Philippine Folk-Tales | Page 2

W. H. Millington, Carla Kern Bayliss, Berton L. Maxfield
[pointing with his first finger toward the
tree]. They are fine! I can taste them already."
But the Turtle was short-sighted and could not see them. By and by
they came near the tree, and then he saw them. The two friends were
very glad. The mere sight of the ripe, yellow fruit seemed to assuage
their hunger.
But the Turtle could not climb the tree, so he agreed that the Monkey
should go up alone and should throw some of the fruit down to him.
The Monkey was up in a flash; and, seating himself comfortably, he
began to eat the finest of the fruit, and forgot to drop any down to the
Turtle waiting below. The Turtle called for some, but the Monkey
pretended not to hear. He ate even the peelings, and refused to drop a
bit to his friend, who was patiently begging under the tree.
At last the Turtle became angry, very angry indeed: "so he thought he
would revenge" (as my informant puts it). While the Monkey was

having a good time, and filling his stomach, the Turtle gathered sharp,
broken pieces of glass, and stuck them, one by one, all around the
banana-tree. Then he hid himself under a cocoanut-shell not far away.
This shell had a hole in the top to allow the air to enter. That was why
the Turtle chose it for his hiding-place.
The Monkey could not eat all the bananas, for there were enough to last
a good-sized family several days; "but he ate all what he can," and by
and by came down the tree with great difficulty, for the glass was so
sharp that it cut even the tough hand of the Monkey. He had a hard time,
and his hands were cut in many places. The Turtle thought he had his
revenge, and was not so angry as before.
But the Monkey was now very angry at the trick that had been played
upon him, and began looking for the Turtle, intending to kill him. For
some time he could not find his foe, and, being very tired, he sat down
on the cocoanut-shell near by. His weariness increased his anger at the
Turtle very much.
He sat on the shell for a long time, suffering from his wounds, and
wondering where to find the Turtle,--his former friend, but now his
enemy. Because of the disturbance of the shell, the Turtle inside could
not help making a noise. This the Monkey heard; and he was surprised,
for he could not determine whence the sound came. At last he lifted his
stool, and there found his foe the Turtle.
"Ha! Here you are!" he cried. "Pray now, for it is the end of your life."
He picked up the Turtle by the neck and carried him near the riverbank,
where he meant to kill him. He took a mortar and pestle, and built a big
fire, intending to pound him to powder or burn him to death. When
everything was ready, he told the Turtle to choose whether he should
die in the fire or be "grounded" in the mortar. The Turtle begged for his
life; but when he found it was in vain, he prayed to be thrown into the
fire or ground in the mortar,--anything except be thrown into the water.
On hearing this, the Monkey picked the Turtle up in his bleeding
fingers, and with all his might threw him into the middle of the stream.

Then the Turtle was very glad. He chuckled at his own wit, and laughed
at the foolishness of the Monkey. He came up to the surface of the
water and mocked at the Monkey, saying, "This is my home. The water
is my home."
This made the Monkey so angry that he lost his self-possession entirely.
He jumped into the middle of the river after the Turtle, and was
Since that day monkeys and turtles have been bitter enemies.

How the Farmer Deceived the Demon. [3]
Very many years ago, in a far-away land where the trees never changed
their green leaves and where the birds always sang, there lived on an
island a farmer with a large family. Though all alone on the island and
knowing nothing of people in the outer world, they were always
happy,--as happy as the laughing rills that rippled past their home.
They had no great wealth, depending from year to year on the crops
which the father raised. They needed no money, for they lacked nothing;
and they never sold their produce, for no people were near to buy.
One day in the middle of the year, after the crops were well started, a
loud, unusual roar was heard. Suddenly a stiff gale blew up from
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