Polly and the Princess | Page 2

Emma C. Dowd
them at every
plate! Like a little dunce I believed it all and went to that party
anticipating a blissful supply of waffles. In vain I looked up and down
the elegant table! I ate and ate, but never a waffle appeared! Finally,
when I could stand it no longer, I piped out, 'Cousin Dorothy, please
can I have my waffles now?' Of course, my mother was dreadfully
mortified, for some of the guests were strangers, and very great people;
but Dorothy took it as a mighty good joke, and even after I was married
she used to laugh about my 'w'awful' disappointment. I've not gotten
over my appetite for waffles either! I believe I could eat and relish them
three times a day."
"You couldn't! Just wait till you've had 'em fifty-two times a year, five
years running--as I have!" Mrs. Crump's lips made a straight line.

"Mrs. Crump has kept tabs on her waffles," giggled Miss Crilly. "How
many does this morning make--five hundred and--?"
"Sh!" nudged Mrs. Bonnyman at Miss Crilly's elbow.
Two youngish women entered the room. They were the superintendent
and the matron.
Upstairs, meanwhile, Miss Juanita Sterling; in bed, and Polly Dudley,
seated on the outside, were having a familiar talk.
"I shouldn't think you'd want to die till God gave you something to die
of," Polly was saying wistfully. "I think He must want you to live, or
He would give you something to die of. Perhaps He has some beautiful
work for you to do and is waiting for you to get well and do it."
"Polly, I cannot work! And there is no lack of things for me to die of!"
Impatience crept into the sweet voice. "Being in prison is bad enough
even with good health; but to be sick, wretched--the worst kind of
sickness, because nobody understands!--and to grow old, too, grow old
fast--oh, I wish God would let me die!" The little woman gave a sudden
whirl and hid her face in the pillow.
"Don't, Miss Nita!" Polly's voice was distressed. She stroked the
smooth, soft hair. "Don't cry! You're not old! You're not old a bit! And
you're going to be well--father says so!"
"That won't take away the dewlap--oh!" cried Miss Sterling fiercely, "I
don't want a dewlap!"
"Dewlap?" scowled Polly. "What's a dewlap?"
"Polly! You know!" came from down among the feathers.
"I don't!" Polly protested. "Is it some kind of--cancer?"
"Cancer! Polly!" Miss Sterling laughed out.
"Well, I don't know what it is." Polly laughed in sympathy.

"Look here!" The little lady raised herself on her elbow and lifted her
chin. "See that!"
Polly peered at the fair, pink skin.
"What? I don't see anything."
"Why, that! It's getting wabbly." Her slim forefinger pushed the flesh
back and forth.
"Oh!" Polly's face brightened. "I remember! That's what Grandaunt
Susie called it! She said she used to have an awful one--it hung 'way
down. And she cured it! You'd never dream she had one ever!"
"Oh, yes, you can do away with such things if you have money--if you
can go to a beauty-doctor!" The tone was bitter.
"No, she didn't!" hastened the eager voice. "She did it herself!"
"Of course, if you have expensive creams and all the paraphernalia--"
"But she didn't--she said so! She just used olive oil!"
"How old was she?" Miss Sterling inquired with a now-I-'ve-got-you
"She was seventy when she had the dewlap; now she's seventy-three or
"Polly Dudley! I don't believe it!"
"Why, Miss Nita, I'm telling you the solemn truth!"
"Yes, yes, child! I didn't mean you! But this Aunt Susie--"
"Oh, she's just as honest! Why, she's mother's grandaunt, and she's
lovely! She was sick and couldn't do anything, and her hair was thin
and her cheeks hung down and she was all wrinkles and she had the
dewlap--she said she looked dreadful. Now you ought to see her! She's

perfectly well, and her hair is as thick, and it's smooth and solid all
under her chin, and her face is 'most as round as mine!"
"How did she work the miracle?" Miss Sterling's eyes twinkled.
"Why, I guess by massage and exercises. She didn't take anything. She
did lots of stunts; she had piles of them for her legs and arms and neck
and face and feet and all over. She made up mighty funny faces. You
lie over this way, and I'll show you one.
"First you must smile--just as hard as you can." Polly laughed to see the
prompt grin. "Now I'll put my hands so, and you must do exactly as I
tell you." Polly's little palms were pressed against the other's cheeks,
and she began a rotary motion.
"Open your mouth--wide, and then shut it again--oh, keep on smiling!
And keep your mouth
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