Pratts Practical Pointers on the Care of Livestock and Poultry | Page 4

Pratt Food Co.
on hand and use | |them at once if needed. Delay may mean the loss of a valuable animal. | | | | | |PRATTS COLIC REMEDY | | | |A quick certain cure for colic and acute indigestion in horses. Has a | |record of 998 cures out of 1,000 cases. | | | |Keep a bottle in each wagon and in your stable. | | | | | |PRATTS DISTEMPER and PINK EYE REMEDY | | | |It goes direct to the cause of the disease, purifies the blood, prevents | |weakening of the internal organs caused by impure blood or poisoned by | |absorbing the impure matter from the abscesses. | | | | | |PRATTS HEALING OINTMENT | | | |A splendid antiseptic ointment for man or beast. Keep a box on hand for | |cuts, burns, sores, scratches, eczema, galls, etc. | | | | | |PRATTS WORM POWDER | | | |is a special preparation for the destruction of all kinds of worms in | |horses, cows, hogs and sheep. It is purely vegetable and is | |unquestionably the quickest, surest and most thorough worm destroyer | |procurable. | | | | | |PRATTS LINIMENT | | | |For man or beast. The best thing in the world for lameness, sprains, | |bruises, thrush, kicks, shoe boils, etc. A bottle should be kept in | |every medicine chest. | | | | | |PRATTS HEAVE REMEDY | | | |A positive guaranteed remedy for heaves, coughs and colds. It cures | |coughs and colds by strengthening the digestive and respiratory organs, | |and counteracts the inflammation and irritation. | | | |Try a box on your "heavy" horse. | | | | | |PRATTS HEALING POWDER | | | |A guaranteed remedy for harness galls, sores, grease heel, bleeding | |ulcers, etc. It will arrest hemorrhage and check blood flow. Dirt and | |dust cannot get into wounds, as the Powder forms a coating over them. | | | | | |PRATTS FLY CHASER | | | |Gives comfort to Horses and Cows. Insures more milk and prevents | |annoyance at milking time to both the milker and the cow. Guaranteed to | |satisfy. | | | | | |Sold by 60,000 Pratts dealers. There is one near you. | | | | "~YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED~" | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Always go to a horseshoer who thoroughly understands the anatomy of the horse's foot.
[Illustration: ~MORGAN HORSE~]
The hoof is not an insensitive mass of horn, to be cut, rasped, burned, nail-pierced, and hammered without causing pain or injury. It is a thin mass of horn overlying and intimately attached to a sensitive, blood and nerve-endowed tissue called the "quick" which is capable of suffering excruciating agony.
The slices should be made to fit the hoof and need to be reset once a month.
The permanent teeth are forty--twenty-four grinders, twelve front teeth and four tusks, except in mares, which seldom have tusks. The age of a horse can be told more or less accurately by the teeth.
The teeth are liable to disease and should be closely watched.
Bad teeth are often an unsuspected cause of indigestion, loss of condition, bad coat, slobbering and other troubles which puzzle the owner. Horses very often have decayed teeth, and suffer with toothache. These teeth should be removed.
Horse Diseases If horses and cattle were left free to roam as Nature intended, many of their present-day ailments would be unknown. Man has taken these animals from Nature's broad garden, and confined them to the narrow limits of stable and stall. No longer can they seek out and instinctively find just those roots, herbs, seeds, and barks which their systems demand.
This explains why Pratts Animal Regulator has been used by successful horsemen for nearly a half century, as it is largely composed of these same vegetable ingredients from Nature's garden.
Merit and quality count, and while hosts of imitators have sprung up, none have ever come near equalling our product. Pratts Animal Regulator restores to the animals their natural constitutions and functions, supplying just that which they formerly had, but now lack. While not a cure for every disease, it is a positive preventive of the most common disorders.
It aids digestion and insures the animal receiving full benefit of its food; purifies the blood and keeps the bowels free and regular. After you have accomplished these three things, you need not fear disease in the shape of colic, bloat, heaves, hide-bound, distemper, constipation, worms, and the like.
_I shall be pleased to recommend Pratts Animal Regulator always, as my horse has gained in strength and weight and is looking fine, always having a glossy coat. He works hard every day in the dray business._
~Barb-Wire Cuts~
Clean with soap and water, and apply
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