Progressions | Page 7

Walter D. Petrovic
else can enter.
The prophets speak of future truths?They do know what will be.?For they have been entitled?And they have been privileged?And if their words do not suit you?Pardon the prophets for their truths?And pardon yourself for your ignorance.
You are back home, right now.?You are working and having fun.?I know you don't think of me,
Yet, I am always thinking of you,?I suppose that you wouldn't care, anyway?Because there are many others for you.
You don't like men to act funny?Though, you do yourself sometimes.?You like conservative men, at heart.?I am such, yet I make my life fun,?For life is strange, in such a way,?And I am sorry you see only that.
You and I would be good, together,?Supposing you never considered it.?It may be as a joke to you?I'm not laughing, and neither are you.?We won't see each other for some months?It doesn't seem to bother you, much.?I can see you don't care?About the way that I feel for of it.
For I won't even have the privileges?To look upon you, to hear your voice?Smell the fragrance you wear.?We don't know one another, you see,?I suppose we've never tried.?And tell me, my love,?Would it be so bad?
To miss you, is great pain,?My future seems black, without you.
Be mettle on the brine, incongruous?To all who venture there-upon,?Trespassing again on another place?Exploiting it, and the wind.
The bristle-faced seaman?Weathering the elements alone.?The salty spray stinging his eyes?As he inches through the rocky straits,?Battling the incubus brought-onto him.
And when he survives all hardships?He sails on calm, open waters?To many new lands and ports-of-call,?Where many women wait for their brawny bucks.
Then he leaves again for the sea?And sails its vastness for many months.?And through many disastrous struggles,?He may finally return home, to his loves.
What idle discontent?Hath produced thee??That we must follow thee?And heed your every whim?
Your constant, forward move?Waiting for no one to catch-up?For stragglers never survive.
Never, do you allow us?The amount of yourself that we need?And you cause more to befall on us.?For you see it as a game,?When a man has too much to do?In less than limited time he's given.
No time for man to grow?No time for man to be at ease?Never is he given a time to love?Or be loved in the return.
And, when waiting for something?You fail to move quickly?And thus enraging man's spirit?Causing him to disrespect you.
Time!?What devilish attitude?Have you within??That you hinder us all?And never help us along?
A journey from myself?To lands, majestic and unknown.?I spread myself thinly?To every place I go?To everyone I meet,?Who is there to thank me??I cannot see the purpose?Of this incredible journey?From birth to death, for us all.?We search for money, fame and love?And we voyage to other lands?To find that which we see as "it".
Nowhere do we find peace in life.?There is no love, no fame, no wealth.?There is no one willing to help.?There are only men,?Who lust for personal gains?Apathetic about those many others.
Where do we go to find our compassion??Where do we journey to find understanding??Are these arduous sojourns in vain,?Or do they just stimulate our purpose?
I journey, daily, from myself?Into lands of my past and future.?I spread my wings to fly?The hate-filled skies of my discontent?Clogged with delusions?Forbidding us all from seeing a way?To the light of love and understanding?The light of His Divine righteousness.
The days pass and the nights are long?Idle waiting is all we can do?Until the hour is upon us all?To fall to our knees in praise and acceptance?To the light of love infecting us?Then we know our journey is completed.
The terrible pains we must endure?Those around us causing harshness?Then they turn about, and anger at us?For in their minds it is our fault.
What Imps are within these people
Churning and heating their hostility?Towards all their loved-ones close by??Why must they snap their lips at us,?With such Evil and contemptible thoughts?When all we do is help them to survive?And we give up our own lives for them?
Is it the foods that we consume?Or the waters that we drink?That causes hostility to grow within??To charge and become strong within?Just waiting for the tiniest of sparks?To set it ablaze and destroy all?
The world is already trouble?Within its own self!
When families should show love and understanding?They just reflect on us, the hate from outside.?The world is like it is, due to us.?We are the young, with long hair and warped minds,?We play Rock Music and take the drugs.?They are good, while they watch our suicides?Brought-on by them and their neurotic ways.
We are not forced to continue ourselves?Through love or compassionate ways.?But we stay alive through our hopes?That one day our needs will be fulfilled,?And those who lose their hopes?Will lose their needs and then themselves.
And the people watch-on, as we die.?The yearly numbers, rise to peaks.?But what they see, they do not see.?They care not to question, why??They soon
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