Poor White | Page 2

Sherwood Anderson

asleep in the shade of a bush on the river bank. The fish he caught on
his more industrious days he sold for a few cents to some housewife,
and thus got money to buy food for his big growing indolent body. Like
an animal that has come to its maturity he turned away from his father,

not because of resentment for his hard youth, but because he thought it
time to begin to go his own way.
In his fourteenth year and when the boy was on the point of sinking
into the sort of animal-like stupor in which his father had lived,
something happened to him. A railroad pushed its way down along the
river to his town and he got a job as man of all work for the station
master. He swept out the station, put trunks on trains, mowed the grass
in the station yard and helped in a hundred odd ways the man who held
the combined jobs of ticket seller, baggage master and telegraph
operator at the little out-of-the-way place.
Hugh began a little to awaken. He lived with his employer, Henry
Shepard, and his wife, Sarah Shepard, and for the first time in his life
sat down regularly at table. His life, lying on the river bank through
long summer afternoons or sitting perfectly still for endless hours in a
boat, had bred in him a dreamy detached outlook on life. He found it
hard to be definite and to do definite things, but for all his stupidity the
boy had a great store of patience, a heritage perhaps from his mother. In
his new place the station master's wife, Sarah Shepard, a sharp-tongued,
good-natured woman, who hated the town and the people among whom
fate had thrown her, scolded at him all day long. She treated him like a
child of six, told him how to sit at table, how to hold his fork when he
ate, how to address people who came to the house or to the station. The
mother in her was aroused by Hugh's helplessness and, having no
children of her own, she began to take the tall awkward boy to her heart.
She was a small woman and when she stood in the house scolding the
great stupid boy who stared down at her with his small perplexed eyes,
the two made a picture that afforded endless amusement to her husband,
a short fat bald-headed man who went about clad in blue overalls and a
blue cotton shirt. Coming to the back door of his house, that was within
a stone's throw of the station, Henry Shepard stood with his hand on the
door-jamb and watched the woman and the boy. Above the scolding
voice of the woman his own voice arose. "Look out, Hugh," he called.
"Be on the jump, lad! Perk yourself up. She'll be biting you if you don't
go mighty careful in there."

Hugh got little money for his work at the railroad station but for the
first time in his life he began to fare well. Henry Shepard bought the
boy clothes, and his wife, Sarah, who was a master of the art of cooking,
loaded the table with good things to eat. Hugh ate until both the man
and woman declared he would burst if he did not stop. Then when they
were not looking he went into the station yard and crawling under a
bush went to sleep. The station master came to look for him. He cut a
switch from the bush and began to beat the boy's bare feet. Hugh awoke
and was overcome with confusion. He got to his feet and stood
trembling, half afraid he was to be driven away from his new home.
The man and the confused blushing boy confronted each other for a
moment and then the man adopted the method of his wife and began to
scold. He was annoyed at what he thought the boy's indolence and
found a hundred little tasks for him to do. He devoted himself to
finding tasks for Hugh, and when he could think of no new ones,
invented them. "We will have to keep the big lazy fellow on the jump.
That's the secret of things," he said to his wife.
The boy learned to keep his naturally indolent body moving and his
clouded sleepy mind fixed on definite things. For hours he plodded
straight ahead, doing over and over some appointed task. He forgot the
purpose of the job he had been given to do and did it because it was a
job and would keep him awake. One morning he was told to sweep the
station platform and as his employer had gone away without giving him
additional tasks and as he was afraid
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