Poems and Songs of Robert Burns | Page 3

Robert Burns
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Etext of Poems And Songs Of Robert Burns?by Robert Burns
Introductory Note
1771 -1779
Song - Handsome Nell?Song - O Tibbie, I Hae Seen The Day?Song - I Dream'd I Lay?Song - I Dream'd I Lay?Song - In The Character Of A Ruined Farmer?Tragic Fragment - All villain as I am?The Tarbolton Lasses?Ah, Woe Is Me, My Mother Dear?Song - Montgomerie's Peggy?The Ploughman's Life
The Ronalds Of The Bennals?Song - Here's To Thy Health?Song - The Lass Of Cessnock Banks?Song - Bonie Peggy Alison?Song - Mary Morison
Winter: A Dirge?A Prayer, Under The Pressure Of Violent Anguish?Paraphrase Of The First Psalm?The First Six Verses Of The Ninetieth Psalm Versified?Prayer, In The Prospect Of Death?Stanzas, On The Same Occasion
1782?Fickle Fortune: A Fragment?Song - Raging Fortune - Fragment Of?I'll Go And Be A Sodger?Song - "No Churchman Am I"?My Father Was A Farmer?John Barleycorn: A Ballad
Death And Dying Words Of Poor Mailie,?Poor Mailie's Elegy?Song - The Rigs O' Barley?Song Composed In August?Song - My Nanie, O!?Song - Green Grow The Rashes?Song - Wha Is That At My Bower-Door
Remorse: A Fragment?Epitaph On Wm. Hood, Senr., In Tarbolton?Epitaph On James Grieve, Laird Of Boghead, Tarbolton?Epitaph On My Own Friend And My Father's Friend, Wm. Muir In Tarbolton Mill Epitaph On My Ever Honoured Father?Ballad On The American War?Reply To An Announcement By J. Rankine?Epistle To John Rankine?A Poet's Welcome To His Love-Begotten Daughter^1?Song - O Leave Novels!?The Mauchline Lady: A Fragment?My Girl She's Airy: A Fragment?The Belles Of Mauchline?Epitaph On A Noisy Polemic?Epitaph On A Henpecked Country Squire?Epigram On The Said Occasion?Another On The said Occasion?On Tam The Chapman?Epitaph On John Rankine?Lines On The Author's Death?Man Was Made To Mourn: A Dirge?The Twa Herds; Or, The Holy Tulyie
Epistle To Davie, A Brother Poet?Holy Willie's Prayer?Epitaph On Holy Willie?Death and Doctor Hornbook?Epistle To J. Lapraik, An Old Scottish Bard?Second Epistle To J. Lapraik?Epistle To William Simson?One Night As I Did Wander?Tho' Cruel Fate Should Bid Us Part?Song - Rantin', Rovin' Robin?Elegy On The Death Of Robert Ruisseaux?Epistle To John Goldie, In Kilmarnock?The Holy Fair?Third Epistle To J. Lapraik?Epistle To The Rev. John M'math?Second Epistle to Davie?Song-Young Peggy Blooms?Song-Farewell To Ballochmyle?Fragment-Her Flowing Locks?Halloween?To A Mouse?Epitaph On John Dove, Innkeeper?Epitaph For James Smith?Adam Armour's Prayer?The Jolly Beggars: A Cantata?Song - For A' That?Song - Merry Hae I Been Teethin A Heckle?The Cotter's Saturday Night?Address To The Deil?Scotch Drink
The Auld Farmer's New-Year-Morning Salutation To His Auld Mare, Maggie The Twa Dogs?The Author's Earnest Cry And Prayer?The Ordination?Epistle To James Smith?The Vision?Suppressed Stanza's Of "The Vision"?The Rantin' Dog, The Daddie O't?Here's His Health In Water?Address To The Unco Guid, Or The Rigidly Righteous?The Inventory?To John Kennedy, Dumfries House?To Mr. M'Adam, Of Craigen-Gillan?To A Louse?Inscribed On A Work Of Hannah More's?Song, Composed In Spring?To A Mountain Daisy,?To Ruin?The Lament?Despondency: An Ode?To Gavin Hamilton, Esq., Mauchline, Recommending a Boy.?Versified Reply To An Invitation?Song - Will Ye Go To The Indies, My Mary?
My Highland Lassie, O?Epistle To A Young Friend?Address Of Beelzebub?A Dream?A Dedication To Gavin Hamilton, Esq.?Versified Note To Dr. Mackenzie, Mauchline?The Farewell To the Brethren of St. James' Lodge, Tarbolton. On A Scotch Bard, Gone To The West Indies?Song - Farewell To Eliza?A Bard's Epitaph?Epitaph For Robert Aiken, Esq.?Epitaph For Gavin Hamilton, Esq.?Epitaph On "Wee Johnie"?The Lass O' Ballochmyle?Lines To An Old Sweetheart?Motto Prefixed To The Author's First Publication?Lines To Mr. John Kennedy?Lines Written On A Banknote?Stanzas On Naething?The Farewell?The Calf?Nature's Law-A Poem?Song-Willie Chalmers?Reply To A Trimming Epistle Received From A Tailor?The Brigs Of Ayr?Fragment Of Song?Epigram On Rough Roads?Prayer-O Thou Dread Power?Song - Farewell To The Banks Of Ayr?Address To The Toothache?Lines On Meeting With Lord Daer?Masonic Song?Tam Samson's Elegy?Epistle To Major Logan?Fragment On Sensibility?A Winter Night?Song-Yon Wild Mossy Mountains?Address To Edinburgh?Address To A Haggis
To Miss Logan, With Beattie's Poems, For A New-Year's Gift, Jan. 1, 1787. Mr. William Smellie-A Sketch?Rattlin', Roarin' Willie
Song-Bonie Dundee?Extempore In The Court Of Session?Inscribed Under Fergusson's Portrait?Epistle To Mrs. Scott of Wauchope-House?Verses Intended To Be Written Below A Noble Earl's Picture^1 Prologue, Spoken by Mr. Woods at Edinburgh.?Song - The Bonie Moor-Hen?Song - My Lord A-Hunting he is gane?Epigram At Roslin Inn?The Book-Worms?On Elphinstone's Translation Of Martial's Epigrams?Song-A Bottle And Friend?Lines Written Under The Picture Of The Celebrated Miss Burns Epitaph For William Nicol, Of The High School, Edinburgh?Epitaph For Mr. William Michie?Boat song-Hey, Ca' Thro'?Address To Wm. Tytler, Esq., Of Woodhouselee?Epigram To Miss Ainslie In Church?Burlesque Lament For The Absence Of William Creech' s Absence Note To Mr. Renton Of Lamerton?Elegy On "Stella"?The Bard At Inverary?Epigram To Miss Jean Scott?On The Death Of John M'Leod, Esq,?Elegy On The Death Of Sir James Hunter Blair?Impromptu On Carron Iron Works?To
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