Le amo (I love him), Soy amado de el (I am loved by him).
(2) To denote an inherent quality, viz., forming part and parcel with the subject, as Este hombre es habil (this man is clever).]
[Footnote 32: Estar is used--
(1) To denote state in locality, viz., to be in a place, as Estoy aqui (I am here), Manchester esta en Inglaterra (Manchester is in England)
(2) To denote condition (as opposed to an inherent quality), as Este hombre esta cansado (this man is tired).]
=activo=, active?=ahora=, now?=un ano=, a year?=aquel, ese= (m.), that?=aquella, esa= (f.), that?=bayeta=, baize?=celebre=, celebrated?=cima=, top?=criados=, men-servants?=criadas=, maid-servants?=el dia=, the day?=ejercito=, army?=encuadernado=, bound, (of books)?=escritorio=, writing-desk?=los fosforos=, the matches?=Gales=, Wales?=juventud=, youth, young age.?=el lacre=, the sealing-wax?=lectura=, reading?=limpiar=, to clean?=limpio=, clean?=mayormente=, especially?=medico=, doctor?=el monte=, the mountain?=la nieve=, the snow?=por tanto=, therefore?=puerta=, door?=siempre=, always?=sincero=, sincere?=soldado=, soldier?=terciopelo=, velvet?=vela=, candle?=ventana=, window
Translate into English--
1. Pedro es medico.[33] El es buen medico.
2. Era un celebre medico de la ciudad de Paris.
3. Juan esta[34] cansado y yo estoy enfermo.
4. La lectura es util[33] siempre y mayormente en la juventud.
5. Aquel tintero es[33] de V.
6. Este es un libro famoso[33] y esta muy bien encuadernado.[34]
7. Mi hermano es soldado.[35]
8. Se ha alistado (he has enlisted) en el ejercito ingles por cinco (five) anos.
9. El Monte Snowdon esta[36] en Gales.
10. La ciudad del Cairo esta[36] en Egipto.
11. Las cimas de algunos montes estan[37] cubiertas (covered) siempre de nieve.
12. ?Siempre?
13. Si, siempre.
14. Estos tinteros son limpiados todos los dias (every day) por los dependientes o por las criadas.
15. Estos tinteros estan limpios ahora y siempre.
16. Aquella ventana esta rota (broken).
17. Mi hermano esta escribiendo.
18. Es necesario.
[Footnote 33: Quality.]
[Footnote 34: A condition.]
[Footnote 35: A quality (for the time being).]
[Footnote 36: State in locality.]
[Footnote 37: A condition.]
Translate into Spanish--
1. Who is a good clerk?
2. My brother-in-law is a good clerk but he is tired of working (de trabajar).[38]
3. The windows and doors are clean.
4. Yes, they are cleaned every (cada) morning by the servants.
5. He is speaking to his French friend.
6. He is writing a letter to his mother.
7. They are looking for some handkerchiefs.
8. Have the merchants sold the velvet and the baize?
9. Yes, they sold them (los vendieron) yesterday (ayer); also the muslin and prints.
10. Who bought them? (las compro).
11. The Germans are a very active and hard-working (trabajador) nation, and they deserve (merecen) therefore our sincere admiration.
12. Where are the sealing-wax, the candle and the matches?
13. Here they are on the writing-desk.
14. Does the clerk understand German?
15. Yes, very well.
16. My partner and I will dine at (en) the Royal Hotel (Fonda Real).
[Footnote 38: After a preposition the verb is in the infinitive mood.]
(Leccion quinta.)
The =positive degree= expresses the quality without any further idea of comparison, as Feliz (happy), Rico (rich).
| _Comparative_. | _Superlative Relative_. |
|Mas feliz que (happier than). | El mas feliz (the happiest). | |Menos feliz que (less happy than).| El menos feliz (the least happy).|
|Tan rico como (as or so rich as). | |
Mi tio es mas pobre que su hermano: My uncle is poorer than his brother. Su mujer es menos rica que el: His wife is less rich than he. Soy tan feliz como V.: I am as happy as you.?No es tan amable como su primo: He is not so amiable as his cousin.
Superlative Absolute.
Muy largo: Very long. Muy corto: Very short.
Another way to form the Superlative Absolute[39] is by adding =isimo= instead of using muy. If the adjective ends in a vowel, this is elided before adding isimo.
[Footnote 39: More rarely used and much more emphatic.]
Estas frutas son muy maduras: These fruits are very ripe.?Estas frutas son madurisimas: These fruits are very ripe indeed. Estos tenderos son muy ricos: These shopkeepers are very rich. Aquellos son riquisimos: Those (others) are very rich indeed.
Before adding isimo, adjectives ending in
ble change it into =bil=, as Amable, amabilisimo.?co " " =qu=, as Rico, riquisimo.?go " " =gu=, as Largo, larguisimo.
Adjectives of more than three syllables ending in ble, adjectives ending in two vowels, or in one vowel accented, should always take =muy= and not add isimo for the Superlative Absolute.
Besides the regular forms of the Comparative and Superlative degrees, there are the following irregular forms--
Mejor (better). Optimo (very?good or best). Peor (worse). Pesimo (very bad or worst). Mayor (larger). Maximo (very large or largest). Menor (smaller). Minimo (very small or smallest). Superior (higher). Supremo (very high or highest). Inferior (lower). Infimo (very low or lowest).
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | _Future Tense,[40] Indic. Mood._ | |--------------------------------------------------------------------|

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