rather than offering their
strength to unite with churches already established--I was told he
replied that the Christian Science church did not recruit itself from
other churches, but from the graveyards! The church numbers now
4,000 members, but this estimate, as I understand, is not limited to the
Boston adherents, but includes those all over the country. The
ceremonial of uniting is to sign a brief "confession of faith," written by
Mrs. Eddy, and to unite in communion, which is not celebrated by
outward symbols of bread and wine, but by uniting in silent prayer.
The "confession of faith" includes the declaration that the Scriptures
are the guide to eternal life; that there is a Supreme Being, and his Son,
and the Holy Ghost, and that man is made in his image. It affirms the
atonement; it recognizes Jesus as the teacher and guide to salvation; the
forgiveness of sin by God, and affirms the power of truth over error,
and the need of living faith at the moment to realize the possibilities of
the divine life. The entire membership of Christian Scientists
throughout the world now exceeds 200,000 people. The church in
Boston was organized by Mrs. Eddy, and the first meeting held on
April 19, 1879. It opened with twenty-six members, and within fifteen
years it has grown to its present impressive proportions, and has now
its own magnificent church building, costing over $200,000, and
entirely paid for when its consecration service on January 6 shall be
celebrated. This is certainly a very remarkable retrospect.
Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of this denomination and
discoverer of Christian Science, as they term her work in affirming the
present application of the principles asserted by Jesus, is a most
interesting personality. At the risk of colloquialism, I am tempted to
"begin at the beginning" of my own knowledge of Mrs. Eddy, and take,
as the point of departure, my first meeting with her and the subsequent
development of some degree of familiarity with the work of her life
which that meeting inaugurated for me.
It was during some year in the early '80's that I became aware--from
that close contact with public feeling resulting from editorial work in
daily journalism--that the Boston atmosphere was largely thrilled and
pervaded by a new and increasing interest in the dominance of mind
over matter, and that the central figure in all this agitation was Mrs.
Eddy. To a note which I
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