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tried by the judges determined by law.
Article 25. Except in the cases provided for in the law, the house of no
Japanese subject shall be entered or searched without his consent.
Article 26. Except in the cases mentioned in the law, the secrecy of the
letters of every Japanese subject shall remain inviolate.
Article 27. The right of property of every Japanese subject shall remain
(2) Measures necessary to be taken for the public benefit shall be any
provided for by law. Article 28. Japanese subjects shall, within limits
not prejudicial to peace and order, and not antagonistic to their duties
as subjects, enjoy freedom of religious belief.
Article 29. Japanese subjects shall, within the limits of law, enjoy the
liberty of speech, writing, publication, public meetings and
Article 30. Japanese subjects may present petitions, by observing the
proper forms of respect, and by complying with the rules specially
provided for the same.
Article 31. The provisions contained in the present
Chapter shall

not affect the exercises of the powers appertaining to the Emperor, in
times of war or in cases of a national emergency.
Article 32. Each and every one of the provisions contained in the
preceding Articles of the present Chapter, that are not in conflict with
the laws or the rules and discipline of the Army and Navy, shall apply
to the officers and men of the Army and of the Navy.

Article 33. The Imperial Diet shall consist of two Houses, a House of
Peers and a House of Representatives.
Article 34. The House of Peers shall, in accordance with the ordinance
concerning the House of Peers, be composed of the members of the
Imperial Family, of the orders of nobility, and of those who have been
nominated thereto by the Emperor.
Article 35. The House of Representatives shall be composed of
members elected by the people, according to the provisions of the law
of Election.
Article 36. No one can at one and the same time be a Member of both
Article 37. Every law requires the consent of the Imperial Diet.
Article 38. Both Houses shall vote upon projects of law submitted to it
by the Government, and may respectively initiate projects of law.
Article 39. A Bill, which has been rejected by either the one or the
other of the two Houses, shall not be brought in again during the same
Article 40. Both Houses can make representations to the Government,
as to laws or upon any other subject. When, however, such
representations are not accepted, they cannot be made a second time
during the same session.
Article 41. The Imperial Diet shall be convoked every year.
Article 42. A session of the Imperial Diet shall last during three months.
In case of necessity, the duration of a session may be prolonged by the
Imperial Order.
Article 43. When urgent necessity arises, an extraordinary session may
be convoked in addition to the ordinary one.

(2) The duration of an extraordinary session shall be determined by
Imperial Order.
Article 44. The opening, closing, prolongation of session and
prorogation of the Imperial Diet, shall be effected simultaneously for
both Houses.
(2) In case the House of Representatives has been ordered to dissolve,
the House of Peers shall at the same time be prorogued.
Article 45. When the House of Representatives has been ordered to
dissolve, Members shall be caused by Imperial Order to be newly
elected, and the new House shall be convoked within five months from
the day of dissolution.
Article 46. No debate can be opened and no vote can be taken in either
House of the Imperial Diet, unless not less than one-third of the whole
number of Members thereof is present.
Article 47. Votes shall be taken in both Houses by absolute majority. In
the case of a tie vote, the President shall have the casting vote.
Article 48. The deliberations of both Houses shall be held in public.
The deliberations may, however, upon demand of the Government or
by resolution of the House, be held in secret sitting.
Article 49. Both Houses of the Imperial Diet may respectively present
addresses to the Emperor.
Article 50. Both Houses may receive petitions presented by subjects.
Article 51. Both Houses may enact, besides what is provided for in the
present Constitution and in the Law of the Houses, rules necessary for
the management of their internal affairs.
Article 52. No Member of either House shall be held responsible
outside the respective Houses, for any opinion uttered or for any vote
given in the House. When, however, a Member himself has given
publicity to his opinions by public speech, by documents in print or in
writing, or by any other similar means, he shall,
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