Progressions | Page 8

Walter D. Petrovic
forgot that we died
And carry-on their lives with ease,?For there is one less mouth to feed.
They look not into our hearts?They just see our appearance and shrug?And turn around to their friends and say?"Some day they'll learn to be like us?And change their misguided lives."
There is a star shining?Somewhere, in the vast firmament?And only a few can see it.?It shines for those few, thoughBlessed?by the Grace of The Eternal.
I see it illuminating sometimes?As if it calls me to it.?It tells me all of who I am.?It tells me all that I must do.?And it lights my pathway to forever,?While it stays dim to others.
The star shines in the heavens?Guiding His followers to its good.?Though the journey takes a life time?We reach the golden light at the end?And can appreciate its beauty and warmth.
Cover not your eyes to its brightness,?For the light speaks to you?Calling you to it for eternity?Showing you the way to Life and Love.?It tames your hostile spirit?It calms your restless thoughts?And allows you to carry forth to forever.
Daily, on my mind?Never changing,?The vision running wild?Always ragingThat'?s all I have,?Daily.
Daily, life passes me?Never stopping.?Loving's hearts are free?Always throbbingThat'?s all I hope for,?Daily.
Daily, love avoids us?Never giving,?Hiding in the fuss
Always thrivingThat'?s what we believe,?Daily.
Daily, I see her?Never failing.?She's beautiful for sure?Always shiningShe'?s what I dream?Daily.
Two.?They sat in their chairs?Looked at one another?And smiled at one another,?And laughed together?Yet said nothing.
Two.?They slept in marriage beds?Vowed virtue to one another?And gave to each of the other?And lived together?Yet, they did not love.
Two.?They made some replacements?Raised them to respect?Gave to them their views?Sent them on their way,?And they sat in their chairs.
A question, I have,?Tell me, why??Tell me why the young die??Why the world at war?It fights, till all expires??And those who later starve?And those many more that cry??Tell me, why??Tell me why the miseries?
Why the contempt and hate?It grows in all, and conquers??Those consumed by it all?And those few, that repel it??A question I have.?Tell me why, no love??Why the lack of peace?That pursues us, always??Trying to be rid of hostility?And embrace those who are kind??Tell me, why??I have a question.?Am I civilized?
Ignoble thighs I there see?Wobbly-fat and flowing free?Till aged fasting diet lags?And fleshy skin there, that sags.?I see the buttocks hanging there?Like pink balloons, high in the air.?Like rounded mountains made of yeast,?To some, would make a bounteous feast.?On hot dry days she droops, to net?And drips with oily streams of sweat.?They lie around and cannot move?It's laws of gravity they try to prove??Or are they stuck to linoed floors?Spread-out on half-eaten apple cores??The flows of flab that they all rub?And lose the sponges they use to scrub?The nooks and crannies all around?That sag and drag upon the ground.?Humpty-Dumpty fell off the wall?Lacking strength for help, to call,?Lying flat on his pudgy face?He's one poor lad who knows disgrace.?He couldn't move till cranes were brought?And suggested diets he later sought.?The skinny look, is now for him,?His fat's reduced from sin, to thin,?Now not living, as stuffing-glut?And no more rings about his gut.
Frailty.?Men's' hearts are destroyed.?Their faith is tested?And is often found to fail.?They don't believe in God?Because they don't believe in themselves.?And those hypocrites, in public eye,?Proclaiming they are Holy?Only to extract wealth from the meek,?Searching for a hope to live for.?Frailty.?They're all subject to lowly ways?The ways of Satan's Evil?And the sins that go with it.
A graven image.?An Idol of beauty,?To be adorned and adored.?A beautiful Artemis?Given to one another,?As Wife.?The Falcon, once in my bosom,?Had turned to sparrow.?My skin of ice, does?Bleed the needs I have, for her,?To melt the glacial solitude?Freezing My life from within.
This wedded sovereignty?Executing a famined Single.?To be with Aphrodite, in?Sight and sound aloneNever?to know, her warm touch,?And gentled manner; only?That, could calm Aries' spirit?Residing within me.?For, I am not Adonis,?In her distracted eyes.?His lusts I have not?For Cupid's lance had thrust?A straight Love in me, for?The one woman; the only?Woman of my malcontent.
Oh, what a fool heart?Falling into Love's miseries.?Convulsing from pains?Accompanied by Passion,?In retrograde?Until the last of our breathOf?Life, expires from us.?Our mutilated souls?Cut by the turn away?Of an unwanton eye.?Bleeding a death of solitude?Crying for her notice-
Of one so near in spirit?And yet so far from touch.?Of what a fool heart.?To love only one,?And stay true, though?She isn't mine at all.?To be of celibate virtue?While others lust by scores,?And live their sinful ways.?In darkness, of Lust?And disregard for good?And beating truth that pains?Of the Heart, Of the Heart.
Beautiful,?Fundamental breath?Man loves woman.
Soaring,?Above the clouds,?Spiritual understanding.
Wind,?A song conceived?Heralds freedom.
Want,?A desire felt?As a cold corpse.
Over and over.?Leading down paths?Psychopathic leagues are there,?Wanting revenge, too,?Although not seeing?True sadism living,?Within a non-heart.?The illusive man.?The hidden man.?The misunderstood man.?A wronged man.?A wronged idea.?FRETTING
A thought within me is born?A want within me is grown?A need within me is strained?A hope within
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